• 24 and Gnashing

    I don’t know about you, but growing up is scary, confusing and it doesn’t get any better especially if you’re gnashing.

    Actually, it is both funny and depressing like forcing a little kid to dance.

    But we move on despite the pain, the joy, and rejections towards whatever end.

    24 and Gnashing is a journey through the mind of a 24-year-old striding through the defining decade.

    It talks about heartbreaks, faith, fear, the joy of friends and family, and maybe hope.

    24 and Gnashing

  • Peri-menopause: The Trip of a Woman!!

    Perimenopause is a very trying period in a woman’s life. Its effects and challenges affects today’s woman Socially, Physically, Emotionally and Sexually.

    In this practical  and succinct book, Pastor Anita has distilled key facts and information that teaches women and men on how to handle these difficult menopausal challenges and go on to live happier enjoyable lives.

  • New Currency: A Historical Novella

    New Currency: A Historical Novella celebrates Akan social norms and values, particularly the “wonderful feeling of togetherness” and communal living, uniquely associated with the extended family system and invites the reader to be culturally sensitive and to worry about the Ghanaian culture degradation.

    Apart from capturing the chilling, historical realities of the 1979 demonetisation, it successfully regains and celebrates the otherwise fading, but precious extended family values.

    In the book, the seasoned author chronicles some aspects of the harrowing military rule of 1979, and narrates the ordeal of a woman about to lose an entire lifetime savings. Specifically, it recounts the widespread commotion and hardships associated with the introduction of a new monetary currency in Ghana from March 13–26, 1979.

    The historical novella, set in Sunyani, the Brong-Ahafo regional capital in the same year, captures the widespread public despondency and turbulence associated with the exercise.

    The book provides some insight into the period of the country’s history for adults who lived through the turbulence of 1979 as a necessary reminder; and to the present-day youth some awareness of the happenings then.

    The thrilling lime green-looking book with yellow and white title inscription on the cover, and thinly opaque adinkra symbols – Mpatapo (knot of reconciliation) and Sesa wo suban (change or transform your life), reflects the theme of the book published by Smartline Publishers.

  • Notes on Amma Darko’s Faceless

    This book, Notes on Faceless, is intended as a study guide for students of Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless. Readers of Faceless go back again and again to this novel because it makes them feel and think about many issues in the book that relate to what happens around them. A good work of fiction allows us to imaginatively participate in what it means to be part of human society. Fiction “holds up a mirror” to us about life. It is therefore important to be able to understand and explain, as well as becomes more alert to how literature works. This book aims to help you do so, focusing on Faceless.

    Notes on Faceless discusses what Darko does in Faceless and how she does it: the plot of the story, its setting, characterization, theme and style. Like every other field of study, literature has a special vocabulary that is used by all good students of the subject. Therefore, while discussing the essential elements in Faceless (i.e. plot, setting, etc.), this book also introduces you to some of the important literary terms or technical vocabulary used in reading literature. The goal is to make you familiar with the right language for talking and writing about a work of literature and to teach you how to use this language in your own reading and writing.

    This book takes you further into your study of literature by guiding you to use suitable vocabulary to actually talk and write about a work of literature. After walking you through a discussion of each element, Notes on Faceless gives you practice in writing about Faceless in particular and literature in general.

  • And The Eagle Flew to Heaven (When a Mother Loses Her Child)

    This book is about the experience of a mother who lost her child and her path to finding healing. It also provides guidelines as to how grieving parents can start the journey of recovering from the pain of losing a child.

  • The Library Tree: How a Canadian Woman Brought the Joy of Reading to a Generation of African Children

    “You are proof that the vision and actions of just one person can make a tremendous difference in so many lives!” — Michaelle Jean, former Governor General of Canada, following a visit to the Nima Library, November 2006

    It began one afternoon in the shade of a tree in the yard of a Canadian woman living in Ghana, West Africa. Kathy Knowles brought out a basketful of books thinking she might amuse the neighbourhood kids by reading to them.

    Over 20 years, that simple storytelling session morphed into seven large community libraries in impoverished areas of the country’s capital, support for more than 200 similar initiatives around Ghana and other African countries, and a publishing venture that produces children’s books tailor-made for the African culture.

    Kathy Knowles now runs her volunteer-based Osu Children’s Library Fund from her Winnipeg home with twice-yearly trips to Ghana. Her work promoting libraries and literacy in Africa has been recognised internationally. Her unflagging enthusiasm has created bricks-and-mortar projects and has brought the wonder of reading to thousands of children.

  • Daughters of Zelophehad

    Through this book, you will be introduced to a little-known Bible story about five remarkable women– the Daughters of Zelophehad. The story resonates with women who are destined for greatness because it reveals so many truths about women’s leadership and presents an example for any women aspiring to influence her society today. Women of Africa are at a unique crossroad. For too long, the stories told about us have been stories of death, disease, and vulnerability. Yet, there is so much potential. There are big ideas planted in the hearts of women and girls across this continent and the world is waiting for this greatness to manifest. By seeing yourself through the lens of the Daughters of Zelophehad, be prepared to be spurred to live a life of inspired, purposeful leadership predicated on the wisdom of God.

  • Unspoken

    The debut collection of poetry and prose by Abena Amoah. Reading as a personal journal, Unspoken is divided into a three-chapter journey: Uncovering, Unburied, and Uncaged delivering a moving collection unearthing memory and unveiling abuse and trauma and its complexity in the mind of a woman.

    There is a pain, loss, love, and surviving on these pages. Abena tells of it all with such fierceness and care.


  • The Matriarch’s Verse

    I am a mongrel; a mixed breed of Ga, Ewe, Akuapem, English, Middle-Eastern and American cultures; I am a Third Culture Kid.

    Apiorkor’s socio-cultural experiences are interesting and might appear to be unique. But the truth is that there are several other Ghanaians who are secret sharers of her life. Such people lack access to platforms that would allow them to tell their collective story, so that their societies and communities can re-think all of the things that affect them.

    Happily, Apiorkor is an artist over matter and over emotions. She possesses a mastery over words and over the essences of life. Many Ghanaian men, women and children are like her.

    And her voice represents their voices.

    In this sensational collection, The Matriarch seeks to celebrate, shock, tickle, challenge and highlight our Ghanaian-ness in the 21st Century. The author peppers our imagination with the following:

    What does it mean to be Ghanaian?

    How have we progressed?

    Why do we stand for the things we stand for?

    Who really is the modern Ghanaian woman?

    Where is the global place for the urban Ghanaian space?

  • Scarlet

    For many generations, uncertainty and tension have pervaded both the people of Under The Sky and the wraiths of Kiriyanga, but they trudge on, while holding on to the little streaks of light at the end of this seemingly-never-ending tunnel – a prophecy that order would be restored on the Day of Scarlet. This imminent respite however, comes with stringent conditions: “ … until a woman drinks from the confluence of two rivers that do not mix, the Day of Scarlet will not come.”
    Scarlet is an inquiry into the absurdity of possessing absolute power or its pursuit thereof. With strong allusions to the Grecian myth of Zeun and Hades, and Yoruba myths of love triangles among gods as told of Osun, Ogun, and Sango, or Yemoja, Obatala, and Ogun, woven into and set in tales from Kikuyu lore, Alexander Emmanuel Ochogwu lends his voice to the conversations around politics and power-grabbing in Nigeria, Africa, and beyond


  • Jungle Dance

    Jungle Dance is a euphemism for a myriad of issues, roles, relationships and routes. It is a picture of what the corporate world is – challenging but rewarding also. It captures feelings of despondency, rejection and confusion interlaced with the triumphs, friendships and love that two women experience in their corporate journeys.

    “Steeped in realism, yet fictional, emotional pet detached, almost biographical but not exactly that, a mishmash yet lucid – that’s what you get when you get an astute and observant corporate person doing a foray into fiction. You get real life drama in an imaginative narrative. Come let’s dance in this jungle of words.” – Nana Awere Damoah, Writer/Engineer

    “Petra takes on an uncommon theme like the corporate world and tells a story from the lenses of her own experiences. This is a fictional work that ends up being real, motivational and romantic!” – Ama Pratt, Broadcast Journalist

    “Riveting and gripping. A complete story about life in the corporate world and its vicissitudes — told with the sense of African love for family. A quintessential modern African story.” – Yaw Ofosu Larbi, Broadcast Journalist

    Jungle Dance

  • Aya

    Okornore is a sorceress of words. And in the worlds she has created in this work, the reader is roller-coastered across places and spaces much deeper than the footprints she had splashed across cultures. The issues she scopes out are scheduled in a time capsule of infinite temporalities.

    Soul! is what screams at you when you journey through page after page of this delicious collection. From the heavenly to the banal, from the questions of our time to the quest of ages, Aya provides a sounding board for what it means to be human. These sweet verses, minted from the heart of a cosmopolitan citizen, secrete mystery and creativity

    Sometimes sassy, sometimes philosophical, Okornore nourishes the desire to read on and connect with a soulful source of erudition.

    Aya is a harvest of possibilities.


  • A Bit of Me

    A powerful, motivational and uplifting book by Oheneyere Gifty Anti. A Bit of Me inspires readers to be the best version of themselves.

    Oheneyere Gifty Anti, CEO of GDA Media shares nuggets about overcoming life’s struggles.

    “A Bit of Me is too much of somebody’s life on open display for everyone to benefit from. The greatest treasures on earth are the stories of people’s lives which they generously share to encourage, warn and bless others. Reading A Bit of Me will transform and translate you to a higher level. This book simply says if I am alive and moving, you can also make it.” — Rev. Eastwood Anaba

    Oheneyere is a multiple award-winning broadcast journalist and a well-respected motivational speaker in Africa and around the world. A proud product of Mfantsiman Girls Secondary School, she holds a Diploma in Journalism from the Ghana Institute of Journalism and a Masters Degree in International Journalism from City University, London. Oheneyere is the President and founder of the Girl in Need Foundation and the Awo Dansoa Reading Project. She is married to Nana Ansah Kwao IV, Chief of Akwamu Adumasa. She is a woman of crazy super faith.

    A Bit of Me

  • Mma Ayara Atampugre: A Tale of Success Against the Odds

    This book tells the story of an unlettered woman in a harsh patriarchal setting who, with resilience and grit, managed to successfully overcome daunting life challenges and succeeded against the odds.

    It looks at the life of Mma Ayara Atampugre’s early as an orphan, when she became a wife, a mother, a wisdom and her life philosophies that became the pillars of her success in life. So much to learn from how Mma Ayara navigated through life inspite of her daunting life challenges. 

  • A Woman’s Valley

    Eno, the princess of Edusah Kingdom, aims to succeed her father as ‘king’. She is the uncompromising princess and leader of the kingdom’s army, who returns from the battlefield to discover that she cannot rule the kingdom as a woman-king and must accept an arranged marriage in order to ascend to the throne as queen. Unfortunately, the news does not sit well with her, so she rebels against the notion and sets out on a path to become ‘king’ by herself, employing cunning tactics almost to the point of shedding blood to eliminate anyone who stands in her way. Little does she know that there is a major obstacle that threatens her chances of ascending the throne.

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