• Final Target – Hardcover

    The President’s daughter…
    The women determined to save her…
    The man with the power to betray a nation…

    Melissa Riley arrives at her sister’s isolated Virginia country home to find herself plunged into a deadly drama. There the renowned Dr. Jessica Riley is attempting to draw the daughter of the President of the United States out of a severe catatonic trauma. The last thing young Cassie Andreas saw was an organized team ruthlessly murder her nanny and the Secret Service agents sworn to protect her. But to free Cassie, Melissa and Jessica must trust a mysterious, charismatic man.

    Michael Travis made his fortune in the international underworld. He risked everything to save Cassie during that terrible night of bloodshed. And he has entered into a secret bargain with the President. But is his show of concern all a treacherous charade? Melissa and Jessica have no choice but to accept Travis as their ally—and to follow a dangerous plan that will lead them into the world of a killer who’ll destroy anyone standing between him and the…Final Target.

  • Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before – Hardcover

    Two centuries after James Cook’s epic voyages of discovery, Tony Horwitz takes readers on a wild ride across hemispheres and centuries to recapture the Captain’s adventures and explore his embattled legacy in today’s Pacific. Horwitz, a Pulitzer Prize-winner and author of Confederates in the Attic, works as a sailor aboard a replica of Cook’s ship, meets island kings and beauty queens, and carouses the South Seas with a hilarious and disgraceful travel companion, an Aussie named Roger. He also creates a brilliant portrait of Cook: an impoverished farmboy who became the greatest navigator in British history and forever changed the lands he touched. Poignant, probing, antic, and exhilarating, Blue Latitudes brings to life a man who helped create the global village we inhabit today.

  • Pencil on Assignment

    We find ourselves in a temporary world where many are focused on leaving temporary marks rather than eternal ones. Young people today are looking for fame, riches, luxury, without looking for their primary goal on earth.

    This book gives an insight to give key issues from the view point of a pencil to address the greatest quest in life; purpose. It looks at the relationship between;

    • The pencil and its marks
    • The pencil and the eraser
    • The pencil and the lead
    • The pencil and the sharpener
    • The pencil and the hand (user)

    The book also addresses issues such as:

    • Leaving a positive mark
    • Who can be saved?
    • What next after salvation?
    • Does a Christan skate through life trouble-free?
    • How can the best in you be seen?

    Everyone is leaving a mark on this earth, but the big question is,  “How relevant is your mark in your generation and the generations yet to come?”

    Don’t strive to be better than someone; strive to be the best you.

  • The Role of Public Medical Knowledge in Disease Prevention and Treatment

    Why get sick, (by surprise) when you have a choice to prevent or block sicknesses? Just like death, all around us like trees in the woods, many don’t think of it or hate to think of it. And so we get shocked when it bears its ugly fruits. The same can be said of sicknesses/diseases in our bodies.

    Sicknesses or diseases are no respecters of person or status. Both the rich and the poor visit hospitals daily. The only difference is those who are health conscious enough to block/ prevent or get rid of diseases at the earliest stage. One can only prevent what he/she knows correctly.

    This book contains more than thirty commonest disease conditions one can easily find in health facilities across the country, (Hypertension, Intestinal Obstruction, Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Cancers, Pneumonia, Sickle Cell Disease, HIV/AIDS, etc.). Emphasis placed most on how anybody at all can effectively prevent these diseases without a pill/herbs. I believe Prevention of Diseases depends 99% on the public rather than clinicians, while treatment of diseases depends 95% on clinicians more than the public.

    This book contains medical knowledge, made extremely simple for even a child’s understanding. Medical jargons explained to the barest; including rationales for medical facts for easy understanding and practice.

    Note: Many preventable diseases — Hypertension, Diabetes, Stroke, etc. — cannot be cured or eliminated from the body, especially in chronic state; they can only be managed. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER; get empowered on health related issues.

  • Je Parle Francais Pupil’s WorkBook 5

    This is one of the three volumes of Je Parle Francais workbooks intended for primary four, five and six classes. The methodology aims at promoting contemporary communicative and authentic use of the French Language Skills – reading, speaking, writing and listening.

    The many exercises cover a wide range of themes and the workbooks are to be used with the Pupil’s books at the corresponding stages. They are designed to help the pupils have active control of the vocabulary and structure.

    The dialogue written in simple and natural French accompany each lesson. It is sufficiently short to be learnt and acted by the pupils.

    The cultural contexts of the lessons will enable the pupils to experience a world beyond school and classroom.

  • Sɛmanyia

    Suitable for the general public and Junior High Schools.

    A comprehension book with questions for the pupil to better understand the text.


  • Je Parle Francais: French Book 5

    This is one of the three volumes of Je Parle Francais intended for primary four, five and six classes. The methodology aims at promoting contemporary communicative and authentic use of the French Language Skills – reading, speaking, writing and listening.

    The passages cover a wide range of themes. The exercises are many and varied. They are designed to help the pupils have active control of the vocabulary and structure.

    The dialogue written in simple and natural French accompany each lesson. It is sufficiently short to be learnt and acted by the pupils.

    The cultural contexts of the lessons will enable the pupils to experience a world beyond school and classroom.

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