• Two Weeks after the Wedding (Star Books Readers)

    Age Range: 6 – 10  years

    Quie and Quayee are two boys from the village of Baeleken who are like twins. They grow up together and move to Monrovia to seek greener pastures after securing top grades at Cape Palmas High School.

    Their relationship is tested by the arrival of Linda. Quayee falls in love with Linda and they agree to marry, but when Quie returns from his studies in the United States of America everything changes…

  • Tumelo and the Blue Birds (JAWS Starters, Starter Level 3)

    Age Range: 3 – 6 years

    In this story Tumelo embarks on a fantastical flying journey after hearing strange noises in bed.

    JAWS Starters are simple books for young readers in Africa. The series provides interesting stories to encourage children to read for pleasure.

    The books are at three levels. Level 1 is for children who have just begun to read by themselves. Level 2 and 3 use progressively wider vocabulary and more complex sentence structures. The language has been carefully controlled at each level to make reading easy. Also, there are pictures on every page to help the pupils follow the story. At Level 1, pupils can follow the story from the pictures alone.

    There are activities at the end of each book. If a word in an African language is used in the story, there will be a note of its meaning at the end of the book as well.

  • All Around the World (JAWS Starters, Starter Level 3)

    Age Range: 3 – 6 years

    JAWS Starters are simple books for young readers in Africa. The series provides interesting stories to encourage children to read for pleasure.

    The books are at three levels. Level 1 is for children who have just begun to read by themselves. Level 2 and 3 use progressively wider vocabulary and more complex sentence structures. The language has been carefully controlled at each level to make reading easy. Also, there are pictures on every page to help the pupils follow the story. At Level 1, pupils can follow the story from the pictures alone.

    There are activities at the end of each book. If a word in an African language is used in the story, there will be a note of its meaning at the end of the book as well.

  • The Deep Blue Between

    Twin sisters Hassana and Husseina’s home is in ruins after a brutal raid. But this is not the end but the beginning of their story, one that will take them to unfamiliar cities and cultures, where they will forge new families, ward off dangers and truly begin to know themselves.

    As the twins pursue separate paths in Brazil and the Gold Coast of West Africa, they remain connected through shared dreams of water. But will their fates ever draw them back together?

    A sweeping adventure with richly evocative historical settings, The Deep Blue Between is a moving story of the bonds that can endure even the most dramatic change.

  • Reflections on the Supreme Court of Ghana (Hardcover)

    The book is intended to be a contribution to comparative knowledge on what a final and constitutional court’s role and significance are to governance in a developing country.

    It provides a recently retired judge’s insights into the substantive work and function of the Supreme Court in Ghanaian society and Ghana’s legal and political system.

    The book throws light on the role played by the Supreme Court in the development of Ghanaian law and the laying of the foundation for Ghana’s constitutional democracy. The establishment of a constitutional democracy in Ghana has been an important factor in the nation’s development and the Supreme Court has had an important role to play in this process. It will also be invaluable to both academic and practising lawyers, as well as at non-lawyers interested in the function and operations of the Supreme Court.

    The study of the Supreme Courts of emerging democracies should be given some emphasis in comparative law. It is hoped that the material contained in this book will contribute to the facilitation of such emphasis.

  • Selected Papers and Lectures on Ghanaian Law (Hardcover)

    This book is a compendium containing chapters based on various papers and lectures on Ghanaian law delivered by the author. Its contents deal with a wide range of topics expected to be of interest, not only to Ghanaian lawyers, but also to lawyers in general and other persons interested in the legal process in developing countries.

    The topics include the legal system and legal education in Ghana, the Judiciary, human rights and good governance, and business law.

    The variety of topics treated means that the book can be regarded almost as a mini Reader on Ghanaian law.

  • Spiritual Corruption

    In this book Bishop Albert Luguterah takes us through the subtle world of spiritual corruption, its effects, consequences on the individual and the body of Christ as well as how to escape it.

    Bishop Charles Agyin- Asare, founder and Presiding Bishop of the Perez Chapel International worldwide, captures the very core of the book so well describing it as one “written with the acumen of a skilled spiritual diagnostician” , and one which ” exposes symptoms of varying degrees of spiritual corruption”.

    The scriptures admonish “Let everyman examine himself whether ye be in the faith”. For the saint that seeks such an honest self-examination to keep on track with the Master’s will and purpose, this book is definitely going to be “a scriptural thermometer to measure, and give a clear reading of the spiritual temperature of your Christian faith and love for God, in the midst of a corrupt and perverted generation”.

    Reading through this book, you will be able to come to a clear diagnosis of the state of your walk with God and also find the biblical solutions to stay on track with God.

  • Bookset: African Writers Series (51 titles)

    Relive all the literary joys of yesteryears by purchasing this jumbo set of all your favourite African Writers Series titles such as Things Fall Apart, The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, Weep Not Child, So Long A Letter, No Sweetness Here and many more!

    Exact titles will vary depending on availability.

  • Swimming Upstream: The Story of Southern Cross

    Kwame Donkoh Fordwor’s dream was realized due to the precision planning which was utilized to develop Southern Cross Mining Limited (SCML), as the company established itself as the first active gold mining operation to be brought to Ghana Since 1937. This came to pass by way of chance associations and the joint efforts of collaborators who possessed different backgrounds and motivations.
    Even with the assistance of numerous people along the way, the inception of Southern Cross was not easy. It required aggressive action and time to fend or larger corporations and fight government officials for the rights and freedoms they felt they deserved.
    Fordwor titles this book Swimming Upstream: The Story of Southern Cross because of the comparisons he draws between himself and the struggles of salmon attempting to reach their spawning grounds. Much like a salmon battling currents, fishermen, and other predators to reach its final destination, Fordwor had to struggle to make his own path and place in history, using keen instincts and good fortune to maintain the competitiveness and success of SCML.
    Swimming Upstream vividly details the rich history of Southern Cross and other gold mining venturers who strived to achieve historical recognition. It is an illuminating work-powerfully written and inspirational to all who are still seeking to make a lifetime dream come true.

  • Letters to Nnaa Naama

    Letters to Nnaa Naama is a collection of the author’s experiences, thoughts, feelings and expectations during a 10-month stay in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States of America. In these letters, she takes the reader on an imaginary journey, focusing on aspects of the USA she thinks Ghana could learn from in order to be a prosperous nation.

    Nnaa Naama (Grandmother Naama) is the name of her maternal grandmother. The author uses her to represent the ordinary Ghanaian citizen. It is the hope of the author that this book will cause a transformation in the psyche of the Ghanaian, that the prosperity of this country lies in the hands of each and every Ghanaian citizen

  • The Path of an Eagle – Despair, Hope and Glory: Autobiography of Daniel McKorley (McDan)

    Daniel McKorley’s autobiography offers a powerful yet gripping insight into the life of the author and, for the first time, enables a window into his total life experiences, the summation of which the public knows.

    Having taken his time to detail his life story, the book offers a step-by-step account of his life and how the various experiences of his upbringing have shaped his current station and situation in life. His is a life of contrasts in which his successes in business and professional life sharply contrast with his life of poverty growing up.

    The overall structure of the book and the sequencing of the chapters makes for easy and enjoyable reading, and the everyday realities recounted in his words should both evoke empathy and identity in the reader. If the title of the book insinuates comparisons with the eagle and its ways, it is because the author mimics the bird in its tendencies and has charted his life to reflect the fortunes of an eagle – a fitting simile given that the author’s name means “an eagle” in his native Ga tribe of Ghana.

    This book is an enchanting piece worth every reader’s time.

  • Perseverance Conquers All: The Autobiography of Kantinka Kwame Donkor Fordwor

    As a very poor boy, Kantinka sustained himself in school by selling firewood. He walked four miles every day from village, Breman, to Kumasi to attend school. He recounts how by dint of hard work, he sailed through elementary and secondary school to the Graduate School of Wharton even though fate had prevented him from doing sixth form studies. He recollects how at St. Augustine’s College, Cape Coast, he was cured of a strange disease by a traditional priest. His beloved wife had to discontinue her studies to help him complete his. Kantinka thus passed through a darkness of life which continued in his working life.

    His decision to provide a house for the Executive Chairman of the Capital Investments Board, in order to save the Board huge sums of money in rent payments, was so maliciously interpreted that he was editorially castigated and lambasted. His ingenious polices that eventually helped to raise the capital of the African Development Bank from US $200 million to US $100 billion was rewarded with his dismissal as the President of the Bank.

    He incurred the ire of his enemies for the appreciation he received from three Kings of Asante Kingdom.

    Perseverance Conquers All portrays these midnight sides of Kantinka’s life to let his sun shine brightly. His wife gave him six children any father could wish for, whom he educated as a very responsible father. Providence made him help Ghana in its financial difficulties when he became the virtual Minister of Finance during the reign of Colonel Acheampong. His input to the progress of the Catholic Church has even been more monumental as explained beautifully in the book. Kantinka is indeed the sun at midnight.

    Reliance on God, patriotism, philanthropy, hard work, good family life, good parenthood, honesty, and magnanimity is what this life story portrays. This is a book that all must have and read: the student as well as the teacher; the Christian, husband and patriot.

  • The Danquah-Busia Tradition in the Politics of Ghana: The Origins, Mission and Achievements of the New Patriotic Party

    The book traces the nation’s political history from its status as a model British African Colony, the Gold Coast, to its attainment of political independence as the modern state of Ghana in 1957, under the leadership of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. The author gives full recognition to the overwhelming debt that Ghana in particular and Africa in general owe to Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s vision as one of the giants of Pan-African Emancipation.

    The book systematically documents the contribution of Dr. Joseph Boakye Danquah and Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia in the freedom struggle. The courageous and impressive role of Professor Adu Boahen in the breaking of the so called “culture of silence” in 1988 at the height of the PNDC regime under Flt. Lt. J. J. Rawlings is acknowledged.

    In the concluding Chapter 13 all the leaders of the tradition are assessed – Dr. Joseph Boakye Danquah passes the litmus test as a doyen of Ghana politics, with impeccable democratic credentials for human rights and the rule of law. The deviation from the ideals of the Danquah-Busia Tradition by Dr. Busia during his two and half years as Head of Government is commented on. Dr. K.A. Busia challenged the rule of law in its response to the ruling of the Supreme Court in the infamous case of Sallah vs. The Republic.

    Other serious deviations from the principles of the Danquah-Busia Tradition were the way in which Dr. Busia implemented the Aliens Compliance Act in 1969. Then also the throwing overboard the belief in meritocracy and the shortcomings of the “zero tolerance of corruption” by President J.A. Kuffour led administration of the Patriotic Party are discussed.

    However, the important and positive achievements of the NPP Government under President Kuffour such as the successes in establishing the Ghanaian economy, upholding the rule of law, enhancing good governance, improving the education and health copulation and thus lifting the flag of Ghana high in Africa and in the international community are not ignored.

    Some of the criticisms may be harsh but the author is a committed member of the Tradition and he justifies his criticism of the Kuffour government with its own commitment to “ensure that the high ideas and objectives which have guided the Tradition through good and bad times should not at any time and under any circumstance be sacrificed for narrow partisan interest or worse still for personal gain”.

    The form and force of the impact of these criticisms must be left to individual assessment and experience. The author has succeeded in intellectually stimulating and provoking democrats and non-democrats of whatever affiliation to digest the contents of this book and make their own judgment. He has opened the door for a fresh appraisal of the noble ideals of the Danquah-Busia Tradition.

    In the Way Forward, the author makes some reflections on the future direction of the NPP.

    Politicians, opinion leaders, the media, social observers and social critics as well as students of history and political science will find this book invaluable.

  • Intermediate Algebra (10th Edition)

    The Bittinger System for SuccessMake it Work for You!

    Building on its reputation for accurate content and a unified system of instruction, the Tenth Edition of the Bittinger paperback series integrates success-building study tools, innovative pedagogy, and a comprehensive instructional support package with time-tested teaching techniques.

  • Complex Variables with Applications (3rd edition)

    The third edition of this unique text remains accessible to students of engineering, physics and applied mathematics with varying mathematical backgrounds. Designed for a one or two-semester course in complex analysis, there is optional review material on elementary calculus.

    • Thorough coverage of applications and motivation of theory.
    • Accessible text with strong engineering applications.
    • A comprehensive solutions manual is available for professors, containing worked-out solutions to every problem in the book.

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