• What It Means to Be as Wise as a Serpent

    Jesus said: Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Are serpents really wise? Why would Jesus give such advice? Take a journey with this riveting book by Dag Heward-Mills, and discover the hidden wisdom of the serpent.

  • Five Points of being Purposeful

    I received inspiration when I read the whole of Daniel chapter one. In this book, the story about the four Jewish young men is used as the main character studies. They exhibited the “spirit of purposefulness” and God honoured them

  • Anointed to Start and to Finish

    Anointed to Start and to Finish shares four characteristics you need to lay a strong foundation, and more importantly four proven principles for finishing what you begin.

  • How to be Born Again

    How to be Born Again is about Eternal Life and how to attain it. It is about how the Lord Jesus can free anyone from a life of sin and give them the gift of Salvation. Being born again or saved is not about doing good deeds, attending church, or engaging in frantic religious activity. It’s about a relationship with the Saviour.

    Anyone who is lost and looking for hope in life can, through the pages of this simple booklet, go through a step-by-step process that will help him or her to find Christ and enjoy the benefits of Salvation.

  • How to Overcome Temptation

    Everyone faces temptation at one time or another in their lives. A temptation is a desire or strong feeling to do something evil or sinful. God does not tempt anyone. Instead, temptations are initiated by Satan and we end up surrendering because of our evil desires.

    How To Overcome Temptation describes how temptations come and how we can overcome them in order to live victorious Christian lives.


  • Pursuing Your New Year Dreams

    The end of the year is a most interesting time in the lives of most people. It is a time for reflection on the year that is ending and most importantly a time for projection into the year ahead. People often have a list of New Year resolutions which encompass plans ranging from the profound to the bizarre. Useful as these dreams are, they sometimes end up being unfulfilled.

    Pursuing Your New Year Dreams outlines seven principles that will help you position yourself strategically for the New Year and ensure that your dreams are realised.


  • Handling Offences

    Offences are a natural part of all human relationships – be they marital, workplace, family or even at church. They creep in through diverse means and, depending on how they are handled, leave a relationship stronger or damaged. Mismanaging offences has the capacity to destroy both the offender and the offended. Offence must therefore be handled in the spirit of reconciliation.

    Handling Offences identifies the causes and consequences of offences and outlines a systematic process of restoration for relationships that have experienced offence.


  • How to Make Wise Decisions

    Receiving good advice is an art that can be perfected by practice. The quality of our lives is influenced by the people from whom we receive advice. For each one of us, there are people who enrich our lives and others who deplete our lives because of the quality of advice they give to us.

    How to Make Wise Decisions presents a systematic and yet simple approach that involves six key steps to receiving good advice and making quality decisions which will help you advance in life.


  • Faith, Prayer And Fasting

    In this booklet I review an experience Jesus used to teach His disciples how to solve deep and long seated problems with three powerful tools – faith, prayer and fasting.

    Discover how to release your faith and access God’s power through prayer, while remaining sensitive spiritually.


  • 5 Steps to Answered Prayer

    Prayer is one of the biggest privileges we have as children of God; it allows us to fellowship with Him and tap into the infinite resources and benefits of His Kingdom. However, for most of us, prayer remains a mystery. Deep down in our hearts, we ask ourselves why we have to pray if God is all-knowing and all-powerful. Does God really answer prayer?

    5 Steps to Answered Prayer takes you on a journey that is bound to enrich your prayer life and help improve your relationship with God.

  • What every Christian should know about the Rapture

    The most spectacular event of all time is yet to hit the world. On that day, Jesus Christ shall appear in the sky, tombs and graves shall split open in response to His voice. On that day, those who have believed in Jesus Christ, shall be changed and be snatched from the earth. All these shall happen in the event called the Rapture. Get deeper understanding of the biblical teaching on the rapture and get yourself ready for the appearing of Jesus Christ

  • Faith of Our Fathers: A Call to Contend for the Christian Faith

    A glance through the Bible reveals a call for God’s people not only to believe and live the gospel but also to safeguard the gospel and ensure that it is passed on to the next generation without distortion or contamination. Indeed, the fiercest battle of the Christian faith has been the battle against error and false teachers. It is against this background that God wants you to contend for the faith which was once and for all delivered to the saints. This book will help you do that effectively.

  • The Supreme Task of the Church

    As much as believers want to hearken to the Great Commission, we seem to shy away from this call. Restricted with limited resources on ways to approach, strategies to pursue, and how to win souls and make disciples of them, we let our generations down.

    This book is a great resource containing biblical, experiential, and practical knowledge that empowers every believer to fulfill the divine mandate to win souls. It answers frequently asked questions we encounter as we set out to obey God regarding this call.

  • Shadows of a Gracious Woman

    Shadows of a Gracious Woman – she is the woman we should all aspire to be, she is spiritual, resilient, patient, prayerful and strong. This book shows you how to draw closer to God as you wait and seek the face of God in trying moments preceeding expecting the fruit of the womb.

    It provides thought provoking questions, reflective studies and personal experiences which will enrich your life as you fervently wait on your expected miracle. I have carefully described who this Gracious woman is to me and the great steps she took in reaching the desired goal in her life.

    As you grab this book and read, I want every woman and couples believing God for any  miracle or for the fruit of the womb to be well informed and position themselves for a life changing experience and victorious living.

  • Walking in your Exalted Position as a Believer

    Christians, by virtue of our association with Jesus Christ, have been exalted to sit together with Christ in the heavenly places. This position is what I call an exalted position. We have been raised together with Jesus to a higher position; we sit with him in the heavenly places. We must be aware and conscious of this exalted or elevated position so that we can walk in it. Hence the title for this book: “walking in your exalted position as a believer”.

    Paradoxically, many believers are ignoramuses so far as their exalted position in Christ is concerned. Such Christians have settled for mediocrity and given up the fight. Ignorance has reduced generals and giants in the lord to cowards and mediocre who shrink in the face of any challenge instead of rising above their conditions.

    To combat the antagonism and hostility of the world against us, we must be aware of the resources at our disposal. Appropriation of your exalted position in Christ is crucial to your ability to stand in times like these.

    Enclosed herein are the nine (9) elements of the believer’s exalted position in Christ which is received by grace through faith as part of our salvation package and which must be utilized for our benefits.

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