• E-Book: More Profitable Than Gold – Less Capital Needed


    The purpose of this book is to help the new generation of African entrepreneurs embrace the reality of achieving higher net profit margins through investing and participating in the business of farming where less capital is needed.

    This phenomenon will facilitate the creation of jobs and birth an agribusiness eco-system that would create wealth and hence improve the livelihoods of many in Africa.

    According to the African Development Bank (AfDB), food importation into Africa as at 2017, stood at $35 billion and it is estimated that this figure will hit a staggering figure of $110 billion by the year 2025, if we continue the current trend of importation without giving much attention to the business of farming.

    These statistics are alarming and justifies the call for African governments to take farming more seriously. Even though there are other businesses that are also more profitable than gold, this book focuses primarily on the Horticulture side of Agribusiness.

    This book will give any “wannabe farmer” the acute knowledge to be able to start and run a profitable farm with little capital.

  • Managing the Pressure of Success and Time

    If you are struggling with the management of your success, time and suffering from leadership challenges, read this book and then do what it says. A powerful and inspiring book that you will want to read again and again. Managing the pressure of success and time is a treasure trove on principles, methods, concepts, tips, techniques and ideas that will change your life. Whatever other self-help books you may read in your lifetime, make this one your top priority. A tremendous book packed with infinite wisdom.This book is a clear, simple road map that shows you how to focus on the vital few, rather than trivial many.

  • Maximizing Your Potential: Die Empty

    Ankrah has the rare talent of writing books that are fun to read yet truly life changing. Maximize Your Potential will move you at the deepest level and show you how to have the life you have always wished you could have.

    This book will lift your spirits and inspire you to make the changes in your life that will get you back on track, not only professionally but personally. The book provides a rare key to unlock your potential.

  • How to Secure Your Financial Freedom: Spend After Saving, Don’t Save After Spending

    What is your financial situation today? Does your income exceed your expenses regularly, and that you are looking for investment opportunities? Does your income exactly meet your expenses and that you cannot save at all to meet any emergency? Does your income fall short of your expenses and always looking for a loan to survive? Do you not earn any income at all and are therefore financially depressed and it is even affecting your relationship? Which of the above scenarios can you associate yourself with?

    Worry no more. Ankrah’s How To Secure Your Financial Freedom will guide you to achieve whatever financial targets you have set for yourself. Your financial life is in your own No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened to you for the past, you can consciously make a decision to change your financial situation. There is no such thing as hopeless financial situation. Every financial situation can change.

    You don’t change your financial situation by just increasing your income. You do so by delaying gratification. The book provides a road map to financial recovery driven by a realistic, deliverable promise for a better life. It shows you how to master essentials to get your money under control and prepare financially for the rest of your life.

  • Networking Made Easy

    An easy-to-understand networking guide for startups and students.

    “Don’t let the ‘cuteness’ of this read fool you! Ama has wittingly loaded it with real-life anecdotes, pithy statements and practical tips about networking, that will revolutionize your life. Truly, ‘little hinges swing big doors.'” – Dr Yaw Perbi, Global CEO of The HuD Group, Montreal, Canada

    “Ama Duncan provides some golden nuggets to the art of networking. In an easy-to-read manner, with memorable examples and useful reflections, Ama manages to break down networking to its basic elements, making this important social skill accessible to even the most challenged networker. An enjoyable, short read.” – Dr Jemima Nunoo, Lecturer, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration

    “A delightful guide full of important information on networking and it is good for those of us who want to leverage on networking and grow in our corporate lives and personal businesses. It is a must-read and I am confident you will learn something new.” – Chairman Stephen Essien, MD, ZEGHA Energy Ltd

  • Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic

    We are not in ordinary times and systems have been shaken!

    Truth be told, things are going to take on a different turn and the question is… are you ready for it?

    This book outlines simple practical steps you can begin using today to make gains in these troubling times.

  • Faith of Our Fathers: A Call to Contend for the Christian Faith

    A glance through the Bible reveals a call for God’s people not only to believe and live the gospel but also to safeguard the gospel and ensure that it is passed on to the next generation without distortion or contamination. Indeed, the fiercest battle of the Christian faith has been the battle against error and false teachers. It is against this background that God wants you to contend for the faith which was once and for all delivered to the saints. This book will help you do that effectively.

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