• Entertainment Night (Senior High School Days #5)

    If the entertainment prefect thinks his idea of amusement will please every student, he is sadly mistaken.

    Asamoah doesn’t see any amusement in what the prefect has in mind, despite the loud publicity of the coming event. To him real entertainment must be vigorous, shake the bones, and draw sweat – not this boring thing everybody is talking about.

    So while the other students are enjoying themselves, Asamoah sneaks out of campus to the Beach Front in a wild quest for proper amusement.

    But, if what goes on at the Bach Front is so great, why does Asamoah run back to school so fast? And what is his picture doing on the front page of the newspaper?

    By the time Asamoah discovers that the school entertainment is not bad after all, it is too late for him to undo what has been done.

  • The Gonjon Pin and Other Stories: The Caine Prize for African Writing 2014

    The Caine Prize for African Writing 2014 brings together the five shortlisted authors’ stories along with 12 other stories from the best new writers. Insightful, arresting and entertaining – this collection reflects the richness and range of current African writing.

    Caine Prize 2014 Shortlisted Stories:
    Phosphorescence Diane Awerbuck (South Africa)
    Chicken Efemia Chela (Ghana/Zambia)
    The Intervention Tendai Huchu (Zimbabwe)
    The Gorilla’s Apprentice Billy Kahora (Kenya)
    My Father’s Head Okwiri Oduor (Nigeria)

    The Caine Prize African Writers’ Workshop Stories 2014:
    The Lifebloom Gift Abdul Adan (Somalia/Kenya)
    The Gonjon Pin Martin Egblewogbe (Ghana)
    As A Wolf Sweating Your Mother’s Body Clifton Gachagua (Kenya)
    Pam Pam Lawrence Hoba (Zimbabwe)
    Lily in the Moonlight Abubakar Adam Ibrahim (Nigeria)
    Running Elnathan John (Nigeria)
    The Murder of Ernestine Masilo Violet Masilo (Zimbabwe)
    All the Parts of Mi Isabella Matambanadzo (Zimbabwe)
    Blood Work Barbara Mhangami-Ruwende (Zimbabwe)
    The Sonneteer Philani A Nyoni (Zimbabwe)
    Eko Hotel Chinelo Okparanta (Nigeria)
    Music from a Farther Room Bryony Rheam (Zimbabwe)
  • Asempa Hymns (Words)

    Asempa is the Twi word meaning “Good News”. Here is an English language hymn book with a difference. It not only includes 200 of the most popular British, German and American hymns, but it also brings together a similar number of compositions from Africa, Asia, and the rest of the world.

    Produced in Ghana, Asempa Hymns contains some 90 items from that country including 28 “Ghana spirituals” traditionally sung by the Pentecostals but now gaining popularity in all churches. In many of these, there is a distinctive Ghanaian flavour, which this book and the companion music collection Ghana Praise make available for the first time to Christians in other lands.

    The Western tradition of hymnody has served Africa well for many years, but the rich traditions of other countries have failed to spread, held up by barriers of language, denomination and communication. The appearance of Asempa Hymns, with its wide choice of hymns, from nearly all the continents, will help brothers and sisters in Christ in many lands to realise a new fellowship in song and will shorten the distances that divide us.

  • Leadership Stripped Bare

    Suitable for academics, practitioners, senior to lower-level leaders, and positional non-leaders.

    Provides some good theoretical foundation for leading, and leadership in all contexts and at every level, emphasising the centrality of leadership and the crucial nature of leadership action.

    Differentiates management from leadership, provides guidance on how to strengthen one’s leadership power, and also how to lead oneself as a foundation for leading others.

    Examines leadership in a corporate context and sheds light on the role of the leader in a team environment, using the framework of functional leadership.

    Ideal for personal leadership development, and as a leadership development text for for-profit corporates, public sector and government leaders, politicians as well as religious leaders.

  • Verbal Reasoning Practice Book 5

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal Reasoning is a series of six books designed to test and strengthen the language skills of the students. The series is designed with the basic aim to enhance the reading and writing skills of children, and also help in formative assessment. Brain storming riddles, puzzles and tricky diagrams are fun to solve and make learning more interesting.

    Relevant examples are provided along with every concept. An added feature of the series are the solved questions and practice tests.

  • The Boy In Love

    In what could’ve been love or infatuation, his life rose and sunk from as early as 6 years old. His life from that point on was about who loved him and who he loved: to study, eat, dream, make friends, to excel.

    Yes, why would he eat, study or excel at anything when he has had a broken heart or is deeply satisfied with an affection for a certain girl?

    30 years on and looking at Rebecca now, he can finally and clearly tell what he felt then to now. He sees beyond feelings. He sees his capacity to provide for a woman; to understand them and care for them; to reason with them and plan a life worthwhile. And he sees it not in gruesome years of waiting (amidst the impatience) but just a decision away.

    The joy to finally marry in love and with the loved was abounding. But his fear of the emotional turmoil of his past made him doubt his capacity to love and cherish this woman so.

    Only if he had had patience…

    Only if he had waited…

    Only if he had talked to someone…

    The Boy In Love

  • Whispers of Dawn: A Book of Cherita

    With Whispers of Dawn, A Book of Cherita, Celestine Nudanu lights up the torch for Africa as the first practitioner of the minimalist poetry form, the Cherita (a Malay word for story or tale created by ai li in 1997). The first ever Cherita collection to be published in Africa, Whispers of Dawn recounts Celestine’s personal story with sublime honesty, baring leaf by leaf, her disappointments, wishes, dreams etc. and boldly spilling out love betrayed and dreams deferred, often revealing to bare bones moments and situations where others would prefer to camouflage. Celestine writes with grace and exceptional poignancy, allowing the reader to ponder over her words and reflect on her story long after the pages have been closed on this collection.

    Please listen to her and you will never be the same again.

    Adjei Agyei-Baah
    Co-Founder, African Haiku Network and Co-Editor, The Mamba Journal

  • They Touched Us for Good

    “The author gives a succinct exposé of some pillars of life that are critical for good living and personal development. Those who yearn for leadership influence cannot afford not to read this book.” — Kwabena Boadu Oku-Afari, Executive Director, African Development Bank


  • Quintessential Montessori World Sensorial Practice KG 2

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years.

    Equipped with activities including read along, differenciation and matches, the Quintessential Montessori World Sensorial Practice enables early learning to progress faster in relation to the five senses of the child

  • Afajato: Stories from Around the Volta Lake

    In response to the Aidoo Centre’s call for submissions, 144 entries poured in from writers eager to contribute to this literary exploration of the Volta Region and Togo.
    The editors and publishers, committed to fostering diverse voices and storytelling styles, welcomed a range of submissions, including humour, quality flash fiction, and stories with experimental narratives.

    This book is a collection of stories that made the cut. It follows the success of the Centre’s previous publications, including Adabraka: Stories from the Centre of the World, Larabanga: Stories from the Savannah, The Lockdown: creative nonfiction about living with COVID-19, and Untold Stories Vol. 1.

    Each publication has contributed to the Centre’s mission of promoting critical reading, creative writing, and literacy among the youth in Ghana.

  • The Usurper’s Dream (Weaving of the First Gods #1)

    “If you can, you wrestle with fate and damn everything else”

    The story of Osei Tutu begins under the tyranny of the mighty Denkyira. Destined for a life of captivity, Osei Tutu must risk everything to free his people from the over a century rule of Denkyira. His fight will cause division among the very gods that set him on his path and he will threaten everything in his quest for freedom.

    The Usurper’s Dream combines all the elements of pre-colonial legends: adventure, magic and history in describing the lives of its heroes. A delightful, entertaining story with disparate takes on characters whose belief in magic, gods and destiny shapes their lives.

  • Alke-Bulan Duo and Heritage Tales from Santse

    “Alke-Bulan Duo” is an uncommon, classical novel – a historical fictional narrative of the saga of Two Ancient Africans, whose identities and personae were inspired by the intriguing Biblical account of Barabbas and Simeon of Cyrene. The saga of the Two is positioned in the historical settings of the 1st century AD and is recounted by Ataa Forkoyi, the legendary protagonist, to his audience of seven children of the Kerit Kids Klub at a campsite in the Accra Plains of Ghana.
    The novel’s foremost backdrop – an enveloping ambience of settings anchored in the epoch of ancient times and in varying geographical spaces, including Judea, stretching from North-East and North-West Africa (Pelusium, Alexandria, Apollonia and Cyrene), the Sahara Desert, Menroe, Sudan and Ethiopia, is juxtaposed to complementing contexts of explored realities of 19th and 20th centuries’ remarkable natural and cultural heritages of Ghana.
    The plot of the novel is lucid, but subtly woven and couched in varying intricate and intriguing circumstances and contexts that essentially frame the novel, characterized by exquisite historical allusions, sharp satirical inferences, fabulous natural history expositions and architectural analytical references, aligned with profoundly scholarly and philosophical reflections.
    The novel is a literary masterpiece, crafted in a non-pedigreed genre, full of fascinating nuances and spectacles, besides spiking the narration with conscious allusions to the significance of the role of the Black African race in human history, aspersions to the trans-Sahara and trans-Atlantic Slave Trades, employment of the poetic power of dualism, highlighting usage of Latin and Ga words in the text to accentuate the classical and cultural orientation of the novel.
    It is a novel that proclaims a robust and a compelling message of hope for Black African youth and children.

  • Class Three Stories (Little Sage Beginning to Read)

    Age Range: 5 – 9 years

    Four different stories for children who are beginning to read. The difficult words have been broken into easy phonetic syllables.

    The four characters in the different books are learning lessons of life and growing.

    Happy Reading.

  • Yawa, l’Aventrier: Le Medaillon du Soul Washer

    Dans ce numéro…

    Yawa, 13 ans, reçoit un appel téléphonique inquiétant de son père qui s’est rendu au Ghana pour un voyage de recherche. Dans une tentative désespérée de le sauver, elle s’envole pour le Ghana afin de le retrouver, mais il a disparu dans la nature.  Yawa enquête et tombe bientôt sur un secret troublant que personne n’est censé connaître. Ce secret met Yawa et son père en grand danger lorsqu’ils tombent face à face avec les personnes qui souhaitent le garder secret. Yawa réalise rapidement qu’il lui faudra utiliser toute sa tête pour les sauver tous les deux, et que… cela pourrait ne pas être suffisant !

  • Rainy Day Zoo

    Age Range: 1 – 5 years 

    Today is Zoo Day but when rain ruins a trip to the zoo, this joyous picture book follows a little child who uses their imagination to turn a boring indoor day into a wild and exciting adventure at the zoo. Go on this wild Zoo adventure with animals native to Ghana, collective names, fun facts and their Twi names too!

    Looking for a way to beat the rainy day blues? Look no further than The Rainy Day Zoo! Perfect for children, teachers, and parents alike, The Rainy Day Zoo will have kids (and adults!) laughing and learning as they follow along on this imaginative journey. So why wait for a rainy day to have some fun?

    Rainy Day Zoo


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