• Icon Series: Numeracy for Kindergarten 2

    Age Range: 3 – 5 years

    Icon Numeracy is a series of three books, namely:

    • Numeracy for Nursery (Ages 3 and 4)
    • Numeracy for KG 1
    • Numeracy for KG 2

    Each of the books was carefully prepared to cater for the need of learners at the foundation level. The books have been well prepared to meet the Standards-based Curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) in 2019. Young learners were particularly paid attention to, so they have the full benefits of these books, and prepare them adequately into the world of mathematics.

    The Numeracy for KG 2 was carefully extracted from the KG Curriculum to help young learners have the requisite understanding of the basic concepts, and to enable them to move to the upper classes with ease. Besides, the language has been kept brief in both the rubrics, headings and explanation of concepts to enable the young learners to read after a little guide by teacher. The books have been divided into 7 strands, namely:

    1. Number: Counting, Representation and Cardinality
    2. Number Operations: Addition and Subtraction
    3. Patterns and Relationships
    4. Geometry
    5. Measurement
    6. Motion or Position
    7. Handling Data

    Each of the Strands (Topics) has been expanded with enough exercises to help the learner grasp the concepts. The books are activity-based and learners have the opportunity to express themselves as they learn. Group work has also been given to enable learners work in groups while learning about teamwork and communication, and collaboration.

    What makes the series easy to use, fun and exciting is the design of the book with some beautiful toys that excite the learners at this level. The books breathe enough to keep learners very active while using them. By the time learners are through with the series, they will be well-equipped with the core competencies as explained in this new standards-based curriculum.

    Learners, teachers and parents will find the series very interesting to use.

  • My Writing Book for Pre-School (Beginners)

    Age Range: 2-4 years

    My Writing Book for Pre-School (Beginners) has been specially designed to aid proper childhood writing development at an early age, and gives the child an opportunity to explore their creative side. Activities in this book help develop the child’s hand-eye coordination and improve concentration whiles writing.

    This book is filled with fun activities that are geared towards making the young child enjoy writing with confidence and precision.

  • Red Oak: Ma Yensua Mfantse Learner’s Book 9

    Written and edited by a team of experienced Mfantse teachers and experts, this book is structured on the 2020 Common Core Curriculum issued by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) of the Ministry of Education for Junior High Schools. It comprehensively covers all strands and sub-strands outlined in the curriculum namely: Oral Language (Listening & Speaking), Reading, Writing & Composition and Writing Conventions/Usage.

    The clear and accessible layout and design facilitates learning.

  • Saro

    On a visit to the coast of Marina, Lagos, Siwoolu and his young family are lured by a traitor to a grand merchant ship where they are captured by slaveholders masquerading as traders. On the way to the new world, they are rescued by abolitionists on a British naval ship and sent to Freetown, a haven for freed slaves.

    They settle in their new home, grow their family, and become successful merchants, trading goods between Freetown and Eko. Dotunu, Siwoolu’s wife, falls in love with another man and is caught in a love triangle. But their lives are upended again when they hear that the kingdom has selected the traitor as king. Siwoolu, content with his new life, yet fearful of a curse that lurks in the shadows, refuses to return, but Dotunu is determined to keep the traitor from the throne. She turns to their son, Oșolu, who is running from his own demons, to seize the throne that is rightfully theirs.

    Saro is a multigenerational tale of betrayal and restitution, love and war, inspired by true events that will take the reader from the rocky terrain of Abeokuta and the burgeoning city of Lagos to the lion mountains of Freetown and Hastings of Sierra Leone from the 1830s to the 1850s.


  • Renewable Energy: Challenges (Kawi Renewable Energy #6)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 6 on Renewable Energy: Challenges discusses the energy deficit in Africa. Only 20% of Africans have access to reliable modem supplies of energy. Yet Africa is well endowed with natural resources that can be tapped to meet the energy demand. The book has suggested ways of increasing supply on the continent through well-presented project ideas, which can be implemented at regional, national and community levels.

    The authors: Armerley Anerkal Ollonnu is a research consultant while Daniel Mensah Brande is a producer/writer with the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Storage (Kawi Renewable Energy #5)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 5 places emphasis on the importance of storing energy. Energy is not always available in the form that people can readily use. Solar energy must be stored so that it can be utilised even when the sun is not shining. The book challenges readers on how to ensure that hydropower is available even during the dry seasons. Modern, as well as traditional methods of storing renewable energy are presented.

    The author of the book, Renewable Energy: Storage, Joram Augustine Pyuza Matulu, is a senior researcher at the Tanzania Education Institute.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Conversion (Kawi Renewable Energy #4)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 4 informs children that energy cannot be destroyed. It merely changes from one form to another. The same energy form can be used in many different ways. For example, potential energy becomes Kinetic energy which can become mechanical energy. The book has several examples of children’s fun activities explaining different aspects of energy,

    The authors, Lirahalibonoe Molapo works as a researcher and writer at the Maseru Resource Centre while Nthunt’si Maphasa is a senior staff officer at the National Curriculum Development Centre in Maseru.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Conservation (Kawi Renewable Energy #3)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 3 is a very enriching book, which presents various ways of conserving energy. It gives numerous suggestions of how to save energy through the correct choice of appliances. Interesting exercises have been developed to reinforce to children that the proper use of natural resources contributes to energy conservation. Examples and experiences include traditional and cultural practices from across Africa made exciting through vivid illustrations and photographs.

    The author, Alfonso Dominic Nyorch, is currently a senior education officer with the City of Nairobi, Kenya.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Uses (Kawi Renewable Energy #2)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 2 presents different uses of renewable energy. Did you know, that blogs from human waste is used as an energy source for establishments which have no access to power from the Main Girid. Interesting stories maintain the children’s interest and involvement with the subject of renewable energy.

    The authors: Harold Frank Gonthi is a Project Officer with GTZ, Malawi, while Wilson Khamison Nkhoma Makuumiza is a curriculum planner at the Malawi Institute of Education in Domasi.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Sources (Kawi Renewable Energy #1)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 1 presents a broad definition of energy and introduces the Kawi series. Each energy form is described in detail with interesting reference made to West African traditional practices that deal with energy. Did you know that sea salt is added to plant food to make it soft for animals to feed?

    The author, Yaya Satina Diallo, is an editor with Gandall Editions in Guinea. He has written numerous children’s books on science and the environment.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Le Village des Animaux (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    “Quelles grandes leçons Nelda LaTeef enseigne aux jeunes et ceux d’entre nous qui ne sont pas si jeunes dans son livre, Le Village des Animaux. Écouter les vieilles histoires transmises des ancêtres; il est toujours mieux de rester ensemble que de se monter les uns contre les autres; Concentrez-vous sur une tâche jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit accomplie et tout est possible, peu à peu.” − Johnnetta Betsch Cole, Directrice: Smithsonian National Musuem of African Art  

    “Le Village des Animaux est une histoire inspirante qui nous enseigne la persévérance et la valeur du travail d’équipe. L’histoire du livre, Le Village des Animaux est la réflexion de ce qui se passe dans notre village global.” − Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissaire Européen au Commerce et aux Relations Extérieures Chef du Protocole des Nations Unies

  • Masterman: My Best Copy Book 6

    These books provide activities for a beginner to acquire essential pre-writing skills that lay a firm foundation for the development of the important skill of writing.

  • Masterman: My Best Copy Book 5

    These books provide activities for a beginner to acquire essential pre-writing skills that lay a firm foundation for the development of the important skill of writing.

  • Masterman: My Best Copy Book 4

    These books provide activities for a beginner to acquire essential pre-writing skills that lay a firm foundation for the development of the important skill of writing.

  • Masterman: My Best Copy Book 2

    These books provide activities for a beginner to acquire essential pre-writing skills that lay a firm foundation for the development of the important skill of writing.

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