• Bu Me Bɛ: Proverbs of the Akans (Hardcover)

    Bu Me Bε: Proverbs of the Akans is the most extensive bi-lingual Twi Proverbs Dictionary published since JG Christaller’s A Collection of 3600 Twi Proverbs (1879). Kwame Anthony Appiah’s Introduction demonstrates how these proverbs can be interpreted within the tested and contested theories of meaning and literary production to show how they compare with philosophical musings from ancient Greece to England. To understand these proverbs, one needs to understand the culture from which they come. The matrilineal culture traces the familial lineage from the mother’s side hence the Akan saying that; ‘a child may resemble the father, but he has a family’ – the family being a reference to one’s mother and others within the mother’s bloodline.

    This is invaluable. Our languages cannot grow as literary languages unless we also develop tools that will enable their effective use. Our languages must be in dialogue with not only the languages of Europe but also those of Africa and Asia. This dictionary is an important step in that direction. – Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Director, International Centre for Writing and Translation, University of California

    If language is a window to reality, then Appiah’s Bu Me Be may be justly described as an opening to an entire universe. This collection will be useful not only for linguists, but for anyone that takes Akan culture seriously, from anthropologists to historians, to cultural critics and even to modern-day product advertisers. It is a veritable treasure trove. – Ato Quayson, Director, Centre for Diaspora & Transnational Studies, University of Toronto

    An invaluable collection of some 7000 proverbs that speak to the depth and nuance of Akan and Asante life, thought, belief and social organisation. – Emmanuel Kwaku Acheampong, Professor of History and of African and African American Studies, Harvard University

    Key Selling Points

    • The bi-lingual arrangement makes this dictionary unique and user-friendly to non-Akan speakers. A specialist African language text that will be of interest to academics and students on African history and language courses.
    • An informed collection of over 7000 proverbs published over a century after Christaller’s book of 3600 proverbs was first published.
    • Appiah’s Introduction contextualises the nuanced meaning of the proverbs to reveal the wit and wisdom of the Akan language and how it compares with other world languages.
  • Excel! A Practical Guide to Studying and Passing Examinations

    Do you want to pass your examinations with distinction? This book teaches and recommends a simple, straight-to-the-point practical approach on studying, revising and writing examinations successfully.

    Read this book and you will learn:

    • How to study and revise effectively for an examination
    • How to identify ineffective study and revision habits
    • Useful, practical study and revision techniques
    • How to form an effective and efficient study group
    • How to apply effective studying, revision and examination techniques
    • The meaning of some key instructive words used in examinations

    It is written for students of Secondary/High School level and upwards. There are innumerable examples and illustrations that interweave the art of studying, preparing and writing an examination in a very appealing way. The facts in this book have been presented in a manner that Inform, Instruct and Educate students in the art of Studying, Revising and Writing an Examination Successfully.

    Excel! is practical, easy to understand and apply.

  • Sɛmanyia

    Suitable for the general public and Junior High Schools.

    A comprehension book with questions for the pupil to better understand the text.


  • Afram Twi Dictionary: An English-Asante Twi Dictionary

    Suitable for the general public, basic schools, JHS, SHS and Colleges of Education.

    Apart from getting an insight into the meaning of English words in Asante Twi, this comprehensive English to Twi Dictionary also has the potential of giving the user the orthographical as well as in-depth knowledge about Asante Twi words.

    This dictionary can therefore be described as an academic asset which every learner of the Twi language must have. Considering its content, it can be said to be a great companion whose benefit can propel users to great heights in the pursuit of excellence in the learning of the Twi language.

  • Unwritten Laws: The Unofficial Rules Of Life As Handed Down By Murphy And Other Sages – Hardcover

    CAPONE’S LAW. You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

    LANCE’S LAW. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    MILLER’S LAW. The quality of food in restaurants is in inverse proportion to the number of signed celebrity photographs on the wall.

    WALPOLE’S LAW. Every man has his price.

    Unwritten Laws is a wonderfully entertaining treasury of more than five hundred rules, strategies, and ironical insights, with many amendments and corollaries, all associated with particular individuals.

    Organized alphabetically, from Lady Astor (“All women marry beneath them.”) to Zeno (“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.”), from Woody Allen (“Eighty percent of success is showing up.”) to Oscar Wilde (“There are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”), Unwritten Laws contains a generous sampling of the collective wisdom of humankind.

    Hugh Rawson not only gives sources and dates for the laws, but annotates them with fascinating details. For example, Alfred Lord Tennyson’s widely accepted “In the spring a young man’s fancy turns lightly to thoughts of love” turns out to be a mistake, recent research showing that male testosterone levels are actually higher in the fall!

    This delightful book is as wonderful for browsing as it is for providing guidance over the rocks and shoals of life.

  • Traditional And Religious Plants in West Africa

    The book is a comprehensive coverage of the Traditional and Religious Plants of West Africa. Readers will be fascinated by the information captured in this masterpiece, authored by an academic gem who is well-known in the botany field.

  • Junior Picture Encyclopedia

    Suitable for children 7 years and above. With great illustrations.

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