• Skills

    Skills (54)

  • Social Intelligence

    Social Intelligence (32)

  • Speeches

    Speeches (6)

  • Courtesy for Boys and Girls


    Age Range: 9 years and above

    Most of us were trained with this as a guidebook. Fundamental rules of courtesy for young people, rules on behaviour; much more needed today!

    This book is adapted from up-to-date fundamental rules of courtesy as they apply to young people of today and list for the guidance of parents and teachers 165 rules on a gracious refinement of behaviour.

  • Bookset (Pack of 10 books): Everyday Values For Sunday School Children – Short Stories on 10 Values that Children Need to Grow into Responsible Adults

    Age Range: 6 – 12 years

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of 10 short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Africa: A Continent on Bended Knees

    Not content with debating his peers on diverse platforms to articulate his critical concerns on the Pan-African agenda, outspoken Son of the Soil, Femi Akomolafe has produced this development reference book.

    Africa: A Continent on Bended Knees weaves together a collection of thought-provoking articles, which must entice anyone blessed with a black skin and a conscious soul.

    How can Africa unleash its power to a world that is in need of the continent’s energies and authenticities? Focusing on Ghana, where the author is based, if he is not in the Netherlands, the publication explores the socio-economic development of Africa. Presenting detailed scrutiny on the most imperative issues, the observations, analysis and reflections advocate for one thing – change. Be it history, culture, education, entrepreneurship or good old politics, the issues are clinically diagnosed, and the prescriptions laced with the tonics of thinkers such as Sartre, Foucault, Diop and Nkrumah.

    The beauty of this volume is that the writer does not pretend to brandish the silver bullet to change the fortunes of nations. He only lifts up a compass to show that the Destination is possible.

  • Humility: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Abawie was a brilliant boy. He started performing poorly in school when he became proud and boastful. All his good friends stayed away from him. Miss. Bentil, his teacher, advised him on the virtue of humility. When Abawie took her advice, he started to perform well again in school and won his friends back.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Polished Manners

    Age Range: 10 years and above

    Polished Manners was born out of observing moral decadence in our society for the past 30 years.

    Polished Manners is a book on etiquette and manners for all ages. It is an A-Z guide to becoming a total person with a conduct worthy of the highest societal acceptance and respect.

    Polished Manners would help you build a better business relationship with your workers and clients. It would build better homes and better nations.


    Polished Manners

  • Forgiveness: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Mamavi vowed not to forgive her classmate who accused her falsely. At Sunday school, the Parable of the Prodigal Son was read and discussed. She spoke to her Sunday school teacher who taught her how to forgive. She later reconciled with her classmate.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Love: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Kobee did not like the way his playmates treated TT. TT could only walk with the help of crutches and often stood outside the playground to watch the children playing. After Kobee heard about the Parable of the Good Samaritan, he befriended TT. His friends later became TT’s friends too.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Gratitude: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Maamle never said thank you for anything done for her. She read about the only leaper in the Bible story who came back to thank Jesus after he had healed ten of them. She then learnt the importance of being thankful.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • A Luta Continua: In Search of a Better Tomorrow

    A Luta Continua is a reflection of a revolutionary thinker with a pristine passion for people, his country and the African continent. Unconstrained by dogma, Yaw Nsarkoh draws wisdom from diverse thinkers and writers, crafting his own unique perspective that speaks to the hearts and minds of all who come into contact with the book. From navigating the intricate world of business to championing the power of purpose-driven ventures, Yaw shares his experiences and insights on achieving both profit and social good. Indeed, A Luta Contina! – Joel E. Nettey, Immediate Past President & Chairman (International Advertising Association – IAA); President, Old Achimotan Association (OAA); Chief Executive – The Ninani Group

    Discover a thought-provoking exploration of Ghana and Africa’s development agenda and the challenges posed by the Neo-liberal quagmire in Yaw Nsarkoh’s A Luta Continua. Through a collection of speeches, social media posts, and book reviews, Nsarkoh delves into the complexities of economic growth, social progress, and political transformation on the African continent. With astute analysis and compelling arguments, this book offers a unique perspective on the opportunities and obstacles facing Africa in the 21st century. – Lola Shoyenin, Author and Publisher, Ouidah – Lagos

    Yaw Nsarkoh is one lad who has definitely drenched himself in the wisdom: “Do yourself a favour and learn all you can and you will prosper’’ (Proverbs 19:8). In this wonderful gift of a book, Yaw writes with passion and a zeal unmatched, delving into all kinds of subjects provocatively and persuasively revealing a lot of insightful details. – Pamela Aba Turkson, Senior Professional Engineer

    A Luta Continua is a compelling collection of insights from a deeply perceptive social commentator spanning education, politics, the arts, and neo-liberalism in Africa. Through profound reflections, Yaw Nsarkoh challenges prevailing norms and advocates for progressive change, urging readers to join the ongoing struggle for a brighter future. This thought-provoking book ignites dialogue and inspires action. It is bound to resonate with anyone who is passionate about Africa’s development trajectory. – Ken Ansah, COO, Multi Media Group

  • Respect: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Maame became a disrespectful girl after she befriended a group of naughty girls in school. She was suspended from school for misbehaving. Her god- mother spoke to her about God’s commandment on respect. She regretted her actions and resolved to be the respectful child she used to be.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Generosity: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Ami was not happy that she had to give away some of her clothing and toys. Her mother told her about the Parable of the Rich Fool. She then changed her mind and happily gathered some of her clothing and toys for the family donation.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Endurance: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Fire destroyed the house and property of the Numbo family. Sung complained and grumbled because he lost all the things he enjoyed before the fire. He read about Job in his children’s Bible and the experiences of Job taught him the value of endurance.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Service: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Tifigra pretended to be sick anytime it was the turn of his family to clean the church. He did not want to take part in church activities. After watching a video about the call of the little boy Samuel in Bible, he became eager to take part in church activities.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • A Football Match

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    This early reader from Adaex focuses on character development with a story about taking responsibility for your own actions.Football can unite people but it can also be nasty if players and supporters are not courteous and do not see it as a unifying game.

  • Selflessness: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Atta Panyin and Atta Kakra never shared anything of theirs. At an Easter picnic, they tried to carry away their food so they would not have to share. The big bowl fell and the food poured on the ground. Shamefully, they had to eat the food their friends brought.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

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