Eve: If I had Known


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The book adopts a conversational style with a monologue of the Bible character Eve.  In an engaging and interactive style of conversation, Eve invites us to hear her perspective and share in her life’s experiences. In a contemporary story-telling style, her life and purpose unfold for the reader. The journey begins with Eve’s entrance into the world, then to her meeting with her Prince Charming, right through to the brief fellowship with the serpent, culminating in the fall and the pain which ensued. As her single act of disobedience, her one grave mistake takes center stage, the life and purpose of Eve brings to light valuable lessons from which we can garner wisdom and learning.

The guidance and direction offered, challenges us to strive to order our steps according to God’s good and perfect will as laid out in the immutable Word of the Lord.

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Weight 0.45 kg






Year Published


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