• The Mind of Africa

    The Mind of Africa, written while the author was A Fellow of  All Souls College, Oxford, was a fruit of that enlarged perspective. After several years, he visited Ghana in 1962. There Kwame Nkrumah, then President of Ghana, successfully persuaded him to return to teach at the University of Ghana, Legon and he subsequently resigned from All Souls. In 1968, he went to the United States as a visiting professor. This was followed by invitations to teach at various academic institutions there, including Berkeley and Stanford. He subsequently settled in California, where he continued to teach and research philosophy in the University of California at Santa Cruz until his retirement.

    The Mind of Africa appeared at a time when a number of African countries were obtaining, or fighting for, their political freedom from their colonial rulers; and becoming independent nations expecting to build new societies in accordance with their own visions and conceptions, though not necessarily jettisoning all the features of their colonial heritage. Building new societies requires appropriate ideologies and philosophies fashioned within the crucible of their cultural and historical experiences. Thus, the relation between ideology and society is taken up at the very outset of the book… The Mind of Africa is important for Africa’s future and identity.

  • Proceedings of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences & The J.B. Danquah Memorial Lecture, Series 4 (Volume IX, 1971)

    Proceedings, 1971. This issue contains the third series of the J.B. Danquah Memorial Lectures delivered by Kwabena Bentsi-Enchill in 1971.


    Address by Hon. Mr. J. Kwesi Lamptey, Minister of Defence and Acting Prime Minister, on the Eleventh Anniversary Dinner of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences held on 21st November 1970

    Address by Mr Justice Nii Amaa Ollennu, President of the Academy, at the Eleventh Anniversary Dinner of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences held on 21st November 1970

    Institutional Challenges of our Time (4th J.B. Danquah Memorial Lectures) – Kwabena Bentsi-Enchill

    Legal Education and National Development – Nii Amaa Ollennu

    Some Aspects of Religious Change in Africa – C.G. Baeta

    The Role of Mass Communication in the Formation of Public Opinion – C.E. Fiscian

    Radio and T.V. in National Development – K.B. Dickson

    Computers and the Future of Man – N.R. Smith

    The Ghanaian Woman’s Role in Public Life – Gloria Nikoi

    Problems of Social Status and Education for the Ghanaian Woman – Susan de Graft-Johnson

    The Ghanaian Woman’s Responsibilities in the Home – Florence A. Dolphyne

  • Proceedings of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (Volume V, 1967)

    Proceedings, 1967.


    A Message from His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, Patron of the Academy of Arts and Sciences

    Seventh Anniversary Dinner Address – Professor E.A. Boateng

    Towards a National Science Policy – Professor D.A. Bekoe

    The New University of Science and Technology in Developing Countries – Professor Kankam Twum-Barima

    The Role of the Humanities in a Developing Country – Professor A.A. Kwapong

    International Co-operation in Hydrology – Professor A. Volker

    The Structure of Some Mitragyna Alkaloids – Professor A.N. Tackie

    Oviposition and Breeding Habits of the Simulidae in Relation to Control Practices – Dr. Leticia E. Obeng

  • Investigative Journalism in Africa: A Practical Manual

    “Few African investigative journalists I know are as invested in principled investigative journalism as Manasseh Azure Awuni. That trait has always come through in his exhaustive, impactful stories (some of which have featured in GIJN’s monthly and annual picks of top investigative stories from Africa). It is also abundantly evident in his new book, Investigative Journalism in Africa: A Practical Manual. In his own distinct, matter-of-fact style, Manasseh crafts a book that borrows from his own experiences to map a path for journalists who want to follow in his footsteps or learn from his unique experiences. By doing so, Manasseh has laid a crucial brick towards building African literature on investigative journalism on the continent. Most of the watchdog journalism study materials available in Africa come from the West. Manasseh’s effort is a commendable and timely step in the right direction, which I hope other investigative journalists across Africa can aspire to emulate.” − Benon Herbert Oluka, Africa Editor of Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)

    “Manasseh Azure Awuni makes investigative journalism so practical in this manual. He dissects the thorny and hidden issues that you would not get in your average classroom. This book crafts the very basis of my intellectual thinking of what investigative journalism should be about. It is a must- read for every student who wants to achieve greater heights in investigative journalism across the world.” − Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Award-winning Ghanaian investigative journalist

    “This book is rich with practical and theoretical knowledge from one of the foremost investigative journalists in Africa. An invaluable resource for both professionals and students.” − Prof. Audrey Gadzekpo, former Dean of the School of Information and Communication Studies, University of Ghana

    “Students with a dream to pursue public interest and accountability journalism will find exceptional value here, but practitioners will do themselves a world of great value if they also keep a copy on the reading table.” − Dapo Olorunyomi, Publisher of Premium Times, Nigeria  

  • Kwahu State Book: Asaase Aban (Hardcover)

    Information captured in the Kwahu State Book entails the history of Kwahu paramountcy including the five divisions of the Kwahu Traditional Area namely Adonten, Nifa, Benkum, Kyidom and the Gyase division; with histories of royal families, towns and villages under the divisions mentioned are well captured. Towns captured include Abene, Abetifi, Obo, Aduamoa, Pepease, Atibie, Bokuruwa, Nkwatia, Obomeng, Bepong, Asakraka, Kwahu Tafo, Pitiko, Akwasiho, Mpraeso, Twenedurase, Kotoso, Jejeti, Oframase, Awenare, Nkorkoor (Nkawkaw), Nteso, Tease, Kwahu Praso, just to mention few. The book also presents histories of the Zongo Community of Kwahu, the Okwawu Football Club, churches, schools and profiles of the prominent personalities (the Kwahu Golden members) of Kwahu.

    The Kwahu State Book has fourteen (14) sections with each segmenting several topics and sub-topics about the history and cultural practices of the Kwahu Traditional Area. Other information in the book include chronology of chiefs and genealogy (family tree) of all the royal families. All of these have been codified into a single voluminous book of over 2,800 pages. It is the first of its kind in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa.

    All of these have been codified into a single voluminous book of over 2,800 pages. It is the first of its kind in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa.

  • A Panorama of Ghana’s Heritage: Una mirada al patrimonio de Ghana – in English & Spanish (Photo Book, Hardcover)

    Ghana, with Forts and Castles inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is the African country with the oldest and greatest number of slave Castles dotted along the whole length of its coastline from which slaves were shipped. The capture and forced transfer, over the centuries, of millions of Africans to other parts of the world, along with their cultural traditions, skills, ideas and general heritage, not only had a profound impact on the African continent, but ultimately left a major mark in the formation and shape of cultures and civilizations of the world.

    Ghana, con fuertes y castillos inscritos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, es el país africano con los más antiguos y númerosos fuertes situados a lo largo de la costa, desde donde los esclavos eran embarcados. La captura y el traslado forzoso, a lo largo de los siglos, de millones de africanos a otras partes del mundo, junto con sus tradiciones culturales, habilidades, ideas y herencia en general, no sólo tuvo un impacto profundo en el continente africano, sino que dejó en última instancia una huella profunda en la génesis y forma de las culturas y civilizaciones del mundo.

    Includes bibliographical references (pages 105-106) and index.

    English and Spanish.

  • Mia Denyigba (Ewe)

    Mia Denyigba (Our Homeland) describes in general the size and physical features of the strip of territory known as Eweland. This stretches along the Gulf of Guinea mainly from the eastern bank of River Volta in Ghana to the eastern boundary of Dahomey. It discusses also some customs and occupations of the people.

  • Mo Dem’ Koo! (Dangme)

    The title of this book Mo Dem’ Koo! means ‘Tell me, please’, but inferringly, it means ‘Ask me how I feel, please’.

    It was against social norms for the youngster to greet, but rather appeal to the elderly to ask of his state of health, hence the title which one usually hears in some Dangbe towns in the mornings.

    The contents of Mo Dem’ Koo! are an attempt to scratch the surface of and collect some traditional salutations and greetings, as well as a few, simple customs and practices of the Dangme people.

    It is a guide to the resourceful teacher who is interested in researching into deeper depths of the contents, in order to get good material for his lesson.

  • Justice Denied

    This book was written soon after the suspects of the murder of the Ya-Na were arrested.

    The author followed the unveiling accounts of the murder of the Ya-Na,the commitment and indictment proceedings at the Magistrate Court.He also followed the trial of the accused persons at the High Court.

    The search for Justice for the Ya-Na became a judicial drama and a political football instead.Some key players in the search exhibited palpable incompetence and nonchalance while others showed unpardonable bias in the performance of their judicial and legal duties. In resistance to the search for justice all kinds of novel and spurious legal arguments were raised ,including the issue of when does a confession have effect in law even if it is freely given?

    “Another spurious legal issue raised was the fact of the Ya-Na’s death .In recognition of his service to his nation and traumatic murder, the Republic of Ghana gave Naa Yakubu II a state burial on 10th April,2016. Yet in order to deny him justice and to make the law seem to be an ass,the fact of his death and identity of his body became issues in the trail of persons accused of murdering him.This kept the ordinary Ghanaian wondering where the implementers of the law were taking the country.In the end the Ya-Na was denied Justice”.

    Justice Denied

  • Proceedings of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (Volume IV, 1966)

    Proceedings, 1966.


    Making the Community Healthy – Dr. Fred T. Sai

    Medical Education in a Developing Country (Ghana) – Professor C.O. Easmon

    Industrial and Technological Possibilities in Ghana during the Seven-Year Development Plan Period – Mr. J.E. Cudjoe

    Some Ideas on the Organization of Scientific Research in Developing Countries – Professor A. Raid Tourky

    Towards Comprehensive Water Resource Development in Ghana – Mr. E. Lartey

    And What About Religion? – Rev. Professor C.G. Baeta

    Politics and Education – Mr. Geoffrey H.C. Bing

    Biochemistry in Hungary – Professor Bruno F. Straub

    Progress of Science in Uzbekistan – Dr. Ubai Arifovich Arifov

  • The Library Tree: How a Canadian Woman Brought the Joy of Reading to a Generation of African Children

    “You are proof that the vision and actions of just one person can make a tremendous difference in so many lives!” — Michaelle Jean, former Governor General of Canada, following a visit to the Nima Library, November 2006

    It began one afternoon in the shade of a tree in the yard of a Canadian woman living in Ghana, West Africa. Kathy Knowles brought out a basketful of books thinking she might amuse the neighbourhood kids by reading to them.

    Over 20 years, that simple storytelling session morphed into seven large community libraries in impoverished areas of the country’s capital, support for more than 200 similar initiatives around Ghana and other African countries, and a publishing venture that produces children’s books tailor-made for the African culture.

    Kathy Knowles now runs her volunteer-based Osu Children’s Library Fund from her Winnipeg home with twice-yearly trips to Ghana. Her work promoting libraries and literacy in Africa has been recognised internationally. Her unflagging enthusiasm has created bricks-and-mortar projects and has brought the wonder of reading to thousands of children.

  • Exɔ Dzo Menyale Lẽlẽm o (Eʋe)

    An anthology of Eʋe poems, including many inspiring revolutionary poems.

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