• Fair State Charter For Africa

    In this book, Dr. Nii Amu Darko outlines a new charter for a fair state as the template for good governance in Africa.  In a fair state, opportunities are fairly spread across the nation; political power is proportional to electoral mandates and fairly distributed among the groups that form the nation; and responsibility for service delivery is the duty of every citizen. England gave the world the Magna Carta and Dr. Nii Amu Darko proposes the Fair State Charter as the foundation for good governance and prosperity in Africa. The charter addresses three main areas:  Unity of purpose; unity of governance through a reformed electoral system and national governance; and the 21st Century being Africa’s century of prominence. The unities he prescribes are on a national rather than a continental basis. So that the success of one country based on the ideas in the charter, can be replicated in other nations throughout the continent.

  • Weep Not, Africa

    In this book, Dr. Nii Amu Darko proposes a rare template for political economy suitable for the multi-ethnic African state, both in terms of political organization and sustainable economic development.  Essentially, he combines the constitution and manifesto of the African Reform Movement (ARM) into this book as a roadmap for realizing Africa’s arrested potential.  Dr. Darko proposes the creation of the new African with a new mindset that would go on to create a new society based on love, hope and faith. The ARM manifesto is the refreshing plan of action for the revolution to attain the elusive true independence by ending imperialism in all its forms, gain true independents and foster opportunities and prosperity for all.  To paraphrase Nkrumah, Darko expounds the notion that “the independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked with the total liberation of its economy from Finance Capital.”

  • The 5th Republic: Constitutional Reforms To Rescue, Resuscitate and Restore Ghana

    In this book, Dr. Nii Amu Darko proposes an alternative to Ghana’s 4th Republic and offers prescriptions for thorough constitutional reform. Based on the tenet that the ills of our political excesses and economic stagnation are rooted in the shortcomings of the constitution, he slices Ghana’s 1992 Constitution apart and lays out a systematic blueprint for a new Constitution that would usher in Ghana’s 5th Republic.  With the ideas laid out in this book, Dr. Darko’s objective is to put the country on track for effective political reform and sustainable development. He addresses many issues and sectors of national interest for the “new Ghana”, including the Constitution, territories, citizenship, representation of the people, the Executive, legislature, judiciary, security and defence and chieftaincy.

  • Tetteh Quarshie, The Star to Follow

    In this book, Dr. Nii Amu Darko outlines the life of his ancestor Tetteh Quarshie and how he brought cocoa, Ghana’s number one cash crop to Ghana.  He outlines the great man’s family background and adventurous trip to Fernando Po where he spent seven years on a cocoa plantation learning everything he possibly could about the cash crop.  Dr. Nii Darko dubs Tetteh Quarshie the star to follow for his dedication and unique qualities as a hardworking, ethical, selfless son of Ghana who toiled to bring the crop that became the backbone of Ghana’s economy.  Especially interesting is how Darko tells the unique story of Tetteh Quarshie from the family point of view, revealing intriguing titbits never before known by the public.

  • Restless: Passion That Makes a Difference

    RESTLESS brings us close to a man called Esau, who right from birth, was destined to live a life of slavery and servitude. Do you know that his story changed and he ended up living a life of wealth, dominion and prosperity? This book explores the X-factor responsible for this transformation. Through the Life of Esau and other bible characters, this book shows us how we can arm ourselves with this all-important virtue and move from a place of nonchalance and bondage to a place of purpose and freedom. We discover how we can practically triumph over odds that have frustrated the passions of others and make a real difference in our lives and in the lives of others.

  • Wrapped Gifts From Heaven

    Children are needy and dependent, and they know almost nothing about life. They function mostly on emotion rather than reason. They are simple, love without restriction and see the world as presented to them. Young children begin very early to internalize information which either encourages or discourages disclosure. This book attempts to highlight how actions and inactions of parents, teachers and significant others can make children optimise their potential and give their best to society or be a danger to themselves and to society in general.

  • South Africa Map Jigsaw Puzzle

    Puzzles are really great way for you and your extended family to bond with a child.

    The Very Puzzled South Africa Map Jigsaw Puzzle consists of 100 pieces and each region of South Africa is  represented with a variety of landmarks, monuments and attractions it will provide endless fun and topics of discussion that can be used as fun way to learn for both children and adults.

  • King Frog

    Sumin community grew day after day and the inhabitants realised the need for a king.

    “Who will be king?” the animals asked.

    The animals elected Frog as king for Sumin.

    Rabbit did not like the idea of Frog as king but all the inhabitants liked King Frog because he was a wise king. He helped in solving problems and also jubilated with the animals in their happy moments.

    They all praised the wise king. “All Hail King Frog! All Hail King Frog!”

    King Frog

  • The Teller of Secrets (Ouida Edition)

    In this stunning debut novel—a tale of self-discovery and feminist awakening—a feisty Nigerian-Ghanaian girl growing up amid the political upheaval of late 1960s postcolonial Ghana begins to question the hypocrisy of her patriarchal society, and the restrictions and unrealistic expectations placed on women.

    Young Esi Agyekum is the unofficial “secret keeper” of her family, as tight-lipped about her father’s adultery as she is about her half-sisters’ sex lives. But after she is humiliated and punished for her own sexual exploration, Esi begins to question why women’s secrets and men’s secrets bear different consequences. It is the beginning of a journey of discovery that will lead her to unexpected places.

    As she navigates her burgeoning womanhood, Esi tries to reconcile her own ideals and dreams with her family’s complicated past and troubled present, as well as society’s many double standards that limit her and other women. Against a fraught political climate, Esi fights to carve out her own identity, and learns to manifest her power in surprising and inspiring ways.

    Funny, fresh, and fiercely original, The Teller of Secrets marks the American debut of one of West Africa’s most exciting literary talents.

  • The Ga Picture Alphabet (Ga)

    A is for Akpakpa, B is for Baa…

    Ga is the beautiful, poetic language that lent the word kwashiokor to global medical vocabulary.

    Working alongside Peruvian illustrator Avril Filomeno, renowned Ghanaian novelist and poet, Nii Ayikwei Parkes has created a playful universe in which the pictures tell a story as you learn the letters of the Ga alphabet.

    Simple and fun, this one-of-a-kind book gives children the basics needed to master this musical language of West Africa.

    Bonus: This picture book includes a colourful glossary with Ewe, Dagbani and Akan as well as French and English translations for all the words!

  • Blessings in the Mess: Musings of an Untold Story

    This is a book of Victory. We overcame the enemy through the blood of the Lamb and our testimony (Revelation 12:11).

    This book is all about giving glory and thanks to Jesus who transforms into messages and tests into testimonies to shut the enemy up and bring glory to His messes name.

    Mrs. Lydia Opoku-Ahene, author of this book, is extending an invitation to anyone yet to experience an encounter with Jesus Christ to do so through her story and testimony. She is also calling on all children of God to find Rest and Peace in God as we trust and obey. May you find your purpose and place in Jesus as you read this book, Blessings in the Mess.

    Enjoy your blessings.

  • Beauty and the Beast

    A Tale as Old as Time…

    Belle wants more out of life than the small provincial town of Villeneuve can offer. There she stands out from the crowd with her unique point of view, her strong-willed independence, and her love of books. She longs for travel and adventure, for a life as exciting as the stories she reads.

    But when Belle’s beloved father is taken prisoner by a beast in an enchanted castle, her path is forever changed. Risking her freedom and her future, she takes her father’s place secretly vowing to escape. But as she learns more about the Beast and his mysterious castle, Belle realizes there may be more to his story– and her own– than she ever could have imagined.

  • Lady Chatterley’s Lover

    What happens when a cultured bohemian feels stifled in a sexless marriage to her invalid husband?

    She takes on a lover…

    Constance Chatterley, the wife of Clifford Chatterley, finds herself trapped in a loveless and lifeless marriage. When her husband urges her to have a liaison with someone from their own class, Constance gets attracted to a man from the working class instead– an Oliver Mellors who is her husband’s gamekeeper– and takes him as her lover.

    Ina  society that reveres class difference, will an aristocrat woman be allowed her torrid love affair with a lowly man?

    A novel notorious for being pornographic and way ahead of its time, Lady Chatterley’s Lover brewed up quite a controversy when it was first published in 1928. It was only decades later, in 1960, that its unexpurgated edition could be openly published in the UK.

    Lady Chatterley’s Lover


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