• I Dare You

    The Author in the timeline of the book, “ I Dare You” is the fighting spirit found in you. As humans, we need to unearth the positions of our inner spirit to enable us find our true strength of spirit.

    Loaded in this script, you will decode mysteries of your inner self and intriguing life-long stories of great personalities around the world who were not born into privilege but managed to become great successes today.

    Whereas some people might be born with “silver spoons” in their mouth, the chunk will have to strike hard  in order to make it. These blockages prevalent and come what may, you surely have to discover yourself and work on it.

    I Dare You

  • Live Your Dream: A Manual to Help bring Your Dreams into Reality

    There are lots of people who have conceived powerful and amazing dreams but are wallowing in uncertainty, doubt and fear. This classic book has extracted and unveiled the core values of true wealth ; and that living a purposeful life means living your dream. It doesn’t matter how small or big your dream is; you’ve got to live it until you become it.

    Live Your Dream is a divinely inspired manual uniquely crafted to inspire the young and the old to take huge strides in their God-given dreams.

  • A Toast to Fatherhood

    This book – A Toast To Fatherhood – primarily addresses the subject of fatherhood from the perspective of sons and daughters. The book builds on the common knowledge that a son or daughter is anyone born by a woman. Here, a father is defined to mean more than just biological father.

    Through the chapters of A Toast to Fatherhood, the author seamlessly shares real life stories in addressing some thought-provoking issues related to the child-father relationship. These include:

    • What is fatherhood: Is it a divinely initiated human institution or a mere collection of individuals called fathers?
    • Why do son and daughters wait for their fathers to die before they find beautiful words in tributes to read over the dead bodies?
    • And if so, then why shouldn’t you and I propose a toast to fatherhood and to fathers while they are alive?
  • No Vengeance

    Age Range: 13+ years

    Colonel Barlow had cheated death many years back. He had been forced into exile by the man who had wanted him dead at the time of the uprising. He is back and must meet his adversary. He has returned with his son Kit, a battle tested soldier.

    Why does Sonday refuse to meet him face to face? Does he fear reprisal? And what is the cause of his nightmares? Meanwhile where is the blue diamond ring?

    No Vengeance

  • Cloth Fit for a King

    Age Range: 6 – 12 years

    Cloth Fit for a a King is a beautifully woven story about the Asante kente cloth. It tells of the courage of Ama Serwah, a young girl who finds men to weave a beautiful cloth for the king for an annual festival. The king names the cloth kente.
    Although fictional, the story gives some historical facts about the Asante kente cloth.
  • Signature: A Blueprint of Integrity at the Marketplace

    Integrity should be a hallmark of every Christian. As Daniel kept his promise to never worship any other god than the Almighty, irrespective of the consequences, we must stand up to what is right and not just conform to the status quo. The marketplace – corporate environment, church, school, vicinity, etc present the greatest of life`s challenges especially when one decides to stand up to the right things of life. The author uses various characters and details how they lived lives of integrity in the face of extremely difficult circumstances and how those actions conform to our modern times.

  • When Two Standards Collide: Christian Youth vs Pop Culture

    Christianity and popular culture are two major, yet opposing lifestyles for every Christian adolescent. The need to please God and look cool is a daily struggle most of the youth face, and the fear of being shunned, mocked, or isolated entirely haunts them; hence the choice for the latter. The author addresses various areas of pop culture including music, fashion, and social media and tries to juxtapose with God`s Word in the manual for Christians – The Bible, and outlines ways to deal with the “entanglement”.

  • Solma: Tales from Northern Ghana

    Suitable for JHS students and children between 12 and 15 years

    This compilation of stories is specially written for children of all ages. This collection is culled from tales told among the Gurunsi people of Northern Ghana. They make interesting reading and teach children the needed moral and social values.

    “… Mothers, go and tell your children that Kanwum lost her heart because she would not listen to her mother. Tell your children what happened to Kanwum and why it happened. Let your children’s children not forget this story. Children, go home and listen to your mothers and your fathers. Let this story be told as long as there are children.”

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 1

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 2

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 3

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 4

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 5

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 6

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • Quantitative and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 1

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Quantitative and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the logical and quantitative reasoning skills of pupils through elementary mathematical facts and concepts of measurement, number series, variables, shapes, algebra and so on.

    This is to help pupils develop their reasoning capabilities, problem-solving techniques, speed, as well as improve their mental understanding and ability to establish logical and analytical, relationships in arriving at the right solutions.

    Presented and rendered in accordance with the Mathematics curriculum as directed by Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), the books will help pupils acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on quantitative reasoning with ease, thereby enabling better performance in the common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for the examination.

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