• The Library Tree: How a Canadian Woman Brought the Joy of Reading to a Generation of African Children

    “You are proof that the vision and actions of just one person can make a tremendous difference in so many lives!” — Michaelle Jean, former Governor General of Canada, following a visit to the Nima Library, November 2006

    It began one afternoon in the shade of a tree in the yard of a Canadian woman living in Ghana, West Africa. Kathy Knowles brought out a basketful of books thinking she might amuse the neighbourhood kids by reading to them.

    Over 20 years, that simple storytelling session morphed into seven large community libraries in impoverished areas of the country’s capital, support for more than 200 similar initiatives around Ghana and other African countries, and a publishing venture that produces children’s books tailor-made for the African culture.

    Kathy Knowles now runs her volunteer-based Osu Children’s Library Fund from her Winnipeg home with twice-yearly trips to Ghana. Her work promoting libraries and literacy in Africa has been recognised internationally. Her unflagging enthusiasm has created bricks-and-mortar projects and has brought the wonder of reading to thousands of children.

  • City Sounds

    Age Range: 2 – 5  years

    Read about daily sounds heard by a young boy living in the vibrant, bustling community of Nima, Accra, Ghana.

    City Sounds

  • My Orange Book

    Age Range: 2 – 5  years

    Celebrating the colour orange in Africa.

    I like orange. The comb is orange. The cap is orange…Bye-bye orange.”

    My Orange Book

  • The Hard Decision

    *Available from 25 March 2022
    After waiting for many years, Papa Koto and Mma Asibi finally have a child. They are determined to make him a more useful person. How they choose to do it may make them end up stepping on toes. Will they go ahead with their plans?

    “A delicious read, a read-worthy first book, The Hard Decision by Jean-Philip Lawson is yet another evidence of the rejuvenation of literature in our homeland.” Nana Awere Damoah, Author & Engineer

  • Asempa Hymns (Words)

    Asempa is the Twi word meaning “Good News”. Here is an English language hymn book with a difference. It not only includes 200 of the most popular British, German and American hymns, but it also brings together a similar number of compositions from Africa, Asia, and the rest of the world.

    Produced in Ghana, Asempa Hymns contains some 90 items from that country including 28 “Ghana spirituals” traditionally sung by the Pentecostals but now gaining popularity in all churches. In many of these, there is a distinctive Ghanaian flavour, which this book and the companion music collection Ghana Praise make available for the first time to Christians in other lands.

    The Western tradition of hymnody has served Africa well for many years, but the rich traditions of other countries have failed to spread, held up by barriers of language, denomination and communication. The appearance of Asempa Hymns, with its wide choice of hymns, from nearly all the continents, will help brothers and sisters in Christ in many lands to realise a new fellowship in song and will shorten the distances that divide us.

  • Letters To My Future Wife

    The content of this book is not different from the title. It is a collection of letters – letters to Serwaa. They are intriguing love letters from a young man to a young woman with whom he intends to spend the rest of his life. She is his wife-to-be, but certain issues must be settled before they take the irrevocable oath.

    The topics are on serious issues that can bind or break relationships. The letters are mainly the products of the writer’s creative mind. Some are triggered by real life situations. But the reader will find it difficult to distinguish between the two. The reason is not difficult to find. A reader who has been in a relationship or marriage can identify with almost every situation in those letters.

    Manasseh uses the simple and conversational tone to convey deep messages. He has not failed to spice them with witty African proverbs that give readers the mature flavour that must accompany the thought-provoking pieces. Those who are still battling with what to look out for in a lasting relationship will find a helpful guide in this book. It will be of help to the man whose mother still decides how he should relate with his future wife. The lady who is yet to discover that good boyfriends do not often make good husbands will find useful lessons in Letters to My Future Wife. The couple whose marriage is yet to be blessed with a child will find something comforting in this book. And those who find pleasure in reading for relaxation will find this book therapeutic.

  • I Rise to Inspire

    I Rise to Inspire is a collection of poems that focus on themes related to love, marriage, perseverance, faith, and friendship.

    I Rise to Inspire will challenge you to persevere in your daily struggles, it will sooth and uplift you, bring a smile to your face and ignite hope in you daily. It is your story, my story our song and our Journey.

    The poems on perseverance convict readers that there is a staying power in every soul. Readers are, therefore, encouraged not to be content with mediocrity but to strive hard and transcend every negative situation that comes their way. Furthermore, men, women and children are called on to discover their unique potentials and roles in society and are inspired to answer to the call of duty in society when called on. Readers are also impressed on to love unconditionally and forgive.

  • Yawa Okwantufoɔ No: Okra Hohoroɔ Mɛdallion No

    Wɔ saa nsemaa nhoma yi mu no… Yawa a wadi mfe dumiensa nsa ka telefon so frɛ a ehaw adwene fi ne papa a watu kwan akɔ Ghana wɔ nhwehemu akwantuo bi mu no hɔ. Esiane sɛ ɔpɛ sɛ ogye no nti, ɔde wimhyen kɔ Ghana kɔhwehwɛ no, nanso wayera wɔ mframa a ɛyɛ tratraa mu. Yawa hwehwe mu na ankyɛ na ɔto hintidua wɔ ahintasɛm bi a ehaw adwene a na wɔanhyɛ da sɛ obiara nhu. Saa ahintasɛm yi de Yawa ne ne papa nyinaa to asiane kɛse mu fi nnipa a wɔpɛ sɛ wɔyɛ komm ahintasɛm no ho. Yawa hu ntɛm ara sɛ ebegye ne nyansa na wagye wɔn baanu nyinaa nkwa, na saa bere no mpo ebia ɛno rennɔɔso!

  • Yawa, l’Aventrier: Le Medaillon du Soul Washer

    Dans ce numéro…

    Yawa, 13 ans, reçoit un appel téléphonique inquiétant de son père qui s’est rendu au Ghana pour un voyage de recherche. Dans une tentative désespérée de le sauver, elle s’envole pour le Ghana afin de le retrouver, mais il a disparu dans la nature.  Yawa enquête et tombe bientôt sur un secret troublant que personne n’est censé connaître. Ce secret met Yawa et son père en grand danger lorsqu’ils tombent face à face avec les personnes qui souhaitent le garder secret. Yawa réalise rapidement qu’il lui faudra utiliser toute sa tête pour les sauver tous les deux, et que… cela pourrait ne pas être suffisant !

  • Dede Sa Wɔ Our Day (Asante Twi)

    Age Range: 6 – 8 years

    Ɔkyena yɛ Our Day. Sukuu no aba awieɛ na aduru apontoɔ mmerɛ, adidie ne asa. Nanso

    Dede suro sɛ ɔbɛsa wɔ sukuu mu. Wɔdwene sɛ nkurofoɔ bɛsere no na ɛbɔ ne hu pa ara.

    Ne tiri nkwa, Dede abusua nim kwan a wɔbɛfa so aboa no ama wadi Our Day.

  • Dede Dances at Our Day

    Age Range: 6 – 8 years

    Tomorrow is Our Day. The school term has ended and it is time to party, eat and dance. But Dede is afraid to dance in school. She thinks people will laugh at her and that frightens her. Luckily, Dede’s family know just how to help her enjoy Our Day.

  • Essential Mathematics Workbook – Kindergarten 2

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Essential Mathematics Kindergarten 2 Workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment(NaCCA).

    Sufficient exercise/practices have been provided for each lesson under the various indicators.

    The questions have clear instructions and examples have been provided to help the learner in the learning process.

  • Essential Mathematics Workbook – Kindergarten 1

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Essential Mathematics Kindergarten 1 Workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment(NaCCA).

    Sufficient exercise/practices have been provided for each lesson under the various indicators.

    The questions have clear instructions and examples have been provided to help the learner in the learning process.

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