• Southern African Liberation Struggles 1960-1994 (Contemporaneous Documents, 9 Volumes)

    These 9 volumes are the most comprehensive historical record of  the liberation struggles in southern Africa. Comprising 2.4 million words  in 5,394 pages, they record interviews with liberation fighters and supporters in the Frontline states and the extraordinary sacrifices they made so that Africa could at last be free. With the fall of the South African apartheid regime, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) identified the need to record the experiences of the liberation struggles in Southern Africa, from 1960 until that final liberation in 1994. To that end, SADC launched the Hashim Mbita Project – named after the last Executive Secretary of the OAU Liberation Committee.

    The research covered liberation movements in the countries which engaged in liberation wars, the Frontline states and Extension countries; and the Research Project team comprised members from the SADC mainland states of Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Lesotho and Swaziland. The support received from other regions is documented: Anglophone West Africa, Francophone Africa, North Africa, East Asia, Canada and the United States, Cuba and the Caribbean, the German Democratic Republic (GDR),  Nordic  Countries,   Western  Europe,  the Soviet  Union, Non-Aligned Movement: India, Yugoslavia, Indonesia, Sri lanka; Organisation of African Unity and United Nations.

  • The Mkapa Years: Collected Speeches (3-Volume Box Set, Hardcover)

    This collection of speeches, in three volumes, by the third President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Benjamin William Mkapa (1995–2005), will serve primarily as reference documents to the vision of what he attempted to achieve in his ten years of leadership. His tenure as a leader came at a time when Tanzania’s economy was in dire condition. The legacy of the command economy, which had been in place for much of the 1970s and 1980s, was still felt. There was resistance to change to adopt a market economy, evident in the political tensions and debates about privatisation, an approach following Structural Adjustment Programmes, imposed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, that had led to stagnation of the economy, high inflation, deteriorating health, education, communication, and transport sector services, as well as general gloom in the country especially among the poor. The bold steps he took during the first half of his administration did not immediately endear him to the public. However, in the ensuing years, slowly but steadily, positive results were achieved, and the social cost of change that the people had endured was appreciated. Relations with development partners and the multilateral agencies that before he took office had sunk to the lowest ebb were restored, and Tanzania, which was no longer unfit to borrow, received the largest debt relief ever and henceforth. Tanzania was on its way to new growth potentials and a vibrant private sector-led economy.

    These collected speeches tell this story and tell it well, in great prose laced with wit and quotations from world political and literary sources, which is an evidence of his erudition as a literature student and journalist.

  • The Einstellung Effect

    We become unable to consider other solutions when we think we already have one that works, even though it may not be accurate or optimal. It leaves us cognitively incapable of differentiating previous experiences with the current problem. So we may solve a problem but we don’t actually INNOVATE.

    Einstelung is a German word that translates to setting, mindset, or attitude. The brain attempts to work efficiently by referring to past solutions without giving the current problem much thought. It’s stuck in a mindset. We apply previous methods to a seemingly similar problem instead of evaluating the problem on its own terms. This effect presents itself across various disciplines and skill levels. Whether we know it or not, we all experience it.

    This book explores INNOVATION like never before.

  • Reaching The Unreached: The CMRF Model

    Ever wondered how you can use your talents and skills as tools for outreach and make an impact as a Christian professional wherever you find yourself? This book, Reaching the Unreached: The CMRF Model may be an answer to your cry.

    This book is a reflection on the work of a community of people who were sold out for the purposes of the Kingdom of God. They were ordinary men and women who received a commission to undertake an extraordinary task using the basic tools they had acquired. Primarily, they used the medical tool and evangelism as means of reaching out to the poor and marginalized in some communities in Ghana and other parts of the world.

    The Model presented in this book is time tested and born out of years of practical Christian medical evangelistic work. We believe you will be blessed and energized to evangelize and win souls for Christ as you read.

  • Emotional Integrity: A Pastoral Approach

    In an age of emotional plurality, how does a Christian approach the subject of emotions? How do we develop, exhibit and maintain emotional integrity in an emotionally diverse and charged environment? Have we neglected this all-important area of our humanity while focusing time and resources enhancing our mental capacities, at the expense of our emotions?

    Emotions play vital part in the service we render on earth. Emotions have far reaching implications on us than we can ever imagine. Many have suffered variously in the home, church, community and nations because of emotional immaturity.

    This book focuses on how one may develop emotional wholeness. It presents the biblical understanding of the nature of humanity, focusing on the emotional aspect. It postulates that through Christ Jesus constructive and destructive emotions unite to fulfil the purpose of God.

  • An Introduction to Symbolic Theology: The Case of Adinkra Symbols of the Akan People of Ghana

    Akoa Kofi Amoateng strongly believes that Jesus’ incarnation into Jewish-specific culture and humanity as God’s communication to the world (Hebrews 1:1-3), implies the theological and understanding that God wants culture-specific peoples around the world to identify and relate to Him from their cultural and historic experiences and backgrounds. He, therefore, submits that theology and hermeneutics  must be both contextual and rooted in ethnic epistemological realities. Akoa, therefore, calls for ethnothelogy and ethnohermeneutics, believing that, generally, there is nothing like one theological jackets that fits all peoples.

    This work is a masterpiece and a paradigm shift into offering how peoples’ theologies and indigenous hermeneutical enterprises can be constructed in contextualization for the different peoples of the world.

    “Amoateng draws attention to the critical role symbols play for African theology. He bemoans the neglect of the early missionaries to the symbolic realm which has left a paucity of theological reflections on the Adinkra symbols. He uses this lacuna to highlight symbolic theology within the wider purview of ethnotheology, which some scholars are calling ethnohermeneutics. The Adinkra symbols can thus be analyzed within the broader lenses of Africa’s rich oral history, especially if we understand orality much larger than verbal utterances, but to include symbols that speak even when words are absent.” — Gregg Okesson, Ira Galloway and D.M. Beeson Chair of Leadership Development and Evangelism; Dean, E. Stanley Jones School ofWorld Mission and Evangelism; Presidential Envoy and Director of Global Partnerships, Asbury Theological Seminary

  • Social Structure of Ghana: A Study in Persistence and Change

    When Social Structure of Ghana was first published in 1981, it became the only comprehensive and sociological attempts to examine the institutional framework of the entire Ghanaian society. It still is. In this 1999 edition, the author updates most of the data on Ghana, and analyses in greater detail some of the issues raised therein. These issues include the military in politics, religious sectarianism, social problems, educational reforms and the world of work, and the shifting loyalties of Ghanaians to kin groups, tribes and the nation.

    As the twentieth century comes to a close, this book probably represents the last major publication on Ghana that analyses the country’s human and material resources for confronting the challenges of the next century.

    The book will continue to be useful for studies in sociology, ethnography, political science, African studies, medical sociology value systems, nursing and social work.

  • Ga Past Questions: 1996 — 2021 (J.H.S. 1-3)

    This is a Ga question and answer book which has been carefully prepared to meet the answering requirements of pupils preparing for the Basic Education Certificate Examination. The book provides a solid foundation for the answering of questions at the J.H.S and B.E.C.E. Level. From 1996 to 2021.

  • Moments & Memories: My Journey of Grace – An Autobiography

    Sharing our experiences in various ways helps us accept the lessons God has for us. These experiences go a long way to help those who read or hear them. I consider myself a beautiful piece of broken pottery put back together by God Almighty for a purpose.

    As an Adult, I realised that the challenges I had experienced as a teenager would prove very useful as I worked with young people. When I tell young people that there is nothing they are doing that I have not done before, they look at me with doubt, as if to say, “No, You are just saying that to make us feel better”.

    A successful life has within it good things as well as challenges, and the total outcome is based on how we allow the Lord to lead us. Many times we see the hand of God long after the outcome.

    This has been my life. This is my story. I hope you enjoy reading and learning from my Moments and Memories.

  • At Nineteen: Bracing the Odds of Teenage Pregnancy

    COMPELLING, REVEALING and HEART-WARMING, this is a memoir that will resonate with you forever.

    When a young teenage mother sets out on a lonely path to care for herself and her unborn child in an unfavourable environment, she manages to continue her education after the birth of her child, despite the loss of her father, who was her most important support system.

    She manages to give her child the best of everything with the support of family and a few close friends. But as fate would have it, the worst was yet to come.

    Hers is a tale of suffering and survival.

    A book that inspires strength and character through adversity and challenges in life.

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