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    Bible Study & Reference (60)

  • Churches & Church Leadership

    Churches & Church Leadership (63)

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  • Devotional

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  • Hymns

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  • Missions and Evangelism

    Missions and Evangelism (35)

  • Sermons

    Sermons (3)

  • Theology

    Theology (53)

  • Thank You Lord!: He Inhabits our Praise


    Thank you Lord! To declare this on a sun-dappled meadow is within the ability of the feeblest of persons. But what of when turbulent currents rush across this pleasant landscape, bringing darkness and fear? Is God still good?

    Struck with a diagnosis of life-threatening organ disease, Adeline, found herself in whirlpools of pain, fear and perplexity. Clutching the wheel of her vessel, struggling to find direction and stay afloat in uncharted territory, the writer finds she has little control over events.

    At the end of this memoir, the reader will share the writer’s joy of discovery, her gratitude and love of the redeemed for the Redeemer, her trust of the sailor,  that her Captain will bring her safely through the torrents to the harbour of His love. The reader too, will surely declare in praise -Yes, Thank you Lord!

    This memoir has a place on every shelf and is of great value for everyone who seeks to find meaning in the ups and downs of life.

    Elizabeth-Irene Baitie Award Winning Author

  • Let My People Grow


    Let My People Grow was born out of the author’s engagements with hundreds of new converts and his experiences discipling and counseling Christians at different stages of their faith journey. The book is a call to growth to maturity in Christ. It presents the essential tools, principles, road map and motivation for the journey of spiritual growth. The book draws parallels with natural growth and points out biblical concepts that can be likened to certain important natural, biological and social processes in the human being that facilitate healthy development. At least twelve spiritual things necessary for a Christian’s growth are discussed by the author.

    The book is steeped in Scripture and contains several real-life stories. The reader will learn how to appropriate the rich resources in Christ to nourish the soul and spirit for growth into the image of Christ. The book is for every Christian, both young and old. It is also for the enquirer, seeking to understand the Christian faith and everyone who wants to know Jesus and walk with Him.

  • Quotes of Many Colours

    Just as Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colours as a token of love, this book opens your eyes to the kaleidoscope of the Word of God and deepen your love relationship with God.

  • The Horns of the Altar

    A profound exploration of the deep spiritual symbolism and biblical narratives. Unveils the rich themes that connect these tribes to Christ.

  • Waltzing With the Devil

    In the pages of this book, the author recounts the harrowing experience of going through an abusive relationship; falling in love with and being at the mercy of a man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with.

  • The Live Baby Is Mine

    Age Range: 5- 15 years

    “The Live Baby Is Mine” is a dramatized version of King Solomon’s outstanding display of wisdom in solving problems. We learn that truthfulness is the key to life’s success.

  • Rich Man and Poor Man

    Age Range: 5- 15 years

    “Rich Man & Poor Man” walks the reader through the affluent and selfish lifestyle of the Richman, as well as the pitiful life of the poor man. The table turns when they both die and have to give accounts for their lives when they lived on earth. The book encourages the reader to live a life that pleases God. to love and be kind to the poor and needy.

  • Daniel: Faith Like Nobody’s Business

    It is a beautiful rehash of the book of Daniel. It evolves as an engaging walk through of Daniel’s guiding principles for winning the battle of faith.

    The reader is taken along on a privileged, intimate walk through of Daniel’s exemplary and legendary walk of faith and his diary of events – his life’s story and experiences – as documented in the book of Daniel. As the reader grants Daniel audience, he narrates the most deadly, yet beautiful faith story ever told. Daniel begins his story from his early days as a servant in King Nebuchadnezzar Palace and the numerous unpleasant encounters which ironically landed him in favorable positions instead.

    The popular Daniel in the Lions’ Den story is captivating as we hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. As the story unfolds, his strong faith in God is undeniably evident in his determination to stick with God, regardless of any danger or threat to his life – even to the point of death. Daniel continues to stand tall in the many trials, temptations and difficulties he endures as he works under the three leaders who ruled the Babylonian Kingdom in succession.

    We are enthralled as we observe Daniel beautifully waging and winning the war of faith… “like nobody’s business!”

  • Eve: If I had Known

    The book adopts a conversational style with a monologue of the Bible character Eve.  In an engaging and interactive style of conversation, Eve invites us to hear her perspective and share in her life’s experiences. In a contemporary story-telling style, her life and purpose unfold for the reader. The journey begins with Eve’s entrance into the world, then to her meeting with her Prince Charming, right through to the brief fellowship with the serpent, culminating in the fall and the pain which ensued. As her single act of disobedience, her one grave mistake takes center stage, the life and purpose of Eve brings to light valuable lessons from which we can garner wisdom and learning.

    The guidance and direction offered, challenges us to strive to order our steps according to God’s good and perfect will as laid out in the immutable Word of the Lord.

  • Three Friends In The Burning Fire

    Age Range: 5- 10 years

    Her first children’s book titled THREE FRIENDS IN THE BURNING FIRE is adopted from the Book of Daniel in the Bible. In the story, the Bible character Daniel narrates the life story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednega and the burning fire experienced. The lesson derived is to remain faithful at all times.


  • Biblical Sense to Money

    Discover the transformative power of biblical wisdom in managing finances with “Biblical Sense to Money”. In today’s world, where money plays a pivotal role yet remains often misunderstood within the framework of the Kingdom of God, this book offers a fresh perspective.

    Drawing inspiration from Jesus as the ultimate example and the resilience of biblical figures like Isaac, the author provides practical insights on managing money wisely and building lasting wealth.

    Join Aaron Lartey on this enlightening exploration of wealth-building principles and unlock a wealth of possibilities for financial abundance as you revolutionize your approach to money.




  • The Soon Coming King

    In the history, there has never been one quite as He. He Lived a simple life and yet impacted his world and generations unborn in a way that has never been!
    He was many things while he’s walked the earth-healer, saviour, miracle worker, even a carpenter. HE IS JESUS-THE SOON COMING KING.

  • The Coming of the Antichrist

    When Jesus talked about the end time times, it was not to scare the believers but to let  us be aware of what the future holds for both Christians and non Christians.In fact Jesus described how the End times as “ end of age”, which is a message of hope rather than what people as a time of doom. Jesus wanted Christianity to know that, a new era was going to come which of course will be far better than this current position. We shall be with him and reign with him, that is to say where he will be there  (Heaven).There will be no more pain,grief,sicknesses,hunger,death etc. You can just imagine

  • Close Your Circle

    Close Your Circle” is a profound and insightful exploration of the vital importance of discernment and discretion in our relationships and associations. Drawing deeply from biblical principles and profound spiritual wisdom, this transformative piece addresses the critical need for believers to be intentional, discerning, and selectively protective about who they allow into their inner circle. Through Prophet Akosa’s compelling teaching and practical, life-changing guidance, readers are challenged to approach their friendships and relationships with a heightened sense of spiritual discernment. The author underscores the grave dangers of indiscriminately sharing one’s innermost secrets and vulnerabilities emphasizing the necessity of carefully curating the individuals with whom we choose to be truly transparent and open. At the very heart of this impactful book lies the sobering truth that not everyone who claims to be a friend or ally truly has our best interests at heart. Prophet Akosa masterfully equips readers with powerful spiritual tools to identify those toxic, draining, or opportunistic individuals who may seek to exploit our openness for their gain. Alongside this crucial wisdom, the author provides clear guidance on how to establish healthy boundaries that steadfastly protect our God-given destiny and sacred purposes. Ultimately, “Close Your Circle” aims to help readers discern, with piercing clarity, those who are truly worthy of their trust, as opposed to those who may pose a grave threat to the fulfilment of their divine purpose. “Close Your Circle” stands as a timely and transformative read for any believer seeking to navigate the complex landscape of relationships and friendships from a profoundly biblical perspective. This book equips readers with the spiritual insight and practical wisdom needed to position themselves for unprecedented growth, Kingdom impact, and the realization of their God-ordained destiny.

  • I am Married but I am Single: The Other Side of Spousal Migration

    A wife’s migration to the United States physically separates a couple seven months after their wedding. The anticipated brief period of separation between the couple extended unexpectedly for six years. I Am Married But I Am Single: The Other Side of Spousal Migration captures the intricate dynamics of the couple’s married but single life and how they bounced back from a near marital wreck to a happy life together

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