• One for the Road

    Wherever we’re going on this road of life, there is a thing or two about the journey’s twists and turns to be added to our storehouse of experiences.

    This book is full of wisdom, humour, surprises, and a wide variety of inspirational gems that inspire hope and encouragement.

  • Positiveness: A Fuel For Success

    I’ve written this book for you because leaders are dealers in faith, hope and love. No matter how positive your goals in life are and how passionate you are about your purpose, you will need persistent faith on the journey. Life is tough and leadership isn’t smooth. My hope is to inspire and encourage you to build up and keep up that persistent faith known as positiveness.

    I pray you will be gingered up by this work into being better and going further in the things that really matter, knowing that once you have life, there is hope—and only people alive can read this book! Love life.

  • Strength for the Journey: Inspirational Stories and Heart-warming Thoughts for Personal Reflection

    “Man shall not live by bread alone,” the Lord said, and it is true. Living by bread alone is detrimental to mankind’s quest for true satisfaction, and it’s never sufficient in providing all the strength we need for the journey of life.

    As we travel through this world, which is full of uncertainties and contradictions, we need every word of encouragement we can grasp – heart-warming words that provide hope in times of need. For a word in season nourishes the soul and warms the heart at every junction on our way to eternity.

    Strength for the Journey is full of encouraging words, challenging thoughts, inspirational stories, and a wide variety of personal experiences that will motivate and give you courage to journey on as we travel through this world.

  • Palm Tree Parables

    Palm Tree Parables is full of inspirational stories and heart-warming ideas showing how everyday events hold great lessons for our personal growth.

  • Washing Dirty Feet and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were Simon Peter, what would you do or say if your Master fetched water from a container and began to wash your feet? Remember that his feet and those of his friends were very dirty, smelling and cracked at the heels.

    In this story book, Simon Peter tells his own story: why he didn’t think the Master should wash his feet, what he learnt about the incident and why, many years later, he wrote to his children to serve in humility.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Climbing a Sycamore and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were a very short man, and if you wanted to see the Teacher who was surrounded by many people, what would you do?  Well, Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree.

    In this story book, he tells why he climbed the tree, what he saw and how he felt when the Teacher looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down. I am staying in your house today!”

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Today in Paradise and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were the man who heard the Teacher say, “Today, you will be with me in paradise,” how would you feel? Very happy, yes, but also maybe very doubtful. Will the promise of Paradise be fulfilled? Will a criminal arrive in Paradise?

    In this story book, the man truly found himself in Paradise. What he saw there, how he felt, and what he heard will marvel you. He tells his own story in a beautiful way.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • What I Learnt Late: 52 Life Lessons

    This book is a compilation of some of the lessons life has taught the author and presents readers with a view of some of what he hoped he had learned earlier on in life. He reflected on his life for fifty-two consecutive weeks and wrote down one key lesson. The lessons learned were from areas like personal development, entrepreneurship, career planning, romance, marriage, and financial intelligence. Some lessons in this book will resonate with you and make you say, “Aha, I knew that!”. There are others that will make you reflect on your life and say, “Oh, I wish I knew that!”. May the reading pleasure be yours!

  • Rediscovery: Pathways to Embrace Your Identity and Live a Life of Purpose

    The journey of purpose, assignment, finding yourself and doing all these with enthusiasm is priceless. ‘Rediscovery’ guides you on how to navigate and retrace your path.

    This book is for you.

  • Living with Purpose – HillTop Perspectives

    This book provides strategies for letting go of unfavourable self-perceptions in order to live a life with purpose. It will force you to ask yourself serious questions that go to the core of your being.

    It brings to the fore the essence of purposeful living and draws attention to all stages of life for any person who desires to have a fulfilling life.

    Living with Purpose is a breath of fresh air blowing from the author’s perch on the hill. He encourages the reader that living a meaningful life is possible, but only when you know your purpose in life.

  • Timeless Wisdom from the HillTop

    In this fascinating book, the author shares with the reader nuggets for daily living which will enrich the reader and leave him or her wiser. You may not be able to conquer the world but you may apply these nuggets to conquer challenges one day at a time.
    Nothing in this book is shallow.

    Every story shared is real and the Author’s style of writing brings the experiences close to his readers. The book teaches us to take advantage of all situations be they good or bad. This is a radically personal, honestly engaging and spiritually illuminating book.

  • Conversations from the HillTop

    Conversations from the HillTop sets out to educate, guide, advise and encourage both the young and the not so young, about getting wisdom and understanding, using real life experiences and lessons. All things are possible if we set our minds to it.

    The Author gives very useful points aimed at imbibing discipline, perseverance, a sense of destiny and the fear of God into positively impacting others and our communities. This book is a blueprint for success in all facets of life.
    The simplicity of language used makes reading very interesting while giving the reader that sense of belonging.

  • Counsels from the HillTop

    The statement, “What they don’t teach at Harvard Business School,” has been so used to describe and enhance most life learning experiences that it has almost become a cliché, but this book does, indeed, delve into areas that the most prestigious of universities would not open to you.
    From daily vitamins in minute doses, with biblical coatings in all walks of life like finances, walking, reading, singing, the Author seeks to reproduce more Solomons of our time and the future.
    This book deals with aspects of life that affect every single soul, regardless of social condition, gender, race, colour, nationality or religion.

  • Become an Investor! Not a Taker — HillTop Secrets

    I am trusting that Become an Investor! Not a Taker will trigger a major social transformation in our time and beyond. Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Nana Opare Kwakye, Moderator of General Assembly, PCG

    A storehouse of wisdom nuggets, it will gladden the heart of every mentor and mentee. It couldn’t have come at a better time in this era of leadership crisis.Hon. Justice George Appah Kwabeng, Justice of the High Court of Ghana and The Gambia

    With thought-provoking stories and biblical insights, this book offers wisdom on leadership, integrity, and the value of giving. It serves as an inspiring call to action for anyone seeking to live a purposeful and fulfilling life that leaves a lasting imprint on future generations. Joshua Oppong-Sarfo, PhD, Ghana

    This book serves as a powerful reminder of how we can be positive forces for change in the world, reflecting Christ-like values in our daily lives and inspiring others to do the same. Rev. Dr. Thangminlun Mangte, India

  • Gems from the HillTop

    Gems from the HillTop is a masterpiece that delves into life’s most profound questions and offers hope to readers. — Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman, The Church of Pentecost, & President, Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council


    This book is a compulsory reading for all Africans and their potential leaders. — Emenike Olisa Mbanugo, Attorney, Lagos, Nigeria


    Let these gems of wisdom become part of your life, enriching your journey towards a life of significance and unwavering faith. — Sidney Lino de Oliveira, PhD., Professor, PUC Minas – Brazil


    A must-read book for new and aspiring leaders who want to make a difference in this world. — Rodrigo Goncalves Ferreira, Aeronautical Engineer at Raytheon Technologies, Royal Canadian Navy Officer


    The book is a worthy investment to one’s library as it holds time tested truths that need to be shared. — Alex Njukia, World Vision East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.

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