• Prejudice

    The story of the marriage of Mercy Owusu and her husband is told by one of Ghana’s humorous writers, Asare Konadu, under a pseudonym used for his light-hearted novels.

    A bestseller, Prejudice is one of the most starkly moving parables ever written of the forces that shape or mar many marriages of today – patience, determination, thoughtfulness, quarrels, nagging, relations with in-laws, etc.

    Beginning with a tiny incident between the couple, it ends by being as deep and as captivating as love itself.


  • A Little Flame of Hope

    A trail of unpleasant circumstances usher Ryan Hassan Asaba into the world. His resilient mother braces the tides and defies several odds to raise her disabled son. But when he needed her the most, she vanishes mysteriously. Now alone, Ryan is forced to navigate through the harsh realities of society. But an impending danger was fast approaching. Will his mother return to save him, or will the danger be potent enough to consume them both?

  • Professor Sweet-Tooth’s Amazing Phone

    Age: 8 – 12 years

    What do a phone, and a plate of red-red have to do with the destruction of a criminal organization? Kofi and Kwami are about to find out with this
    unbelievable gadget.When Kofi and Kwami borrowed Prof. Sweet-Tooth’s car, little did they imagine that this would lead to intrigue, surprise and thrilling adventure!

  • The Scarlet Letter (FingerPrint! Classics)

    “Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart!”

    In the seventeenth-century Puritan community of Boston, Hester Prynne is trapped, first into a loveless marriage and then into adultery.

    With the scarlet letter ‘A’—signifying an adulteress—fixed on her bosom, she is brought out of the prison and made to stand on the scaffold with her infant.

    What happens when Hester, in spite of being
    publicly shamed by the crowd and repeatedly
    urged by a young priest, refuses to reveal
    the identity of her daughter’s father?

    A tale of sin, punishment and atonement, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter exposes the moral rigidity and double standards of the society. One of the first mass-produced books in America, it became an instant bestseller on its first publication in 1850. it continues to remain Hawthorne’s masterwork.

  • The Importance of Being Earnest & Other Plays (Macmillan Popular Classics)

    Around the World in Eighty Days, one of his most popular books, was first serialized in late 1872 in a French newspaper. An instant success, the novel details the round-the-world adventures of the affluent Englishman Phileas Fogg who, accompanied by his French valet Passepartout, sets out on an impossible journey for a wager of £20,000. This groundbreaking novel has since been adapted numerous times for the theatre, television, radio and cinema.

  • Disastrous Inferno

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Fire devastates a portion of a wood processing factory located at the outskirts of Sako, a semi-prosperous city in the West.

    Kweku Minkah Eshun, the MD of the logging and wood processing company is faced with a dilemma: the company has to pay off an outstanding bank loan or face legal proceedings and at the same time, re-construct the destroyed building for business to thrive. In order to do these objectives, he decides to source for extra money through the back door insider trading, smuggling machine and currency trafficking.

    Aside his business problems is the fact that Kweku has been married to his beautiful wife Afia for three years without a child – “enter” a gynaecologist, a pastor and a herbalist.

    How will it all end?


  • Vacancy for a Lover

    Vacancy for a Lover is the lead story in a collection that explores diverse themes—love, lust, mind-matter dichotomy, political intrigue and the tragedy of mortal despair.

    A young man finds love in the most unusual of places; a poet pines over unrequited love, an intrepid author rethinks his philosophies and a bunch of political players makes plans. …

    Vacancy for a Lover is a collection of 10 stories that highlight the author’s attempt at exploring the human condition.

  • In His Journey to Fame

    “In His Journey to Fame” is a captivating story set somewhere in Africa, where polygamy is a rule, making male children kings is a law and patrilineal inheritance is a norm. It is the first of the trilogy that include ‘Pastors on the Move” and “When women go crazy”.

    A young prince is born into a family of nine adult princesses, who also have ambitions to ascend the ultimate crown when their father dies. Ably supported by their mothers, these princesses hatch snares for the young prince in order to eliminate him.

    The struggles, trauma, hardships, treachery, deceit and death are beautifully mace and put in a matrix where both the King and the heir apparent died in the process, leaving the nine princesses to battle it out with the young daughter of the prince in their quest to occupy the powerful stool.

    In the end it is an all women affair to break the rules, laws, norms and finally tradition.

  • My Nightmare

    2018 CODE Burt Award for African Young Adult Literature Finalist
    “As the taxi drove past shacks, shops and buildings; past familiar homes and friends’ stores; past the salon where I was learning to become a hairdresser; past the spot where I sold waakye with Ima; more tears rolled down my cheeks. Zongo was a slum and was notorious for its filth, criminality, and deprivation; yet, this was where i was born. This was home for me. This was where most of my friends were. Whereas people in other parts of Accra saw filth and degeneration in Zongo, I saw love, hope, and beauty. I knew all the good people in Zongo and they were more than the ‘bad’ people I knew. I knew the honest hardworking people in Zongo, many of whom moved from the North to the South in order to build good lives for their children. People like Baba and Ima who left their birth place to come to the South so that their own children would have a good future. Where others saw Zongo as a den of thieves, I saw it as a safe haven. Nobody in this world could man handle me as long as I remained within the safety of its womb.”

    My Nightmare

  • An Angel in Mucky Shorts

    Age Range: 8 and 11 years

    Auntie Lulu has a monster living in her house. It’s got a boxy head like a milk carton, hair that’s never combed, and eyes like a bullfrog. It wears mucky shorts and has dirty nails. It flicks dead flies at me and thinks it’s funny to let snot drip from its nose onto a table. Its name is Reggie and he’s Auntie Lulu’s son–which makes him my cousin. Yuck.

    Things are going from bad to worse in Rabi’s life. She told her classmates that her tree at home had the sweetest mangoes. And she promised to bring some to school to prove it. But every day someone steals the fruit from the tree! How will her mates ever believe her now? And who is this sneaky mango thief? Dreadful Auntie Sakwaa has come to live with them and is stinking up Rabi’s house with her green horse medicine. Her disgusting cousin comes to stay, and he turns her own little brother against her! Just as Rabi thinks her life couldn’t be more messed up, she meets an angel. And it wasn’t wearing a sparkling white robe.

  • Deviant Boy

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Kweku Minkah Eshun, the protagonist is a reformed thief and a school drop-out. He received a letter from a Canadian researcher and volunteer asking him to go to Accra and collect some documents from an American engineer consultant.
    Kweku embarked on the trip the following day on a “Government Transport”. In the course of the journey Kweku fell asleep and started dreaming… a chronology of his life story.


    Deviant Boy

  • History in the Mirror

    “Voices of children running to safety from a torrential rain, woke him up to a mandatory service he owes his nation. He would have been over the moon about it, but the posting.”

    Saando Tani’s fears of undertaking a service he owes his nation in a faraway village, soon makes him the subject of attraction in a tipsy love triangle involving; Mrs Tsorgali who thinks Saando’s arrival is the end of her ill relationships, and Sena, a maiden taken on by youthful exuberance. The question of whether he will be there when they need him the most, forms the themes of the story.

  • Santrofi Abroad

    Santrofi is at it again!

    This time, he has been given a visitor’s visa to travel to the UK. As with many young Africans who get the opportunity to travel, Santrofi anxiously anticipates his trip but the realities he encounters question his values, beliefs and physical tenacity…

    Santrofi Abroad

  • It Happened in Ghana: A Historical Romance 1824-1971

    It Happened in Ghana carries a positive message. Conceived as a literary work, it demonstrates that racial prejudice based on skin colour is not a pervasive and unalterable human condition.

    The principal characters who are both Black and White are embroiled in various encounters, notably wars, slave trade, colonialism and post colonial reconstruction. Regardless of their skin colour and cultural differences, they make friends or fall in love secretly during these encounters. When they are forced to part company by the cessation of hostilities or whatever brought them together, they serve in various capacities in new locations outside their original places of domicile. They are accepted or integrated into existing social structures because of the warmth oftheir personalities and the manner in which they are able to adjust themselves to the pressures and challenges of new environments.

    Changes in the circumstances of the principal characters or their descendants enable them not only to restore broken relationships but also to identify themselves with the cause of freedom and justice or to reconnect in various ways with the development aspirations of Ghana where it all started.

  • They Came From Ghana: The Two Worlds of Kwame and Kwabena Boaten

    In this historical novel of 19th century Gold Coast, two young Ashanti boys are introduced to the unfamiliar but fascinating world of the white man. Kwame and Kwabena Boaten are eager to learn the ways of their mentors, Tedlie and Bowdich, to become doctor and administrator respectively so they can come back and help their own people. Despite the curtailment of their government sponsorship in London, they get benefactors to help them continue their education. They however have to contend with racism and bullying from Hardwick as well as inordinate hatred from Dupuis, Under-Secretary and later His majesty’s Envoy to the Guinea Coast (whose machinations dog them all their lives). How do they survive? Kwabena reminds Kwame, ‘If they attack us – we can bear rough handling. [But] they cannot break our spirit; we are Ashanti remember; and afterwards we shall carefully plan our revenge.’ Do they succeed in the face of all the odds?

    Noel Smith effortlessly weaves a brilliant tale of sheer determination, ambition, intrigue, love and altruism, through the treacherous terrain of the slave trade, missionary activities and disease ridden expeditions, and historical insight.

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