• The Phone Call (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    God is perhaps just a phone call away! Before the invention of the telephone, talking to people in faraway places was difficult. Now, we can talk to our friends and family from wherever we are. What would you do if you received a phone call from God? That’s the situation the child in this story finds her/himself in one day. The idea of God being just a phone call away is what makes this story so exciting.

    Kofi Anyidoho uses the magic of the telephone to give us a story about a child’s curious but lively chatter with God. And the beautiful illustrations by Sela Adjei help to make the story delightful and unforgettable. This book is perhaps most suitable for 7-9 year-olds, but older children and even teenagers and adults will also enjoy reading it because the story reminds us of unanswered questions of our childhood some of which remain with us for the rest of our life. Anyidoho himself once reminded us that “There is a Child in Every Adult and an Adult in Every Child”. With The Phone Call, Kofi Anyidoho, the well-known poet and author of Akpokplo (a play for children written in Ewe and in English), has made a significant contribution to literature for children in Ghana and Africa.

  • Tickling the Ghanaian: Encounters with Contemporary Culture

    A book on contemporary Ghanaian culture and heritage.

    In this book, Kofi Akpabli seeks to unravel what at all tickles the Ghanaian. Is it Sunday afternoon’s after church Omo Tuo and beer, or when Ghana is ‘beating’ its arch-rivals in sports, Nigeria?

    Articles in this book include the two that won him the CNN/Multichoice Journalist Award for Arts and Culture back to back in 2010 and 2011, becoming the first journalist, in the award’s history, to have won one category back to back: The Serious Business of Soup in Ghana and What is Right with Akpeteshie.

    Following his usual humorous style of writing, Tickling the Ghanaian promises to be funny and educating. Kofi takes a different view of what we have perceived as always to be archaic. Kofi has eyes of details and tells his story the best way it could possibly be told.

  • Suma En Promenade (French Edition)

    French version of 5 books of the same story in English, Ga, Twi, Ewe and French. Suitable for children between 6 and 7 years (class 1 and 2). Great set for children to learn other languages, especially Ghanaian languages.

    Suma is a young girl who goes for a walk in the field and encounters a host of animals. Colourful books with beautiful pictures that teachers children adjectives.

  • Going Green with Grandma Grace (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 4 – 7 years

    When little Adoma visits her Grandma Grace for the holidays, she has no idea she will learn and explore so much! Follow Adoma as she discovers little ways to go green, as well as give.

    This book delves into the simple ways we can conserve energy. Adoma wastes things without really noticing them, and her grandmother gently calls her attention to it. The book has a simple activity at the end, but more activities can be drawn from it. When reading this book with a child, for example, you can explore other ways they can save energy. Then, ask if there’s anything they can do to help others in need.

  • Yawa, The Adventurer: The Soul Washer Medalllion

    Age Range: 7 – 13 years

    Meet Yawa, a 13-year-old near genius with a knack for getting into trouble! Yawa The Adventurer Issue is an original, funny, 32-page all-ages action-adventure comic series with an African twist. It is the first-ever comic to blend fact, fiction, history, culture, and modern living from a variety of African countries. If you’re a fan of adventures like Indiana Jones, silliness like Scooby-Doo or Dumb or Dumber, or international mystery and mischief like Tintin, then this is the comic for you! Each issue explores different countries in Africa through Yawa’s adventures – their history and culture and includes pages of facts that you are guaranteed to not know about! Perfect for comic lovers, young AND old!

  • Small Worlds

    An exhilarating and expansive new novel about fathers and sons, faith and friendship from National Book Foundation 5 Under 35 honoree and Costa First Novel Award winning author Caleb Azumah Nelson

    One of the most acclaimed and internationally bestselling “unforgettable” (New York Times) debuts of the 2021, Caleb Azumah Nelson’s London-set love story Open Water took the US by storm and introduced the world to a salient and insightful new voice in fiction. Now, with his second novel Small Worlds, the prodigious Azumah Nelson brings another set of enduring characters to brilliant life in his signature rhythmic, melodic prose.

    The one thing that can solve Stephen’s problems is dancing. Dancing at Church, with his friends, his band or alone at home to his father’s records, uncovering parts of a man he has never truly known.

    Stephen has only ever known himself in song. But what becomes of him when the music fades? When his father begins to speak of shame and sacrifice, when his home is no longer his own? How will he find space for himself: a place where he can feel beautiful, a place he might feel free?

    Set over the course of three summers in Stephen’s life, from London to Ghana and back again, Small Worlds is an exhilarating and expansive novel about the worlds we build for ourselves, the worlds we live, dance and love within.

    Small Worlds

  • In the Eye of the Storm: Autobiography of Justice Emile Francis Short (Hardcover)

    This book recounts my upbringing, narrating the role my father played in inculcating in me the values of honesty, integrity and hard work. The book describes my life from secondary school through University and the twist and turns of my career. The main object in writing the book is to inspire public officials to discharge their functions “without fear or favour, ill will or affection.” It also seeks to encourage the youth to pursue hard work and do the right thing at all times. It hopes to discourage the youth from engaging in unethical practices like 419, sakawa, satanic or occultic practices to get rich quickly. Honesty does pay in the long run. The idea of sitting down to write about myself especially at age 70 was not an attractive proposition. However, I received encouragement from a number of persons who impressed upon me the need to describe how I navigated the journey as Ghana’s first Commissioner for the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice and the challenges I encountered. My faith in Christ and how it has shaped my career are well articulated in the book.
    Justice Emile Francis Short

    Justice Emile Short’s memoir contains a powerful account of the life of a man whose local and international standing has generally beclouded a rich and fulfilling life history immersed in family, friends, community, and faith. Adopting a fluent narrative tinged with humor and transitional pauses and asides, this memoir presents a profound excursion into his life marked by detailed narrative of his experiences growing up in Ghana and abroad, education, love life, and professional development, and these will afford any reader a rare insight into the life of one of Africa’s, and certainly Ghana’s greatest sons. While many will find the chronology of his life’s story easy to identify with, his meticulous narration is truly a testament to the memoire’s overall richness and the depth of the author’s encounters and world views. Few memoirs open a window into an author’s life like this piece and the brazen frankness of his accounts illuminates the author and his lived experiences in the many episodes and phases of his years. The reader will find the book a lively and highly engaging read–one which piqued my own interest till the very end. I have hardly read any autobiography this revealing!
    Prof. E. Kofi Abotsi
    Dean, UPSA Law School

    A very well told life story. Lovely in its brevity, but that seems to come at the expense of some of the important episodes narrated in the book, particularly the “Damascan” transformation from being a successful conventional elite professional Cape Coast lawyer and hustling in the UK (on the one hand); to becoming a “born again”/charismatic Christian, occupying high level state positions/public office, “speaking truth” to powerful politicians/slaying political tigers, and liberating the enslaved.
    Prof. Gyimah Boadi

  • Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools Book 2

    Age Range: 6 to 12 years

    Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

    The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

    In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

    This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

    The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

    This book in the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.

  • The Village Teacher

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    The story of Jospeh Amanehunu or “suffering Joseph” whose life begins with great difficulty.
  • The Calabash and the Box

    Age Range: 6 – 9 years

    Mama Kaday’s favourite calabash floats off when Lamina goes to the stream to wash the dirty dishes. When Lamina finds the calabash, there is a black metal box in it. How did the box get into the calabash and what is in the box?

  • Dede Dances at Our Day

    Age Range: 6 – 8 years

    Tomorrow is Our Day. The school term has ended and it is time to party, eat and dance. But Dede is afraid to dance in school. She thinks people will laugh at her and that frightens her. Luckily, Dede’s family know just how to help her enjoy Our Day.

  • A Toast to Fatherhood

    This book – A Toast To Fatherhood – primarily addresses the subject of fatherhood from the perspective of sons and daughters. The book builds on the common knowledge that a son or daughter is anyone born by a woman. Here, a father is defined to mean more than just biological father.

    Through the chapters of A Toast to Fatherhood, the author seamlessly shares real life stories in addressing some thought-provoking issues related to the child-father relationship. These include:

    • What is fatherhood: Is it a divinely initiated human institution or a mere collection of individuals called fathers?
    • Why do son and daughters wait for their fathers to die before they find beautiful words in tributes to read over the dead bodies?
    • And if so, then why shouldn’t you and I propose a toast to fatherhood and to fathers while they are alive?
  • The Rescue: An Anthology

    Abena was a y0ung girl who felt that no one cared about her or loved her. On several occasions, she tried to commit suicide, but the urge to live still remained in her. Finally, she made up her mind to end it all by throwing herself down from the third floor of a school block. But her friend Esther saw her just in time!

    Abo was in his small backyard garden when Mensima, a student he had known for only a few weeks, came by. He turned to look at her in a certain way, but that look was the mistake he made that day.

    “I shouldn’t have turned to look,” he recalls, “for she left a picture on my mind, which became a snare for me.”

    Abo’s fascinating story, told in detail and with suspense, will captivate you and make you wise about how not to be led astray by people you come into contact with.

    These stories and other stories in this book are true-life experiences, and they come to encourage, caution and educate us on many aspects of life. These true events happened in private, but they are presented to you in boldness and in the open just so you will learn the lessons they learnt and escape as they did or didn’t.

  • When Mother Left: An Anthology

    Elizabeth’s mother left the family never to return. Suffering under the heavy hands of her father, she wondered why life was so bitter for her until her grandmother visited them.

    “Now you are old enough to understand it,” said grandmother. “Your father is treating you this way because of what your mother did to him!”

    What did her mother do, and how did that affect innocent Elizabeth and the family?


    Until Sammy changed his attitude in a very strange way, he and Oppong were closer than brothers.

    Now what has come over Sammy? Where from these deadly intentions? After the sudden turn of events, Oppong has to bear the pain of losing his bosom friend and strive to adjust to his new way of life. Years later, Sammy returned from the unknown seeking to be pardoned, but how delayed was the pardon?


    These stories and other stories in this book will give you a better understanding and appreciation of some of the little things, that make life worth living. Enjoy the reading!

  • Dede the Star Pupil

    Age Range: 6+ years

    Dede can not be described as an ace pupil. Life is tough for her; her home is not happy. Her mother is anxious and she is on the radar of the school bully. Worst still she has repeated class 4.

    Her life sucks!

    Life has a way of offering you an olive branch when you least expect it. What will Dede do with the opportunity fate has handed her?

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