• A Bad Day for Martha

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    In this short book, young readers explore the importance of integrity and the repercussions for acting immorally.


  • Honesty: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Mummy discovered her favourite serving bowl was broken. When asked, all the children denied breaking it. Mansa finally owned up after the children were asked many times. She was punished by her parents for being dishonest.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Karim’s Story

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    Karim teaches his friends how to be courteous and have good habits.


    Karim’s Story

  • Bookset: Courtesy & Manners Guidebooks for Boys and Girls (5 books)

    Age Range: 7 years and above

    Most of us were trained with Courtesy for Boys & Girls as a guidebook. Fundamental rules of courtesy for young people, rules on behaviour; much more needed today! Now, you can have four other books in this series as a bookset.

    These books are adapted from up-to-date fundamental rules of courtesy as they apply to young people of today and list for the guidance of parents and teachers rules on a gracious refinement of behaviour. They teach young readers how to be courteous in their everyday lives and how effective it can be, how to be polite and have good manners, and how to get along with others.

    A great set of books to use to engage young people on matters of manners.

  • Monde The Courageous Girl

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

  • I Will Miss Mr. Kizito

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

  • Anena’s Victory

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

  • In Attendance: On and Off Campus – A Personal Diary

    In Attendance is the third in a series of autobiographical reflections by Ebow Daniel, who spent a 34-year career at the University of Ghana, the last ten of which saw him as Registrar – a role which, its prominence notwithstanding, he self-deprecatingly describes as bureaucrat, rather than academic; in academia, but not of it; also present at the Academic Board, but does not count for quorum; to be seen, but not heard, neither Present’ nor ‘Absent,’ in the minutes, only ‘In Attendance.’ Forewords generously contributed to In Attendance by H. E. Mrs Agnes Y. Aggrey-Orleans (Retired Diplomat), Kojo Yankah, founder, African University College of Communications (AUCC) and Ivan Addae-Mensah, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Former Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana, provide compelling reason to read this book.

    Following Mr. Registrar, published in 1999 and A Tale of Cape Coast published in 2004, In Attendance is a book of many parts. Beyond the autobiographical insights it provides in its vignettes, it recounts, within well-researched contextual accounts of colonial and post-colonial educational policy, the foundational stories of Adisadel College and the University of Ghana, both alma maters of the author. In Attendance also presents, with liberal doses of the author’s characteristic humour, the author’s educational and professional journey – and people encountered, some in wistful detail – from early days in Sekondi through to his professional life in Legon and to his post retirement life in Kigali, Rwanda; in the Office of President J. A. Kuffuor at the Osu Castle and Jubilee House; and, to final retirement at Another Den, his home in Tema. The author’s reflections on higher education in Ghana, on the political experiment that Ghana is, on religion, on Freemasonry, and on the role of the latter in his life, all presented in a unique style of writing, make for fascinating reading. Foreshadowing his demise in 2019, the titles of final parts of In Attendance – At the Confessional, Homestretch, In Memoriam, Nothing now Remains, Curtain, End of Story and – Final Call belie his humorous depiction of life’s lessons.

  • Managing Your Life

    Managing Your Life is sequel to Living by Strategy, by the same author. It takes on the task of reducing strategies to the day-to-day actions to achieve the mission, vision, goals and roles of a person. It is about actualizing personal strategic plan to achieve personal, social and vocational development.

    In this book, the author dedicates a chapter to each area of your life you have to manage. The chapter headings are pointers to their content in each of the fourteen chapters, which are grouped in Five Parts.

    • Part One: Leading and Managing Yourself
    • Part Two: Managing Your Private Life
    • Part Three: Managing Your Relational Life
    • Part Four: Managing Your Public Life
    • Part Five: Managing Your Spiritual Life

    If we are intentional about living, and manage our lives as best as we can, we are likely to leave a lasting legacy for our generation and posterity. It prepares them to face the inevitable.

  • Don’t Play with Fire

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

  • The Unfulfilled Dream

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

    In this story, Gwendolyn Akello joins a presigious secondary school in Kampala. Her parents believe that their great dream for her will soon be realised. One of her friends, however, takes advantage of her village innocence, and leads her down a very dangerous path.

  • Mfantse Kodzisɛm Ho Adzesua (Mfantse)

    The title of this book translates Studies on Fante Literature . As the title states,the book gives a detailed knowledge of Fante Literature as a valid field of intellectual creativity and study.

    Adopting the definitive approach,it defines the highlights of the subject at each of its levels; What Fante Literature is,the two broad categories of Fante Literature (Oral and Written), the various elements that makeup each category, and identifies the items that constitute each element.

  • Ruins of A Star

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

    Ruins of A Star

  • You and Your Problems

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    In this booklet, the problem-solving method will be tried out on lots of different real-life problems. It has been written to help young people understand and solve personal problems, get along successfully with others, and make realistic educational and rational plans.

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