• SDG Colouring Book: Let’s Create in Colour (SDG Changemakers Series)

    This is a colouring book which captures all the 17 SDGs. From a scene capturing an ideal world of abundance to a diverse set of characters illustrating partnering for each goal, this is a simple way to begin conversations on the SDGs. While this is ideal for children aged 7 and older, younger children who grasp concepts quickly would find this an interesting introduction.

    Here, the fictional SDG ambassadors, Nuna, Nii Noi, and Frema introduce themselves. The ambassadors are a fictional trio who either introduce stories or reflect at the end. In subsequent books, the trio share their ideas under the name The Scoop.

  • Going Green with Grandma Grace (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 4 – 7 years

    When little Adoma visits her Grandma Grace for the holidays, she has no idea she will learn and explore so much! Follow Adoma as she discovers little ways to go green, as well as give.

    This book delves into the simple ways we can conserve energy. Adoma wastes things without really noticing them, and her grandmother gently calls her attention to it. The book has a simple activity at the end, but more activities can be drawn from it. When reading this book with a child, for example, you can explore other ways they can save energy. Then, ask if there’s anything they can do to help others in need.

  • Neira Returns To School (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 8years and above

    Neira loves being in school. A disaster prevents only her from going to school. What will she do?

    Neira’s story is one of many. Girls are the first to stop school when their families face barriers. This is an opportunity to have an open conversation about inclusion, and empowering women, The suggested age for this story is 8 years and above.

  • Where’s Zoozoo’s Cake? (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 8 years and above

    Zoozoo the chicken has been dreaming of an amazing birthday filled with lots of treats, including his favourite: creamy vanilla cake. However, there’s no water. How can he enjoy his birthday when there’s no water?

    This story shows how a community can come together when a member is in need, but it also speaks to the scarcity of basic amenities like water. It draws attention to how the absence of such amenities affects the big and the seemingly small things.

  • Ajuba for President (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 4 – 7 years

    Meet Ajuba who dreams about EVERYTHING. Well, one evening, she is watching the President on TV when she dreams of being president herself. Find out what President Ajuba does in this dream!

    In Ajuba for President, other SDGs are subtly referenced through the goals Ajuba wants to achieve when she becomes president. It also draws attention to the significance of teachers in a child’s life, as portrayed in the relationship between Ajuba and her teacher.

  • The Moonlight Boy (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 4 – 7 years

    When the school principal observes that too many children are going hungry in his school, he asks Miss Yahaya, a teacher of agriculture and farmer, to oversee a school farm project alongside three resourceful school children, Ayiwa, Roro and Rafiq. The farm project is a joint-enterprise involving teachers, pupils and parents – the key stakeholders in a child’s education.

    This is a fun and endearing story that promotes a practical approach to the study of agriculture and the establishment of school farms where nutritious foods can be grown to help reduce hunger in schoolchildren. The story additionally highlights the school farm as an opportunity for creating jobs and income generation for members of the community in which the schools are located.

    With great illustrations and a quiz at the end of book.

  • An Appraisal of Ghana’s Public Procurement Regime

    It is a “must-have” book that captures almost every relevant thematic area of Ghana’s public
    procurement regime under the current dispensation.
    The book aims to serve as a foundational guide for readers seeking to understand the fundamental principles, processes, and regulations governing public procurement in the country. The detailed exposition of the historical antecedent helps any student of procurement to understand how far Ghana has come as a country.
    The materials in the book are well-organized, presenting a clear and logical flow of information.
    It starts with an introduction to the concept of public procurement, followed by a detailed appraisal of Ghana’s specific regulatory framework.
    It is noteworthy that not many authors make an effort to trace history in this way, which makes the book a special reference for experts, practitioners, and students studying procurement.
    The incorporation of pertinent case studies augments the book’s relevance by helping readers to comprehend authentic instances of the obstacles and achievements in Ghana’s public procurement system.
    For readers who may not be familiar with the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663), as amended, a thorough analysis and appraisal of the Act has been provided.
    The legislative and regulatory structure governing public procurement in Ghana was reduced to the level of a university student.
    In Ghana, most lawyers and judges still grapple with the concept of procurement and the laws governing public procurement. The authors’ ability to break down the Act and the associated statutes in the way they did is highly advantageous to the reader.
    The authors took time to discuss the object of Act 663 as amended and expounded the
    concept of value-for-money in a very simplified manner.
    Therefore, we highly recommend the book to procurement students at all levels, lawyers, judges, Heads of Entities, Entity Tender Committee members, Directors of both public and private companies, and most importantly, procurement practitioners and decision-makers in Ghana.
    This book will come in handy for any professional in the industry.

  • How to Raise Capital for your Start-up Business

    The most important skill for every aspiring entrepreneur to develop is to be able to raise capital for your start-up business.

    The book serves as a complementary knowledge in building this very important skill which will ultimately help to grow start-ups to big companies that will contribute to economic development.

    This book also serves as a motivational book for this generation of both the young and old to continue to believe in their dreams of building start-up businesses, and apply this handy knowledge to raise capital.

    The seven chapters book is built around the word CAPITAL for readers to easily recall the contents and apply them in the process of raising capital for start-ups.

  • Environmental Safety: Techniques For Identifying Soil-Human Health Risks In Mine-Site Reclamation

    In order to attain sustainability in the extractive sectors, such as in the metal mining, it is imperative for these industries to address both environmental and social impacts of their projects. Thus, it is crucial to employ many methodologies and procedures to accurately identify these aspects of concern and track their accessibility to humans. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the many scientific methodologies used to identify environmental risks related to potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in mining sites.

  • History of Ashanti by Otumfuo, Nana Osei Agyeman Prempeh II (Hardcover)

    History of Ashanti is unusual, perhaps unique, in that it provides a long historical account of the great West African forest kingdom of Asante by a ruler of that society. Thus, it is African history written by an African king and his assistants. This is, without a doubt, a very important document for historians of Africa. It has too a much wider resonance at the present time: here the Asante ‘voice’ is speaking directly to all those across the globe who claim ancestral links to the African continent, and who are still engaged in the struggle to define, to strengthen and to assert their identities in a world that long discounted the value, or even the existence, of their historical experience.

  • ‘The History of Ashanti Kings and the Whole Country Itself’ and Other Writings

    The History of Ashanti Kings and the Whole Country Itself is a key text for understanding the history of the great West African kingdom of Asante (now in Ghana). It is also an early–and perhaps the earliest–example of history writing in English by an African ruler and his amanuenses. It was begun in 1907 in the Seychelles on the instructions of the Asantehene Agyeman Prempeh I, who had been in British captivity with his family since 1896, during which time he had acquired proficiency in English.

    The chief source of information was his mother the Asantehemaa Yaa Kyaa, who possessed an encyclopaedic knowledge of the oral history of her own lineage, which was also the royal dynasty of Asante. The result is an indispensably detailed document that charts the history of the Asante monarchy from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. Context is provided by the inclusion of other writings by or about Agyeman Prempeh, together with four introductory essays by the world’s leading scholars of Asante history.

    This fascinating volume evokes the rich historical experience of a renowned kingdom, and is of compelling interest to all concerned with the production of indigenous historical knowledge in Africa.

  • The Fall of The Asante Empire: The Hundred -Year War for Africa’s Gold Coast

    In 1817, the first British envoy to meet the king of the Asante of West Africa was dazzled by his reception. A group of 5,000 Asante soldiers, many wearing immense caps topped with three foot eagle feathers and gold ram’s horns, engulfed him with a “zeal bordering on phrensy,” shooting muskets into the air. The envoy was escorted, as no fewer than 100 bands played, to the Asante king’s palace and greeted by a tremendous throng of 30,000 noblemen and soldiers, bedecked with so much gold that his party had to avert their eyes to avoid the blinding glare. Some Asante elders wore gold ornaments so massive they had to be supported by attendants. But a criminal being lead to his execution – hands tied, ears severed, knives thrust through his cheeks and shoulder blades – was also paraded before them as a warning of what would befall malefactors. This first encounter set the stage for one of the longest and fiercest wars in all the European conquest of Africa. At its height, the Asante empire, on the Gold Coast of Africa in present-day Ghana, comprised three million people and had its own highly sophisticated social, political, and military institutions. Armed with European firearms, the tenacious and disciplined Asante army inflicted heavy casualties on advancing British troops, in some cases defeating them. They won the respect and admiration of British commanders, and displayed a unique willingness to adapt their traditional military tactics to counter superior British technology. Even well after a British fort had been established in Kumase, the Asante capital, the indigenous culture stubbornly resisted Europeanization, as long as the “golden stool,” the sacred repository of royal power, remained in Asante hands. It was only after an entire century of fighting that resistance ultimately ceased.

  • Education in Ghana: History and Politics

    This book answers the need for a more comprehensive and up-to-date volume addressing key topics, areas and problems of the Ghanaian education system. The book brings together different strands of some of the most imperative and complex educational questions. It is the first collection of essays on education in Ghana that brings together Ghanaian and international authors who research some of the most relevant educational questions, focusing on history, policy, and curriculum-related issues.

  • Alke-Bulan Duo and Heritage Tales from Santse

    “Alke-Bulan Duo” is an uncommon, classical novel – a historical fictional narrative of the saga of Two Ancient Africans, whose identities and personae were inspired by the intriguing Biblical account of Barabbas and Simeon of Cyrene. The saga of the Two is positioned in the historical settings of the 1st century AD and is recounted by Ataa Forkoyi, the legendary protagonist, to his audience of seven children of the Kerit Kids Klub at a campsite in the Accra Plains of Ghana.
    The novel’s foremost backdrop – an enveloping ambience of settings anchored in the epoch of ancient times and in varying geographical spaces, including Judea, stretching from North-East and North-West Africa (Pelusium, Alexandria, Apollonia and Cyrene), the Sahara Desert, Menroe, Sudan and Ethiopia, is juxtaposed to complementing contexts of explored realities of 19th and 20th centuries’ remarkable natural and cultural heritages of Ghana.
    The plot of the novel is lucid, but subtly woven and couched in varying intricate and intriguing circumstances and contexts that essentially frame the novel, characterized by exquisite historical allusions, sharp satirical inferences, fabulous natural history expositions and architectural analytical references, aligned with profoundly scholarly and philosophical reflections.
    The novel is a literary masterpiece, crafted in a non-pedigreed genre, full of fascinating nuances and spectacles, besides spiking the narration with conscious allusions to the significance of the role of the Black African race in human history, aspersions to the trans-Sahara and trans-Atlantic Slave Trades, employment of the poetic power of dualism, highlighting usage of Latin and Ga words in the text to accentuate the classical and cultural orientation of the novel.
    It is a novel that proclaims a robust and a compelling message of hope for Black African youth and children.

  • A Life of Vicissitudes (Hardcover)

    These are highlights of heady days and heydays of experiences in a life and its living.  It is a riveting and captivating account of extraordinary happenings to an individual of complex character and disposition with luck and lots of luck. The story is a journey of unmasking the masked. It’s a person’s recollections of life’s vicissitudes as lived by him from earliest experiences, along with insights into student leadership, workings of a military government, chieftaincy, tinges of Akan feminism and writing a newspaper column.

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