• More Than My Scars: The Power of Perseverance, Unrelenting Faith, and Deciding What Defines You

    The first thing you will notice when you meet Kechi Okwuchi is her scars. One of just two survivors of a devastating plane crash that killed more than 100 people, 16-year-old Kechi was left with third-degree burns over 65 percent of her body. More Than My Scars is her incredible story. A story of not just surviving impossible odds but thriving in a world that is too often caught up with how we look on the outside rather than seeing that our true value is within.

    Now in her early 30s, Kechi has spent the last 16 years refusing to be defined by her trauma. Follow her as she decides for herself what role her scars will play in her life before society decides for her. Her strong sense of identity, rooted in seeing herself the way God sees her, has allowed her to live authentically in a world that constantly seeks to define us by its ever-changing (and ever-shallow) standards. Kechi’s story will inspire you to love and accept yourself as you are and confidently present your true self to the world.

  • Spare (Hardcover) – Pre-Order

    It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow—and horror. As Princess Diana was laid to rest, billions wondered what Prince William and Prince Harry must be thinking and feeling—and how their lives would play out from that point on.

    For Harry, this is that story at last.

    Before losing his mother, twelve-year-old Prince Harry was known as the carefree one, the happy-go-lucky Spare to the more serious Heir. Grief changed everything. He struggled at school, struggled with anger, with loneliness—and, because he blamed the press for his mother’s death, he struggled to accept life in the spotlight.

    At twenty-one, he joined the British Army. The discipline gave him structure, and two combat tours made him a hero at home. But he soon felt more lost than ever, suffering from post-traumatic stress and prone to crippling panic attacks. Above all, he couldn’t find true love.

    Then he met Meghan. The world was swept away by the couple’s cinematic romance and rejoiced in their fairy-tale wedding. But from the beginning, Harry and Meghan were preyed upon by the press, subjected to waves of abuse, racism, and lies. Watching his wife suffer, their safety and mental health at risk, Harry saw no other way to prevent the tragedy of history repeating itself but to flee his mother country. Over the centuries, leaving the Royal Family was an act few had dared. The last to try, in fact, had been his mother. . . .

    For the first time, Prince Harry tells his own story, chronicling his journey with raw, unflinching honesty. A landmark publication, Spare is full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.

  • The Heart of God’s Music

    The Heart of God’s Music is a well-researched and inspirational book on music that touches God’s heart. The author summarizes this exciting and engaging work in the following words: “As I continue towards my destination and expected end my desire is that God will be pleased and blessed by the sound of continuous music being offered in His name and for His glory on earth. God’s music ministry is a high calling which is founded on and ought to be saturated with Biblical truth, a sound blend of doxology and theology.”

    It is our prayer that God will bless those who read this book and draw them to Himself in intimacy.

  • The Methodist Children’s Hymnal (Hardcover)

    The printing of the Children’s Hymnal became necessary when the Church saw that our children and the young people were more in tune with the singing of the choruses than the Methodist Hymns. As a result, the Christian Education Division was mandated by the Board of Ministries to select some of the hymns which could be conveniently sung by the children. The publication was to be handy and attractive for the children.

    Moreover, it was meant for the children to appreciate and know the worship setting and culture of the Methodist Church, so that they could grow with it. The Church also realised that unlike the olden days where hymns were taught in schools, there was the need to print the hymns in smaller booklets to assist worship in our Methodist Schools.

    It is the hope that the children would be inspired by this hymnal, and their faith will increase and be strengthened in God as they sing and memorise the lines of the stanzas. The hymns, we believe, will enable them to draw close to God and to relate well with other people.

  • Methodist Hymn Book with Tunes – Stave Notation (Hardcover)

    First published in 1933, this contains the hymns in the Methodist Hymn books accompanied by their staff notations. It also includes tunes for the Canticles, Psalms and other Bible passages included the Beatitudes. It is a useful resource for church choirs and all music lovers.

  • My Name is an Address (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    You are not lost! You are not alone! A GPS system navigates you to where you are going, but your name could lead to what you are looking for. What’s in a name?

    Ekuwah Mends uses the alphabet letters to answer that question. She opens a window into her family, history, culture, language, geography, and more. Look through Ekuwah’s actual family photos, Mother’s artwork, and Father’s artifact collection.

    My Name is an Address comes to life and touches your heart. Exit the story by finding your own Akan name. Also, return when you need to feel connected. Ultimately, be inspired to find your own address.

  • Augustine Kwasiga Younge: The Great Musician, Composer, Educator, Scouter and Counselor — The Pioneer in Revitalization and Africanization of the Catholic Liturgy and Mass in Ghana (Pre-Order)

    **Available from 20 June 2022

    When the Catholic Church realized the itching urge to inject more African Culture in her Christian worship to revitalize the Liturgy and Mass in the 1960s, Mr. A.K. Younge, alias “Master Younge,” in a solo effort revolutionized the Roman Catholic Church musical scene by initially replacing the “Old Latin Hymns” with traditional tunes accompanied by African musical instruments. As his determination persisted, he found himself in the greatest imbroglio as some church elders and musicians cast insinuations for what they believed to be anti-Christ (Catholic). With much encouragement from his dear wife Catherine Afiwor Younge and full support by the Papal See in Rome, Master Younge delved deeper. He came out with many compositions and innovations that provided the foundation that seemed to meet the aspirations and expectations of the awakened African Catholicism in Ghana and the Keta Diocese.

    If traditional African drums, bells, and rattles are heard in Catholic churches today in Ghana, we must, with all certainty and reverence, remember the efforts of Master Younge. He made it happen. His Era’s selected contemporaries also covered include: Adalbert Kodjo Mensah Tibu, Philip Gbeho, Emmanuel Gakpo Gadzekpo, Togbe Afiatsoa II: Mr. George Kwame Akordor, and Cornelius Kofi Doe-Williams (alias CK).

  • Falls in Ghana: Unified Guide Books & A Coffee Table Photobook (Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur)

    Waterfalls in Ghana are interesting, delightful and well worth the effort to seek out and explore. While Ghana does not have any with the sheer vast height or width of say Niagara Falls on the US-Canada border, or Victoria Falls in East Africa, falls in Ghana offer a much closer personal interaction in that you can stand under or much closer to the cascades and bathe or swim in their plunge pools.

    The Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur Guide books help make your personal journey a lot easier and more rewarding as you get to pick and choose the sort of experience you prefer. The Coffee Table Book is the perfect gift for anyone you’d like to introduce to Ghana, for your own enjoyment.

  • Falls in Ghana: A Visual Collection of Waterfalls and Cascades in Ghana – A Coffee Table Photobook (Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur, Hardcover)

    Waterfalls in Ghana are interesting, delightful and well worth the effort to seek out and explore. While Ghana does not have any with the sheer vast height or width of say Niagara Falls on the US-Canada border, or Victoria Falls in East Africa, falls in Ghana offer a much closer personal interaction in that you can stand under or much closer to the cascades and bathe or swim in their plunge pools.

    The Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur Guide books help make your personal journey a lot easier and more rewarding as you get to pick and choose the sort of experience you prefer. The Coffee Table Book is the perfect gift for anyone you’d like to introduce to Ghana, for your own enjoyment.

  • Remnants of a Haunted Past: Forts and Castles of Ghana (Photo Book, Hardcover)

    Yaw Pare is a celebrated Ghanaian photographer. This ground-breaking book richly illustrates the history and legacies of Ghana’s forts and castles through photography. In the same way that the forts and castles themselves bear witness to the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade and slavery, so too do these photographs provide compelling material and visual testimonies, offering possibilities for understanding that words do not.

    In this book, the photographer’s camera captures a reality that many choose to remember but just as many choose to forget. Ultimately, Remnants of a Haunted Past: Forts and Castles of Ghana constitutes an attempt to document the past so that it is never forgotten in the present.

  • Nana Otuo Siriboe II, 1971-2021: Fifty Years of Distinguished Service to Juaben, Asanteman and Ghana

    Foreword by President Nana Akufo-Addo

    Nana Otuo Siriboe II was enstooled as Juabenhene – Paramount Chief of the Juaben Traditional Area of Asante − on August 31 1971, at the age of 26. An electrical engineer by training, he decided to leave the employ of the Electricity Corporation of Ghana and make the development of his State a priority.

    Fifty years on, from the days of Dr. K.A. Busia, Acheampong, Akuffo, Rawlings, Limann, Rawlings, Kufuor, Mills, Mahama to Akufo-Addo in 2021, he has transformed Juaben into a modern town. He uses every opportunity that he has to advance the cause of Juaben. Every development agency that has ever dealt with Nana Otuo Siriboe has been persuaded to leave a mark in Juaben. Under his supervision and guidance, Juaben has benefitted from electricity, potable water, a market, hospital, police station, some bungalows for the police, a circuit court, an asphalted road network, street lighting and other modern amenities.

    He has also changed the economic circumstances of his people by not only establishing a rural bank, but also making farming attractive through his own oil palm farming activities and his setting up of Juaben Oil Mills, the largest indigenously-owned palm oil processing facility in Ghana, with over 400 employees. An interesting feature of the processing plant is the conversion of its waste materials into electricity to power the factory’s plant and equipment, the Juaben Hospital and the town’s water pumping station.

    In spite of this unparalleled service to his people, Nana Otuo Siriboe has stretched his influence way beyond Juaben. A trusted lieutenant of both Otumfuo Opoku Ware II of blessed memory and the reigning Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, today Nana Otuo Siriboe II is a well-known and respected statesman across Ghana. He has had the privilege of serving in many sectors of public life in Ghana. In 1979, he was a Member of the Constituent Assembly that drafted the 1979 Constitution. Nana Otuo Siriboe II has also served on several Boards and Councils such as the Boards of the Lands’ Commission, GBC, The Trade Fair Authority and The Komfo Anokye Hospital and on the KNUST University and the Prisons Service Councils.

    In 1992, he was thrust further into the limelight when, as a nominee of the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs, he became a Member of the Consultative Assembly, serving as the Chairman of the Business Committee, that spearheaded the drafting of the 1992 Constitution. He was a Member of the Council of State between 2001 until 2008 under President J.A. Kufuor. In 2017, he was appointed a Member of the Council of State by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and was unanimously elected as Chairman of the Council of State becoming the first traditional ruler in Ghana’s history to occupy that august position. Reappointed to the Council of State in 2021 and re-elected as Chairman, he has also become the first Ghanaian in history to be a two-term chairperson of the Council of State.

    This 308-page Golden Jubilee coffee table book chronicles the major milestones of Nana Otuo Siriboe II’s reign through captivating photographs, interesting newspaper clippings, and thought-provoking newspaper editorials; and has travelled through a 25-year journey to get to this point.

    The History of Juaben was authored by Emeritus Professor Albert Adu Boahen of blessed memory and the Juabenhene’s biography and key achievements by Professor Robert Addo-Fening for the 25th and 40th anniversary brochures respectively. Abyna-Ansaa Adjei, on her part, documents Nana Otuo Siriboe II’s activities of the past 10 years, his views on his 50-year reign as well as the views of some Juaben citizens.

    A simple read, it comes highly recommended with a goodwill message from the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and a foreword by President Nana Akufo-Addo, which states at its conclusion: “I recommend, most enthusiastically, this beautiful book that chronicles these events.”

  • A Panorama of Ghana’s Heritage: Una mirada al patrimonio de Ghana – in English & Spanish (Photo Book, Hardcover)

    Ghana, with Forts and Castles inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is the African country with the oldest and greatest number of slave Castles dotted along the whole length of its coastline from which slaves were shipped. The capture and forced transfer, over the centuries, of millions of Africans to other parts of the world, along with their cultural traditions, skills, ideas and general heritage, not only had a profound impact on the African continent, but ultimately left a major mark in the formation and shape of cultures and civilizations of the world.

    Ghana, con fuertes y castillos inscritos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, es el país africano con los más antiguos y númerosos fuertes situados a lo largo de la costa, desde donde los esclavos eran embarcados. La captura y el traslado forzoso, a lo largo de los siglos, de millones de africanos a otras partes del mundo, junto con sus tradiciones culturales, habilidades, ideas y herencia en general, no sólo tuvo un impacto profundo en el continente africano, sino que dejó en última instancia una huella profunda en la génesis y forma de las culturas y civilizaciones del mundo.

    Includes bibliographical references (pages 105-106) and index.

    English and Spanish.

  • Art and the Power of Goodness: A Collection of John Agyekum Kufuor (Hardcover)

    **Available from 16 June 2021

    FOREWORD BY GORDON BROWN, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

    There is a strong correlation between art and power and in this book, Ivor Agyeman-Duah, a cultural and literary historian, looks at it from the art collection of the former President of Ghana – John Agyekum Kufuor.

    From a matrilineal household in Kumasi that is connected to the visual and palace art in the ancient imperial Kingdom of Ashanti, Kufuor travelled the world from Oxford into the pantheon of great personages and power. Along the way, whether in villages in Ethiopia or among the Maasai in Kenya, across the Maghreb into Morocco, infatuation with the Persia classical period, Ottoman or Asia Minor’s remains of modern day Turkey, northern Lebanon and parts of Greater Asia, some of these acquisitions came by way of gifts and purchases.

    They reflect family life and belief, ancient trade relations and routes as well as patterns of contemporary geo-politics. It could be through Benin bronze sculpture with facial stratifications or of metal smelted Malian Islamic crusaders on horseback or a herdsman from a Sahel water well.

    These works, seventy of which form the basis of this book with few external ones, include resistance art in the fashion of the ‘empire fights back’ against British West African colonial conflict engagements and resultant Independence.

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