• The Boneshaker Politician

    The Boneshaker Politician is an autobiography of A.K. Opoku. He narrates how he gave his life to Christ in a dramatic way while travelling in a boneshaker, a wooden truck. He recounts how the Lord used him by way of evangelism and church building and his involvement in an uncompromising undercover politics in the church. Meanwhile he had nursed a childhood ambition of being an active politician.

    With all his “boneshaker” experience, he entered into politics and discovers that it was a different world altogether and bemoans the high moral and the financial entry requirements required of a Christian to engage in active politics. He raises question as to whether exhortations to get Christians involved in active politics is enough. He concludes with his family life and marvels at the art of God where four children of the same parentage and breed have four different characters and ambitions.

  • Ghana: A Tortuous Walk from Colonial Rule to Self Government and After – An Observer’s View

    In Ghana: A Tortuous Walk from Colonial Rule to Self-Government and After – An Observer’s View, the author takes the stand of an engaged citizen who watched the closing transformation of tribal states into colonial Gold Coast, and its metamorphosis into independent Republic of Ghana. Through his attachment to his nation, and from the perspective of an observer of the political process, he emotively describes the procession of events, the people and passions that brought the momentous occasion of independence, the dashing of hopes as political stability was continually disrupted through coup d’etats, and the character and contributions of the various regimes that took over the leadership of Ghana. He takes us on a walk through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and now the 4th Republic, and describes the promises that the present dispensation of democracy makes to the Ghanaian. His presentation of how present-day Ghana has evolved explains the mixed emotions of anxiety and hope that shape the national outlook and the consistent angst exuding through fractious political groupings.

    The book is a must read for every person who wishes to know and understand the various events that have shaped the Ghana of the early 21st century.

  • The Baobab: A Journal of the Council on Foreign Relations-Ghana (Vol 1, No 1 – January 2020)


    From the President of the Council


    The Need for a Diplomatic Think Tank

    Ambassador James Victor Gbeho

    Council on Foreign Relations Overdue

    HE Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana

    Kofi Annan Biography

    Memories of a Good Man from Africa

    Amb Patrick Hayford

    Getting to Know Kofi Annan

    Excerpts from A Conversation With Mary Chinery-Hesse

    (Interview by Lady Ann-Essumạn)

    Kofi Annan, Africa and the Responsibility to Protect

    Ramesh Thakur

    Ghana in United Nations Peace Operations, A Tool of its Foreign Policy

    Colonel Festus Boahen Aboagye (Retired)

    Peacekeeping Experiences, Creating National Bonds

    Major General HK Anyidoho (Retired)

    Rethinking a New Global Order

    V Antwi-Danso, PhD

    Partnerships for Peace in West Africa and the Sahel: Challenges and Opportunities

    Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas

    About the Contributors

    Editorial Policy and Guildlines

    History of CFR-Ghana

  • The Baobab: A Journal of the Council on Foreign Relations-Ghana (Vol 2, No 2 – July 2020)


    From the Managing Editor


    Members in the News

    Covid-19: 10 Policy Priorities for Africa’s Recovery, Growth and Transformation

    The Eco and West African Monetary History

    Nkechi S. Owoo

    Special Review Essays and Features on: Ghana, Liberia and Africa in Historical Transitions

    Renaming the Gold Coast Ghana

    Kabral Blay-Amihere

    Still Contested After All these Years

    David Owusu-Ansah

    Ghana: The Secession Movement and the Trans-Volta Togoland

    Boni Yao Gebe

    Charles Taylor’s Journey into Exile and Prison

    DK Osei

    Perspectives-Five Decades of Africa’s Development

    KY Amoako

    About the Contributors

    Editorial Policy and Guidelines

    History of the CFR-Ghana

  • When God Lost an Election

    • Is leadership a problem in Africa? Perhaps! Is leadership the solution to the problems in Africa? Maybe, maybe not.
    • Is western-style democracy the cause Africa’s developmental challenges? Well, has dictatorship produced sustained development anywhere on the continent?
    • Do we need leaders who don’t care about losing elections? Ah! If a leader loses elections, with what mandate will they implement the good policies they have?
    • Is the voice of the people really the voice of God? Well, the people of Israel once asked God to make way for a human king.

    This seminal work by Terry Mante offers insightful perspectives on governance in Africa and presents a definitive blueprint for creating a functional governance framework for the transformation of the continent.

  • When I Grow Up

    Age Range: 2-9 years

    When I Grow Up is a comprehensive colorful book that introduces tots and tykes to the world of Careers. This book graphically illustrates various professions and vocations while simple rhythmic phrases describe these professions.

    When I Grow Up

  • Becoming All Things to All Men – Living as God’s Ambassador at All Times

    In this book, the author uses various episodes in his life as a basis of pointing young people to useful lessons of life interlaced to offer the reader an exciting prose. He uses sixty-eight (68) episodes carefully interwoven in fifteen (15) chapters to draw critical lessons for the reader.

    As they read this book, readers will be encouraged and challenged to take the necessary steps to enable them discover their purpose in this life. He uses vivid examples to strongly drive home various lessons he seeks to draw the attention of readers to enable them to rise above the storms of life. It is these that will help them pursue life in a manner that will enable them to leave an indelible mark in the sands of time. It is this that will give God the glory.

    In the end, the author alludes to the fact that even though giving the world the best one has, may never be enough, it is still important to give the world the best one has anyway. The book concludes giving the reader thought-provoking issues to ponder about the real essence of life!

  • A Legacy of Service to Humanity- Brig. Gen. Joseph Nunoo-Mensah

    In the book “A Legacy of Service to Humanity” author Korletey Jorbua Obuadey reveals to the reader the humanitarian activities of Brigadier General Joseph Nunoo-Mensah. The book inspires all especially the youth of Africa to service to our fellow country men and women and to our nation.

  • Gathering Seaweed: African Prison Writing (African Writers Series)

    This anthology introduces the African literature of incarceration to the general reader, the scholar, the activist and the student. The visions and prison cries of the few African nationalists imprisoned by colonialists, who later became leaders of their independent dictatorships and in turn imprisoned their own writers and other radicals, are brought into sharper focus, thereby critically exposing the ironies of varied generations of the efforts of freedom fighters.

    Extracts of prose, poetry and plays are grouped into themes such as arrest, interrogation, torture, survival, release and truth and reconciliation.

    Contributors include: Kunle Ajibade, Obafemi Awolowo, Steve Biko, Breyten Breytenbach, Dennis Brutus, Nawal El Saadawi, M J Kariuki, Kenneth Kaunda, Caesarina Kona Makhoere, Nelson Mandela, Emma Mashinini, Felix Mnthali, Augustino Nato, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Kwame Nkrumah, Abe Sachs, Ken Saro Wiwa, Wole Soyinka, and Koigi wa Wamwere.

    Although an often harrowing indictment of the history, culture and politics of the African continent and the societies from which this literature comes, the anthology presents excellent prose, poetry and drama, which stands up in its own right as serious literature to be cherished, read and studied.

  • A Danish Jew in West Africa: Wulff Joseph Wulff Biography And Letters (1836-1842)

    Wulff’s life history is of considerable interest in itself. In her biographical essay (Part I) Selena Axelrod Winsnes portrays him as a ‘marginal man’: being a Jew in Denmark at the beginning of the 19th century was to some extent an uphill struggle for those who sought public recognition, and Wulff did not escape discrimination in his administrative career at Christiansborg either, although special circumstances allowed him to hold important positions, and yet, only for the short term.

    Paradoxically, on his arrival to the Gold Coast Wulff — as a Jew — was placed in a middle position in the racial hierarchy dominating the mind-set of his superiors in Copenhagen — between Africans and Europeans. In many respects he shared the fate of Euro-Africans, straddling two worlds and being ‘sealed off’ from the top echelons of the European establishments on the Coast.

    This book comprises two parts. The first is a biographical presentation of Wulff Joseph Wulff , a Danish Jew. It is an essay concerning the last six years of his life, spent on the Gold Coast of West Africa, based on letters he wrote to his family in Denmark. Those letters were published in 1917 as Da Guinea var Dansk [When Guinea was Danish], by Carl Behrens, a member of his family in Denmark. The second part of the book is an edited translation of the letters from Danish into English.

  • Two Views from Christiansborg Castle Vol II: A Description of the Guinea Coast and its Inhabitants

    Selena Axelrod Winsnes has been engaged, since 1982, in the translation into English, and editing of Danish language sources to West African history, sources published from 1697 to 1822, the period during which Denmark-Norway was an actor in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It comprises five major books written for the Scandinavian public. They describe all aspects of life on the Gold Coast [Ghana], the Middle Passage and the Danish Caribbean islands [US Virgin Islands], as seen by five different men. Each had his own agenda and mind-set, and the books, both singly and combined, hold a wealth of information – of interest both to scholars and lay readers. They provide important insights into the cultural baggage the enslaved Africans carried with them to the America’s.

    One of the books, L.F. Rømer’s A Reliable Account of the Coast of Guinea was runner-up for the prestigious International Texts Prize awarded by the U.S. African Studies Association.

  • Two Views from Christiansborg Castle Vol I: A Brief and Truthful Description of a Journey to and from Guinea

    Selena Axelrod Winsnes has been engaged, since 1982, in the translation into English, and editing of Danish language sources to West African history, sources published from 1697 to 1822, the period during which Denmark-Norway was an actor in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It comprises five major books written for the Scandinavian public. They describe all aspects of life on the Gold Coast [Ghana], the Middle Passage and the Danish Caribbean islands [US Virgin Islands], as seen by five different men. Each had his own agenda and mind-set, and the books, both singly and combined, hold a wealth of information – of interest both to scholars and lay readers. They provide important insights into the cultural baggage the enslaved Africans carried with them to the America’s.

    One of the books, L.F. Rømer’s A Reliable Account of the Coast of Guinea was runner-up for the prestigious International Texts Prize awarded by the U.S. African Studies Association.

  • Queen Kitami Makes Friends (Africa’s Little Kings & Queens)

    Age Range: 3 – 8 years

    Meet Queen Kitami, the playful leader of Mpororo. She’s faced with having to make new friends, which hasn’t been easy, but she has a plan!

    Queen Kitami Makes Friends is a rhyming story introducing you to a playful and courageous friend.

    This is a fictional story based on a real-life warrior Queen Kitami-kya-Nyawera, leader of the Mpororo Kingdom, now part of modern-day Uganda, East Africa. A special series perfect for introducing the next generation of young leaders, thinkers and game-changers to Africa’s great history.

  • King Alboury Cooks the Best Jollof (Africa’s Little Kings & Queens)

    Age Range: 3 – 8 years

    A must-have for every child’s library. Loved by children around the world and teaches them the importance of kindness and community.

    King Alboury Cooks the Best Jollof is a fictional story inspired by King Alboury Ndiaye, the last King of the Jollof Kingdom in Senegal. A must-have for every child’s library.

    In this story, King Alboury loves to cook and his favourite meal to make is his famous jollof rice. His ancestors invented the recipe, and so he is the only one who knows the secret. However, King Alboury has a problem, his troublesome neighbours, the Chuchus people. Every time the King cooks his special Jollof rice, their tummies start to rumble so loud that they become jealous. Rumour has it that they are plotting against the Jollof Kingdom, but don’t worry, King Alboury has a plan!

  • Taytu Betul: The Sunshine Queen (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 3 – 8 years

    Africa has produced its own formidable women; and one such women is Taytu Betul, Empress of Ethiopia and consort to Emperor Menelik II.

    In this story, we see how the Empress managed to save Ethiopia from becoming an Italian colony.

    Ethiopia is the only African country that was never colonised by the Europeans; how did that happen?

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