• The Shrinking Bowl

    Young girls in Ghana confront a challenging socio-economic environment. This novel is the story of one such girl’s life-journey, from childhood to middle-age, and the lessons of this journey. It is a sequel to the author’s first novel, Journey.

    “A delightful lifeworld weighted with history and almost untouched in African fiction…a world whose veneer of simplicity belies its tangled dark underbelly. The novel deftly combines the solace of familiarity with a mystery of memory and intimacy…quirky and endearing.” – Professor Helen A. Yitah, Dean, School of Languages, University of Ghana (UG) and Honourary Secretary, Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences; former Head, Department of English, UG

    “This book is a tour de force of its genre; a journey of discovery through a cultural landscape in a fascinating part of Ghana. Difficult to put down even at the end.” – Nana Kwasi Gyan Apenteng, Communications Consultant; former President, Ghana Association of Writers

  • Maame

    In Aakonu, a small village on the coast of Ghana, life is a constant tussle between the reality of the mundane and the superstitions presided over by the local priestess. In this setup, girls in their puberty can only look forward to marriage—often to men old enough to be their fathers and already with other wives. Ahu, a young widow of eighteen, has no choice but to marry an older relative. What she does will change girls in her lineage forever. Through these beautifully told, lyrical stories about herself, her daughter Bomo, the beautiful but tragic Ebela, and the childless Aso, and others, Ahu introduces us to her community, and the beliefs and customs that keep its families together but in the end also stifles its girls futures.


  • The Teller of Secrets (Ouida Edition)

    In this stunning debut novel—a tale of self-discovery and feminist awakening—a feisty Nigerian-Ghanaian girl growing up amid the political upheaval of late 1960s postcolonial Ghana begins to question the hypocrisy of her patriarchal society, and the restrictions and unrealistic expectations placed on women.

    Young Esi Agyekum is the unofficial “secret keeper” of her family, as tight-lipped about her father’s adultery as she is about her half-sisters’ sex lives. But after she is humiliated and punished for her own sexual exploration, Esi begins to question why women’s secrets and men’s secrets bear different consequences. It is the beginning of a journey of discovery that will lead her to unexpected places.

    As she navigates her burgeoning womanhood, Esi tries to reconcile her own ideals and dreams with her family’s complicated past and troubled present, as well as society’s many double standards that limit her and other women. Against a fraught political climate, Esi fights to carve out her own identity, and learns to manifest her power in surprising and inspiring ways.

    Funny, fresh, and fiercely original, The Teller of Secrets marks the American debut of one of West Africa’s most exciting literary talents.

  • Danger Express (Pacesetters)

    Where was he now? he (Ishmael) wondered…

    Gradually his mind began to clear…Slowly he started to put the shattering events of the recent past into place.

    There was something important he had to do. Had to…

    The lives of several important heads of state, VIPs and many others including children and the loveable Tom are in the balance. And time is running out for Ishmael.

  • Too Cold for Comfort (Pacesetters)

    A young man marries a beautiful girl but this is not, as you might think, the happy ending to our story. Hannah is obsessed by Christian ideals of morality and purity and this leads to conflict and unhappiness. Events take a tragic turn before Hannah is brought to her senses.

  • Secrets of Scandals

    It is not every day that one is transported into the social settings of 100 years ago. Add the intrigues of illicit affairs within inner family circles and one has in hand a historical high-society thriller that hooks the reader from page one. Set in the British colony of the Gold Coast, the novel drips with nostalgia and is richly flavoured with African customs of the Ga tradition.

    In the world of this fast-paced book, patriarchs run the family like a corporate. At the heart of affairs is how the professions and indigenous businesses tapped into colonial connections. Secrets of Scandals is an expedition into the genesis of how the nation’s movers and shakers built their national fortunes and brokered their private shame.

  • Victims of Hope

    She grows up in a village in Ghana. Efia questions the things around her but she must learn to live with the rich but rigid culture.
    When she boards the flight to pursue a law degree at Harvard, little does she know what shocking punches life will throw at her in Boston. She returns home armed with a Law Degree, only to realize there is so much more to life in Africa, than her “book knowledge”.

    Efia falls for Big Joe. He is a great lover but he comes with great trouble. Is he also dating the only daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Ghana, the ruthless Alhaji Yusif?  Alas, Efia is already pregnant.

    Alhaji is not one to forgive… He does not.

    Ansah, Efia’s brother steps in with a plan. His sister does not deserve this.

    The yam that will burn, will burn boiled or roasted.

    Victims of Hope

  • Victims of Circumstance

    Victims of Circumstance is based on the Igbo cultural practice of Osu Caste system. In the course of the narrative, the descendants of Ezeako automatically become Osu-outcasts-following the sacrifice of their father, Ezeako, to an oracle of Ogwugwu.

    Having assumed this status, the Ezeako children who have now become a village (Umuezeako) are no longer treated as free citizens but rather as social outcasts.

    This discrimination culminates in the collapse of the relationship between Ego and Nduka.

  • Asuoyaa by Train

    Nyameba, a twelve-year-old boy, had barely two months to write his Common Entrance Examinations. He relocated from his parents’ home to stay with his auntie after his mother travelled out of the country. It was difficult coping with his new environment which, to him, was a bit harsh. He fell into trouble and ran away from home to escape punishment. The main Accra train station became his haven.

    There, he met Ato, a young boy of his age who lost his family through the famous Asuoyaa train disaster and now lived at the train station. He made a living as a head porter. Nyameba joined his new friend in the trade just to survive. Sisi, one of the market women he worked for, offered to travel with him on the train to Asuoyaa.

    His encounter on the journey, his stay in Asuoyaa and the tragic moment he experienced on his return to Accra, transformed his life for good.

  • Ayorkor

    Ayorkor’s beauty was fortified with a good character ingrained by her parents. She had great dreams for the future and was also bent on making her parents proud come what may.

    However, her father’s misfortune at his workplace almost derailed her plans. As a JHS Three student, her Basic School final exam was now on the line as her family began to face financial difficulties. Eventually, fate made it necessary for her to relocate to live with her uncle and his wife in another town.

    At her new place, Ayorkor made a friend at school who lured her into a very tempting situation. The tough test of Ayorkor’s character and her resolve would then unfold.


  • Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe

    This Book captures the story of a simple weaver, Silas Marner, who is badly treated by members of his Church. As a result he leaves his native town and settles in the Village of Raveloe. Here, he lives a very lonely life but he accumulates a lot of money. One night, a thief enters his cottage and steals his money. Grieved by this, he leaves his door open in the hope that his money might come back to him……

  • Zeb Silhouette

    Zeb Olima Jefferson is a bold and inspiring character. Determined to live her life according to her own rules, she travels from a dangerous relationship in Nigeria to life as an immigrant in America and then back to Nigeria again. There she faces a challenge that threatens her very sanity. This is a moving, shocking and compelling novel.

    Zeb Silhouette

  • Babingo: The Nobel Rebel

    In Pointe-Noire of the 1950’s lived Paul Makouta, a “civilized” and westernized native who was very proud of communicating exclusively in French with Madeleine Mamatouka, his wife, Alex his only son, and the other children of his household. Under no circumstance did Makouta allow the members of his family speak the language of Metropolitan France with the slightest trace of a Bantu accent. Again, anyone who dared speak Kituba, an indigenous language, with the family’s domestic staff was liable to severe reprimand.

    Clearly, the father’s intransigence was at odds with the communicative practices in the neighborhood and of children commuting daily to school. And it was only natural for Tessa, a fellow pupil from the neighborhood, to successfully convince her teenage friend, Alex Babingo, of the absurdity of Makouta’s directive. Little did Alex Babingo realize that his initial acceptance of the irrationality of the father’s prohibition in colonized Congo was only the start of a trajectory which, from the other side of the world, would impel his return to the very roots of his culture and ancestral traditions in the now independent Republic of Congo or Congo-Brazzaville. Babingo, the Noble Rebel is a poignant and pulsating advocacy for the mainstreaming of indigenous languages into the curriculum of African countries, not least those belonging to the French-speaking world.

  • The Minister’s Daughter

    A highly pampered little girl from an affluent home loses everything one dark morning. With her dear father gone forever, she must now struggle for survival. Not helping with the situation are an austere and depressing village setting and two feuding women – an aggrieved and bad-tempered nurse and a fashionable teacher with high dreams in a questionable relationship.

    In the village school, there is the head teacher who hates this minister’s daughter because of her father. Not even Akuluksi, the one-eyed boy, spares her with deeply hurting teases that breaks her heart. But the minister’s daughter must survive her childhood days.

  • Excess Baggage

    Her mother’s desire to escape the poverty trap means Ablokyiyoe must travel with a human trafficker to La Cote d’Ivoire. At first Ablokyiyoe resists, but a fiasco marriage finally forces her to yield. Ablokyiyoe finds herself in La Cote d’lvoire where she is compelled to engage in an illicit trade.
    The plot of her jealous mistress leads Ablokyiyoe into the house of a murderer. After her miraculous escape, Ablokyiyoe decides to come back to Ghana, her beloved country for good.
    When events don’t go as planned, Ablokyiyoe has to find a way out. Will she be forced to go back to her tormented lifestyle in La Cote d’Ivoire?

    Excess Baggage


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