• Those Who Live in Glasshouses Should Not Throw Stones

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    Zinabu and six other dancers put up a splendid performance at the durbar grounds. Their dancing is so impressive that they are asked to perform again the next day. Amina is keen on being the lead dancer this time round, and so accuses Zinabu of missing her steps during the previous performance. She succeeds in convincing Madam Aisha, the drama and dance teacher that she can put up a better performance.

    It turns out that the next day, she messes up and the crowds are not impressed.

    Why would she criticize Zinabu, when she herself cannot dance?

    Indeed, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

    The stories in this series Idioms in Expression aim at giving children a better understanding of idiomatic expressions. Since these idioms form the main theme for the story, it becomes easy for the reader to understand the contexts within which such expressions should be used.

    Coupled with this learning experience are the exciting story lines which do not only portray the familiar African culture, but also provide a wide vocabulary for readers’ use.

  • African Visionaries

    In over forty portraits, African writers present extraordinary people from their continent: portraits of the women and men whom they admire, people who have changed and enriched life in Africa. The portraits include inventor, founders of universities, resistance fighters, musicians, environmental activists or writers. African Visionaries is a multi-faceted book, seen through African eyes, on the most impactful people of Africa.

    Some of the writers contributing to the collection are: Helon Habila, Virginia Phiri, Ellen Banda-Aaku, Véronique Tadjo, Tendai Huchu, Solomon Tsehaye, Patrice Nganang and Sami Tchak.

  • Beyond the Political Spider: Critical Issues in African Humanities (African Humanities Series)

    Beyond the Political Spider: Critical Issues in African Humanities by Kwesi Yankah is the first title in the newly established African Humanities Association (AHA) publication series.

    By integrating his own biography into a critique of the global politics of knowledge production, Yankah, through a collection of essays, interrogates critical issues confronting the Humanities that spawn intellectual hegemonies and muffle African voices. Using the example of Ghana, he brings under scrutiny, amongst others, endemic issues of academic freedom, gender inequities, the unequal global academic order, and linguistic imperialism in language policies in governance.

    In the face of these challenges, the author deftly navigates the complex terrain of indigenous knowledge and language in the context of democratic politics, demonstrating that agency can be liberatory when emphasising indigenous knowledge, especially expressed through the idiom of local languages and symbols, including Ananse, the protean spider, folk hero in Ghana and most parts of the pan-African world.

    “Fascinating snapshots from an engaged scholarly life in Africa, valuable as an archival resource for the understanding of this period of higher education in Africa.” – John Higgins, Arderne Chair in Literature, Department of English Literary Studies, University of Cape Town

    “This book is unique and gives a powerful rendition of the state of the Humanities in Africa (with Ghana as a case in point). It grapples with some of the pertinent issues dogging the Humanities in Africa. It comments on the Humanities scholarship in Africa, and subtly throws a challenge for future scholarship. It draws on African traditions, communal heritage, and governance in discussing the role and place of the Humanities in Africa. It also brings into the analysis the ever-changing imperatives and modernity in re-configuring African Humanities.” – Mark Benge Okot, Head of Department, Literature, Makerere University, Uganda

    “Beyond the Political Spider’ effectively draws, in a unique fashion, from literature, history, linguistics and other cognate disciplines in the African Humanities.” – Sati Umaru Fwatshak, Department of History, University of Jos, Nigeria

  • To the Thirsty Land: Autobiography of a Patriot by Emmanuel Evans-Anfom

    Emmanuel Evans-Anfom, who passed away in 2021 at the age of 101 years, was considered a living legend in Ghana.

    He was one of the great pioneers of the medical profession in that country, as well as serving as Vice Chancellor for The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi. His memoirs span his lifetime from the end of colonial rule through four and a half decades of independent Ghana. They tell the story of his early upbringing in James Town, the seminal impact of Achimota College on his education and career, and his medical training at Edinburgh University in wartime Britain. At the peak of his professional career, Evans-Anfom was one of the leading surgeons of the country and a renowned educationalist.

  • Booknook Leadership Pack: They Call Me Archie, The Bold New Normal, Broken for Use (3 Exceptional Ghanaian Leaders)0

    Get these 3 books by three amazing Ghanaian leaders and enjoy free shipping across Ghana!

    *This Free shipping offer does not apply to destinations outside Ghana

    They Call Me Archie

    There are some life stories you just cannot beat. Each time the names of such champions drop, one might as well perform a rite of acknowledgment…any. Their lives have graced hundreds of lives, and hundreds of lives continue to be redeemed through them. They have seen it all. Done it all. They love and they are loved. These individuals have given, and still have more in store.  According to the Canon of the Classics, these persons, even the gods envy.

    Rosina Aboagye Acheampong is one such mortal.  From the precocity of her childhood, her dance with life has been one amazing ball of faith … and chance, nay, destiny. These captivating pages reel out the adventures of a pathfinder, a mould breaker and a pacesetter. Yes, her name might be synonymous with Wesley Girls, but be it at the national or community level, to list what she has achieved is to embark on the impossible.

    Beautifully, however, Archie the Matriarch does not seem to see the power of her influence. She only wants to give thanks and praise.


    Broken For Use

    Broken for Use is a moving, intimate memoir which takes you on a truly tumultuous journey with Rev’d Akua. By the time she takes you from her early days in school, through the various turns in her life that finally bring her to the priesthood, you feel you have experienced many lifetimes. She tells her story as it is, straight and unadorned.

    Reverend Akua Buabema Ofori-Boateng is an expressive clergy and philanthropist with a strong belief in excellence.


    The Bold New Normal

    Have you ever wondered what it will take to transform each African country into a prosperous nation where each citizen has a real opportunity to thrive? Africa’s narrative has been shaped by a vision of the future that remains bleak. A vision that says a little more is okay for the African. It is time to challenge and change our paradigm of what great outcomes look like for an African country.

    It is time for The Bold New Normal of an Africa where citizens of each country genuinely have the opportunity to prosper.

    The formula for sustainable prosperity has been tried and tested world over. Why then do we continue to hope that a different method, that has thus far failed the continent, will create sustainable prosperity?

    The Bold New Normal is a timely publication that coincides with the 400th anniversary of the start of slavery: the year of return. 400 years since the unraveling of African began, it is time to piece her back together and focus forward. It is surely the time for The Bold New Normal!

  • Class One Stories (Little Sage Beginning to Read)

    Age Range: 4 – 8 years

    Four different stories for children who are beginning to read. The difficult words have been broken into easy phonetic syllables.

    The four characters in the different books are learning lessons of life and growing.

    Happy Reading.

  • I Speak of Freedom

    A selection from the speeches of Kwame Nkrumah up to 1960, linked by narrative.

    The main theme is Ghana’s independence, political freedom preparing the way for a socialist programme of economic and social development, and an intensification of the struggle for the total liberation and unification of the African continent.

  • Red Hot Pepper

    Age Range: 5 – 9 years

    “Koliko sakora!” some of her friends teased her as she opened her food bowl. Dzifa had eaten fried potatoes with hot pepper for lunch for the past four days. Not that she did not like the food. She did but there was no fish to eat the meal with. She had no other option, but to eat the food, just as it was.

    Soon, break was over and lessons resumed.

    “What is that in your dress?” Miss Lucy enquired.

    “Please teacher, it is red hot pepper” Dzifa replied.

    The whole class burst into laughter.

    Dzifa resolved that after such an embarrassment before the whole class, she was not going to help Miss Lucy with clean the classroom anymore.

    Read further to see what happened later and the surprise that lay in store for Dzifa.

    Red Hot Pepper

  • Central Banking in Ghana and the Governors: Institutional Growth and Economic Development (Hardcover)

    A charge of chariots of fire, this is not just a book about the financial history of Ghana in spite of its formative challenges but a centenary work of West Africa – regional monetary evolution and global multilateralism. For devout bankers, intelligentsia, historians and aspirants, this is the one. Elegantly written, it establishes Agyeman-Duah as an unavoidable historian of the Bank of Ghana. — Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice-President of the Republic of Liberia

    The Bank of Ghana is technically a better institution than it was thirty years ago. Even governments are less inclined towards interventions in its work. It is different from other captured public institutions where economic decision-making is with a political lens. — Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana and Co-editor of The Economy of Ghana-Analytical Perspectives on Stability, Growth and Poverty

    The Bank of Ghana is leading central banks in the sub-region with regards to the use of technology in the finance service industry … countries in Africa are now learning from Ghana’s digital payment regulations. — Mohammed Sanusi Lamido, Former Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria and the 14th Emir of Kano

    Ghana has in recent years been one of Africa’s more successful economies – from its colonial journey through Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) to stable modern democracy. Agyeman-Duah has a sound appreciation of the difficulties of transforming a producer of commodities of raw materials into a prosperous mixed economy. Now an oil economy, the test ahead is, will Ghana at last be able to control its own economic destiny; free of obligations to donors and the storms from world commodity markets? — Frances Cairncross, Rector Emeritus, Exeter College, University of Oxford and Former Managing Editor, The Economist

  • The Emancipation of Women: An African Perspective

    Ever since International Women’s Year in 1975 highlighted the issue of the equality of men and women, various studies have shown that, to a large extent, women the world over suffer similar types of discrimination within the family structure, in employment, in education and access to professional training etc. However, given the differences in the societal, educational and especially, the cultural background of women in different parts of the world, it is inevitable that there will be differences in women’s perception of what emancipation means to them.

    In this book, Professor Florence Abena Dolphyne of the Department of Linguistics, University of Ghana, Legon, and a former Chairman of the Ghana National Council on Women and Development, explains, from her experience in Ghana and in different parts of Africa during the UN Decade for Women, what she believes  women’s emancipation means to women in Africa. It certainly involves more fundamental issues than the question of who cooks the dinner or changes the baby. Professor Dolphyne discusses a number of pertinent issues such as traditional beliefs and practices that still keep women under subjugation, specific women in development activities that help to achieve appreciable levels of emancipation and the role of governmental, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations in the process of women’s emancipation in Africa.

    Written in a very simple and lucid language, the book will certainly be useful for those who are interested in issues that affect women, especially Third World women. Indeed, it is a book for everybody, both men and women.

  • Chasing the Elephant Into the Bush: The Politics of Complacency

    Chasing the Elephant Into the Bush: The Politics of Complacency is an insider’s account of how the governing New Patriotic Party lost power in the closest elections in Africa’s history. The writer believes that providing an accurate account will begin the process of correcting the rumours, lies and myths that are out there about the 2008 elections in Ghana.

    Throughout, the book is liberally sprinkled with quotes and historical references that makes it very informative and interesting. He begins with the state of the nation and the governing party as Ghana approached 2008.

    He then takes the reader through the NPP primary and his own experiences as a losing candidate. There is candid discussion of the rivalries in the campaign that undermined its effectiveness. He takes the reader inside meetings and quotes some of the key players at key moments in the campaign.

    There is candid discussion of the roles of the media, the security forces and civil society. The identification of issues and their use in the campaign is discussed thoroughly. While his sympathies are never in doubt, he is very objective and acknowledges the mistakes made by the campaign, the government and the party. He credits the NDC Campaign for doing certain things well. Amongst these are the deployment of President Mills and former President Rawlings as well as Vice-President John Mahama.

    He reveals the roles of key people, including the President, the Presidential candidate and powerful groups, like the “Kyebi Mafia”. He offers candid assessments of all the key players. He suggests reasons for the NPP defeat and the way to recapture power.

    This will be a very significant first cut and reference point for an account of the 2008 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Ghana.

  • The Boneshaker Politician

    The Boneshaker Politician is an autobiography of A.K. Opoku. He narrates how he gave his life to Christ in a dramatic way while travelling in a boneshaker, a wooden truck. He recounts how the Lord used him by way of evangelism and church building and his involvement in an uncompromising undercover politics in the church. Meanwhile he had nursed a childhood ambition of being an active politician.

    With all his “boneshaker” experience, he entered into politics and discovers that it was a different world altogether and bemoans the high moral and the financial entry requirements required of a Christian to engage in active politics. He raises question as to whether exhortations to get Christians involved in active politics is enough. He concludes with his family life and marvels at the art of God where four children of the same parentage and breed have four different characters and ambitions.

  • One High School Adventure

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years

    Ama is a brilliant student who passes her exams with excellent grades. However, she cannot go to her first choice school for SHS due to financial constraints and so settles for another.

    In school, she falls in love. The demands of keeping a relationship take a toll on her grades. How does she get back on her feet to overcome this challenge and come out with flying colours?

    A book full of everyday challenges of growing up. Lessons: self-evaluation and perseverance are key.

  • Neira Returns To School (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 8years and above

    Neira loves being in school. A disaster prevents only her from going to school. What will she do?

    Neira’s story is one of many. Girls are the first to stop school when their families face barriers. This is an opportunity to have an open conversation about inclusion, and empowering women, The suggested age for this story is 8 years and above.

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