• Igba-Boi: Repositioning the Igbo Apprenticeship System (Hardcover)

    Igba-boi: Repositioning the Igbo Apprenticeship System highlights the entrepreneurial exploits of the Igbos of south-eastern Nigeria. Despite the globalisation-accentuated influence of western business culture, the Igbos have sustained their indigenous business system undergirded by an ingenious apprenticeship system, Igba-boi.

    This apprenticeship system has existed in the Igboland for decades as an important heritage, embedded in cultural norms and values passed down for generations. The authors argue that the unique framework and rules of operation of this viable socioeconomic empowerment model will, if well-positioned, make significant contributions to the advancement of the boi/Nwa-boi  (apprentice), the Oga (Master), the community (Ndi-Igbo) and the achievement of the country’s overall developmental goals.

    Case studies of prominent and successful Igbo people in business feature in the book to illuminate our understanding of the system:

    • President and Chairman, Coscharis Group – Application of Design Thinking to Igba-boi Business Model leading to extraordinary business success

    • Chairman, E. Sunny Vespa International – Disruption of Motorcycle Engine Technologykey lessons and success story

    • Chairman and Chief Executive, Chisco Group – Building an Empire on Integrity & Authenticity

    • Chairman, Legacy Motors – Apprenticeship, Ndi-Igbos and ASPAMDA Market, Lagos

    A timely, easy-to-read, valuable resource and reference text for scholars, practitioners and regulators interested in institutionalising a sustainable business model in Africa based on a tested indigenous apprenticeship system.

  • Peter Dagadu: Man of God

    Usually we know those men who have influenced church and nation only by reputation, as it were from the outside. In this book we have the rare privilege of seeing such a man at close quarters his childhood and schooling, how he came to Christ, the struggles and problems he went through in short, what made him the man of God he was.

    Though Peter Dagadu died so many years ago, there are thousands who knew him and who will find in this account the secret of a man they admired but did not always understand: To many others, both lay and ordained, the story of Peter Dagadu will prove a challenge to climb the upward path following in his footsteps.

    Peter Barker came to Ghana in 1956, after studying history and theology at Oxford, to work on the magazine New Nation, of which Peter Dagadu was a member of the advisory board. He later taught French and history at Okuapemman and La Bone secondary schools, and in 1961 began a two-year course of study for the London BD at Trinity College (then in Kumasi). After three years as pastor of Kaneshie Presbyterian Church and editor of Christian Messenger, he was seconded to the Christian Council as secretary of the Literature Committee and later manager of Asempa Publishers.

  • Amu the African (Children’s Edition)

    This is the children’s edition of the earlier book, Amu the African, A Study in Vision and Courage, written by Fred Agyeman. From this book, we can learn about the qualities of selflessness, originality, regard for Africaness etc. which characterised the life of this renowned Ghanaian educationist and reformist, Dr Ephraim Amu.

    The book seeks to inspire the youth to emulate the good example of Dr Amu – a personality who has influenced for good, many pupils and students in his 50 years of teaching.

    In this children’s edition, Fred Agyemang and Phanuel Nyaku have retold the story of Amu in simple, easy-to-read narrative form.

    This book is highly recommended for Ghanaian children to help them absorb some of the values we cherish from our traditional heritage as eminently exemplified in the life of Dr Ephraim Amu.

    Not since Dr Kwegyir Aggrey has any other Ghanaian influenced more positively the development of Ghanaian culture and pride in the African Personality than Dr Ephraim Amu.

  • The Daughters of Nandi

    As she took her dying breath, Nandi Mhlongo, mother of Shaka kaSenzangakhona, cursed the house of Zulu and her family, the Mhlongos, for the disrespect she endured at their hands. In the ancestral realm, Nandi worries that her malediction may have been rash and too dangerous for the descendants of the two houses. The curse can be undone but it will need a human medium to convey the message to the progeny.

    Through three historical periods, three women who are extraordinary in their different ways will seek to get restitution for Nani. Gentle Keeya, a Motswana woman of the House of Moagi who marries one of Nandi’s descendants as the English, the Boers and the Zulu go to the war in the 19th century; Uju, a spirited married woman who carves a space for herself in history during the forced removals of Sophiatown in the 20th century; and in the 21st century Amangwe, who reluctantly joins her fellow students as they speak up against a meaningless freedom during the #FeesMustFall protests.

    Will any of these three women manage to ensure Nandi Mhlongo is appeased and if not, what shall be the consequences to the Houses of Mhlongo and Zulu and to the three Daughters of Nandi themselves?

    An engaging debut which seamlessly weaves fact, fiction and spiritualities while subverting the way the reader perceives history.

  • Ahafo and the Bono Regions of Ghana: Accomplishment & Honours of ‘Brilliant Achievers’ (Hardcover)

    This book is a one-of-a-kind compendium of profiles of some distinguished citizens from Ahafo and the Bono Regions of Ghana. The book contains nuggets of inspiring biographical information that brings to the fore some men and women who have dared the oddities of life to challenge the debilitating issues of human existence.

    The book is a guiding light for young people to emulate many successful Ghanaians, some of whom had humble beginnings but braced the odds to emerge as champions in their respective callings.

    In addition, it is a must-read for professionals desiring to excel in their chosen careers and parents who want to inbue their children with a higher sense of confidence, patriotism and hope.

    The first section of the book covers the profile of eminent natives of the Ahafo and the Bono regions who have contributed significantly to the development of the nation in all sectors, including chieftaincy, banking and finance, trade and industry, hospitality, diplomacy and farming, among others.

    The second section talks about non-natives who had over the years also made a tremendous contribution to the regions and the nation while section three is a photographic presentation containing pictures of people such as female educationists, lawyers, ministers of state, regional ministers, sports personalities and some significant activities and events.

    Additionally, the book contains photographs of all the chiefs and queen mothers of the former Brong Ahafo Region before it was carved into three regions.

    It also has a six-page epilogue which contains the authors’ thoughts and also features all ministers of state who hailed from the regions.

  • My Footprints in Ghana’s Black Gold

    This memoir — part historical and part autobiographical — traces the author’s involvement with the final phase of petroleum exploration in Ghana, a journey that took over a century, beginning with the first onshore well in 1896. It has been a most interesting journey, with many twists and turns.

    In the early days of the existence of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, there were various myths and half-truths about the presence or absence of commercial quantities of oil and gas in the basins of the Ghana.

    • Nigeria was draining Ghana’s oil and that all that was required was for Ghana to buy powerful machines and begin to pump and drain her own
    • Ghana would never find oil until the gods of Nzemaland and the Volta Region had been pacified
    • The GNPC Model Production Sharing Agreement was too stringent on contractors

    A major seismic interpretation of the Cape Three Points sub-basin of the Western Region, in 1992, would turn out to be the watershed of this new brave phase of exploration in Ghana.

    The book was finally launched in Ghana in April 2022.

    Hopefully, going to the heart of the matter should help future generations of ordinary Ghanaians, politicians and explorationists understand what it took to make Ghana a petroleum producing country, just in case the country was afflicted by the “Dutch disease.”

  • Who Moved My Heels?

    This book gives provides a diverse backdrop of females in business from eleven countries. It shares deep insights on how to ignite your purpose and passion.

    The “Who Moved My Heels” classic brings 18 businesswomen into the consultation room to share their real, raw struggle of entrepreneurship. This book also collates impactful, heartfelt, valuable lessons that encourage, motivate and strengthen females starting out in business. It is a courageous collection of honest, down-to-earth experiences aimed at warding off doubts that may swerve existing entrepreneurs off-track.

    Dr. Abena Asomaning-Antwi partners with prolific authors and rising women such as Kiran Shah, Dr Aloysis Ogle, Arpita Kaul, Cardela Coulson, Dr. Nongnush Ammoury, Georgina Kelly, Arundhati Seigell, Farzana Muhammad, Dr. Venessa Moussa, Lady Charul Jaitly, Priyaa Televvane, Atiyya Dudhat, Dr. Genevieve Duncan, Vyara Tosheva, Dr. Fatima Beena, Lynette Lobo, and Fauza Belts.

  • Southern African Liberation Struggles 1960-1994 (Contemporaneous Documents, 9 Volumes)

    These 9 volumes are the most comprehensive historical record of  the liberation struggles in southern Africa. Comprising 2.4 million words  in 5,394 pages, they record interviews with liberation fighters and supporters in the Frontline states and the extraordinary sacrifices they made so that Africa could at last be free. With the fall of the South African apartheid regime, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) identified the need to record the experiences of the liberation struggles in Southern Africa, from 1960 until that final liberation in 1994. To that end, SADC launched the Hashim Mbita Project – named after the last Executive Secretary of the OAU Liberation Committee.

    The research covered liberation movements in the countries which engaged in liberation wars, the Frontline states and Extension countries; and the Research Project team comprised members from the SADC mainland states of Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Lesotho and Swaziland. The support received from other regions is documented: Anglophone West Africa, Francophone Africa, North Africa, East Asia, Canada and the United States, Cuba and the Caribbean, the German Democratic Republic (GDR),  Nordic  Countries,   Western  Europe,  the Soviet  Union, Non-Aligned Movement: India, Yugoslavia, Indonesia, Sri lanka; Organisation of African Unity and United Nations.

  • The Mkapa Years: Collected Speeches (3-Volume Box Set, Hardcover)

    This collection of speeches, in three volumes, by the third President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Benjamin William Mkapa (1995–2005), will serve primarily as reference documents to the vision of what he attempted to achieve in his ten years of leadership. His tenure as a leader came at a time when Tanzania’s economy was in dire condition. The legacy of the command economy, which had been in place for much of the 1970s and 1980s, was still felt. There was resistance to change to adopt a market economy, evident in the political tensions and debates about privatisation, an approach following Structural Adjustment Programmes, imposed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, that had led to stagnation of the economy, high inflation, deteriorating health, education, communication, and transport sector services, as well as general gloom in the country especially among the poor. The bold steps he took during the first half of his administration did not immediately endear him to the public. However, in the ensuing years, slowly but steadily, positive results were achieved, and the social cost of change that the people had endured was appreciated. Relations with development partners and the multilateral agencies that before he took office had sunk to the lowest ebb were restored, and Tanzania, which was no longer unfit to borrow, received the largest debt relief ever and henceforth. Tanzania was on its way to new growth potentials and a vibrant private sector-led economy.

    These collected speeches tell this story and tell it well, in great prose laced with wit and quotations from world political and literary sources, which is an evidence of his erudition as a literature student and journalist.

  • We Won’t Budge

    Part autobiographical, part social commentary, this is a powerful and insightful look at the situation of border intellectuals at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

    In this searing memoir, Manthia Diawara revisits his early years as an emigrant in love with Swedish girls and Western rock and roll music, taking us from the nightclubs of his hometown Bamako to the cafes of Boulevard Montparnasse and the black neighbourhoods of 1970s Washington DC, USA.

    This book is about the developed world – that is the former colonisers of the African continent now busy slamming shut its doors to African and Arab immigrants.

    It is also about human rights violations and racism against people of colour. Diawara writes that he wanted to give a human face to African immigration in today’s global world. He describes the reasons why many Africans leave the continent – such as poverty, persecution and lack of opportunities – and writes sometimes angrily and sometimes very movingly, about their predicament in Europe and the US, where they are caught between their traditions and the West’s vacuous modernity.

    “With humour and the intimacy of a conversatonal tone, Diawara writes of the ‘global’ African as a nomad at the mercy of whirlwinds of economic and political dislocation at home and racism and intolerance abroad. He is not at home in his country; he is not at home abroad. But the nomad refuses to bow down to those whirlwinds, to let evil turn him around, and against all the odds becomes an active contributor to the multiculture of the globe. This is the story of a diasporic soul that finds home in its own resilience and in so may ways it is all our story.” – Ngugi wa Thiong’o (Author of A Grain of Wheat et al)

    “We Won’t Budge is destined to become a classic – it is one of the most insightful, layered and moving accounts of the modern African Diaspora.” – Patricia Williams (Author of The Alchemy of Race & Rights et al)

  • Our Time Is Now: Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America (Hardcover)

    From New York Times bestselling author of Lead From The Outside and political leader Stacey Abrams, a blueprint to end voter suppression, empower our citizens, and take back our country.

    “With each page, she inspires and empowers us to create systems that reflect a world in which all voices are heard and all people believe and feel that they matter.” Kerry Washington

    A recognized expert on fair voting and civic engagement, Abrams chronicles a chilling account of how the right to vote and the principle of democracy have been and continue to be under attack. Abrams would have been the first African American woman governor, but experienced these effects firsthand, despite running the most innovative race in modern politics as the Democratic nominee in Georgia. Abrams didn’t win, but she has not conceded. The book compellingly argues for the importance of robust voter protections, an elevation of identity politics, engagement in the census, and a return to moral international leadership.

    Our Time Is Now draws on extensive research from national organizations and renowned scholars, as well as anecdotes from her life and others’ who have fought throughout our country’s history for the power to be heard. The stakes could not be higher. Here are concrete solutions and inspiration to stand up for who we are now.

    “This is a narrative that describes the urgency that compels me and millions more to push for a different American story than the one being told today. It’s a story that is one part danger, one part action, and all true. It’s a story about how and why we fight for our democracy and win.” – Stacey Abrams

  • 60 Days of Power

    The book begins with a more detailed autobiography of his boyhood by the amiable PZ himself and continues with reflections by contributors on how the Late PZ Aginighan touched their lives. What better way to pay tribute! Each story from the different contributors exposes us to timeless biblical truths, scriptural references, and leadership lessons. As such, the book can be read as a devotional or as anecdotes of the inspirational life of the Odudu of Africa, Late PZ Aginighan.

    The stories were compiled by Dubamo Aginighan, his youngest son and author of Grace Vision and Unity; A Corper’s Story.

  • Diana: Her New Life

    The publication in 1992 of Andrew Morton’s number-one national bestseller, Diana: Her True Story, shook the British royal family to its very foundations. The book’s many revelations – that Prince Charles had been having a long-term affair, that the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales had been a sham, that the Princess had been suffering from an eating disorder and had made several halfhearted suicide attempts – were initially greeted with disbelief. But as time passed, it became clear that the book was, as its title claimed, Diana’s true story, especially when the couple announced their separation in December 1992. When Prince Charles eventually admitted his adultery on television, he put the final seal of confirmation on Andrew Morton’s claims. Diana’s friends were hopeful that the separation from Charles, which ended years of a torturous existence, would bring Diana the freedom to find happiness in a new role. But has she? With her marriage in limbo and her children only occasionally by her side, Diana’s position in the royal family is one of increasing isolation. Diana: Her New Life chronicles the secret battles that have raged behind closed doors, and Diana’s constant frustration as she endeavors to break free from the restrictions of her semi-detached royal life. Again with unprecedented access to some of Diana’s closest friends and advisers, Andrew Morton is able to strip away the royal propaganda and reveal how Diana, who became a princess before she had reached maturity, is at last learning to become a woman in her own right rather than a puppet of the palace. Andrew Morton exposes the infighting and intrigue behind this most sensational royal crisis, as well as Diana’s private thoughts on her retirement from public life, remarriage, the men in her life, and the grooming of Prince William for his future role.

  • Charles: Victim or Villain

    Charles, Prince of Wales, has long been the subject of intense scrutiny and speculation. Everyone assumes that they know the story of the Prince’s life and his failed marriage to Diana. Diana herself told the world in no uncertain terms about her unhappiness with the British Royal Family, leaving no doubt as to whom she held responsible.

    But Diana’s version was only part of the story.

    Penny Junor’s new biography, Charles: Victim or Villain?, reveals the startling complexities and contradictions of a man born to a position of unique privilege. On the occasion of the Prince’s fiftieth birthday it provides fresh perspective and entirely revolutionizes the way we think about Charles, his marriage and his mistress.

    Drawing on the memories, experiences and observations of those closest to the Prince, the Princess and Camilla — some of whom have never spoken before — Penny Junor is in an unrivaled position to explode and explain the popular myths. Her analysis of the Prince’s marriage to Diana, a vulnerable but difficult young woman, and his relationship with Camilla, earthy and independent, results in a provocative new portrait of the man who will be King.

    Charles: Victim or Villain

  • The Second Half (Hardcover)

    Memoir by one of the greatest of modern footballers, and former captain of Manchester United and Ireland, Roy Keane – co-written in a unique collaboration with Man Booker Prize-winner Roddy Doyle.

    In an eighteen-year playing career for Cobh Ramblers, Nottingham Forest (under Brian Clough), Manchester United (under Sir Alex Ferguson) and Celtic, Roy Keane dominated every midfield he led to glory. Aggressive and highly competitive, his attitude helped him to excel as captain of Manchester United from 1997 until his departure in 2005. Playing at an international level for nearly all his career, he represented the Republic of Ireland for over fourteen years, mainly as team captain, until an incident with national coach Mick McCarthy resulted in Keane’s walk-out from the 2002 World Cup. Since retiring as a player, Keane has managed Sunderland and Ipswich and has become a highly respected television pundit.

    As part of a tiny elite of football players, Roy Keane has had a life like no other. His status as one of football’s greatest stars is undisputed, but what of the challenges beyond the pitch? How did he succeed in coming to terms with life as a former Manchester United and Ireland leader and champion, reinventing himself as a manager and then a broadcaster, and cope with the psychological struggles this entailed?

    In a stunning collaboration with Booker Prize-winning author Roddy Doyle, THE SECOND HALF blends anecdote and reflection in Roy Keane’s inimitable voice. The result is an unforgettable personal odyssey which fearlessly challenges the meaning of success.

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