• Mama’s Amazing Cover Cloth (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    1st Prize, Children’s Storybook, Ghana Association of Writers Awards 2019
    Do you know that the African woman’s cover cloth has many uses? In this delightful book that young children will enjoy, a little girl shares the many uses of her mother’s amazing cover cloth.
  • Animal Village (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Animal Village is an authentic folk tale from the Zarma culture of West Africa about a tortoise who saves her village from the ravages of drought with wisdom passed down from an “old story.” Nelda LaTeef’s colorful and strikingly brilliant montage of illustrations, in acrylic and collage, captures the richness and vibrancy of the sub-Saharan culture from which the story springs.

    The story is especially relevant to sub-Saharan Africa as it focuses on the devastation of drought and the importance of received knowledge. With its dual themes of wisdom and grit, the book happily entertains while it teaches the importance of hard work and persistence as keys to success.
  • Justice Daniel Francis Annan: In the Service of Democracy

    Justice Annan’s public service in Ghana’s recent history embodies how an individual, acting in concert with compatriots, can direct the course of history using institutions which may prevail at a specific conjuncture in that history.

    The objective of producing this biography of Justice Annan is to extrapolate from his life as a public servant, especially during the critical period of 1982- 1992 when he was a key member of the PNDC, and the 1993 – 2000 when he was Speaker of the first and second Parliaments of the Fourth Republic, the lessons and insights that add value to the existing knowledge of how social and political dynamics are purposefully managed even in the most challenging times; and how key institutions like Parliament are nurtured in a nascent democracy to literally turn dust into gold. The weight of the biography therefore leans heavily on Justice Annan’s public service during the two periods indicated above.

    This biography was sponsored by the IDEG under its Senior Citizen Scholar in Residence Programme, which is non-partisan and open to all who have distinguished themselves in rendering service to our dear country Ghana. We hope that this publication will inspire institutions and individual philanthropists, both Ghanaian and foreign, to contribute generously to the funding of the programme. The programme aims at deepening our knowledge and understanding of the momentous conjunctures in our history that have shaped the content and trajectory of Ghana’s young democratic state.

  • Philosophy, Culture and Vision: African Perspectives

    Believing that the intellectual enterprise called philosophy is essentially a part of the cultural as well as historical experience of a people, that the concepts and problems that occupy the attention of philosophers placed in different cultural spaces or historical times generally derive directly from those spaces and times, and that philosophy, in turn, has been most relevant to the development of human cultures, the Ghanaian philosopher Kwame Gyekye gives reflective attention in this book to some of the concepts and problems that in his view feature most prominently in the contemporary African cultural, social, political, and moral experience. Such concepts and problems include the following: political legitimacy, development, culture and the pursuit of science and technology, political corruption, democracy, representation and the politics of inclusion, the status of cultural values in national orientation, understanding globalization, and others. It is these topics that are covered in the essays collected in this book.

    The unrelenting pursuit of the speculative activity by the philosopher in most cases eventuates in normative proposals; these normative proposals often embody a vision-a vision of an ideal human society in terms of its values, politics, and culture. Vision, understood here, has human-not supernatural or divine-origination and involvement and requires action by human beings in order for it to come into reality. A vision may derive from sustained critical evaluation of a culture or some elements of it. Gyekye attempts an articulation of the visions of the essays contained in the book.

    Even though philosophical ideas and concerns are originally inspired by and worked out in a cultural milieu, it does not necessarily follow, Gyekye strongly believes, that the relevance of those ideas and insights is to be tetheed to the cultures that produced them. For, more often than not, the relevance of those ideas, or at least some of them, transcends the confines of their own times and cultures and can be appreciated by other societies, or cultures, or generational epochs. This trans-cultural or trans-epochal or meta-contextual appeal or attraction of philosophical ideas and insights spawned by a particular culture or cluster of cultures or in specific historical times is to be put down to our common human nature-including our basic human desires and aspirations. Thus, most of the essays published here should be of interest to the global community-i.e., to cultures and societies beyond the African.

  • Babingo: The Nobel Rebel

    In Pointe-Noire of the 1950’s lived Paul Makouta, a “civilized” and westernized native who was very proud of communicating exclusively in French with Madeleine Mamatouka, his wife, Alex his only son, and the other children of his household. Under no circumstance did Makouta allow the members of his family speak the language of Metropolitan France with the slightest trace of a Bantu accent. Again, anyone who dared speak Kituba, an indigenous language, with the family’s domestic staff was liable to severe reprimand.

    Clearly, the father’s intransigence was at odds with the communicative practices in the neighborhood and of children commuting daily to school. And it was only natural for Tessa, a fellow pupil from the neighborhood, to successfully convince her teenage friend, Alex Babingo, of the absurdity of Makouta’s directive. Little did Alex Babingo realize that his initial acceptance of the irrationality of the father’s prohibition in colonized Congo was only the start of a trajectory which, from the other side of the world, would impel his return to the very roots of his culture and ancestral traditions in the now independent Republic of Congo or Congo-Brazzaville. Babingo, the Noble Rebel is a poignant and pulsating advocacy for the mainstreaming of indigenous languages into the curriculum of African countries, not least those belonging to the French-speaking world.

  • Hi, Zoleka!

    Age Range: 6 – 10 years

    “Hi, Zoleka’, friends call.

    But Zoleka has something on her mind. So she walks quietly with her mother and her little brother to church. Will she remember all the words of the verse she has to recite for the Palm Sunday service?

    Children’s picture book about a little Girl in South Africa.

    Hi, Zoleka!

  • From Stamp to Click, it’s still hello! (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 6 years and above

    Maame Esi shares a special bond with her grandfather. On an ordinary day they will chat about almost anything and Grandpa will share his experiences which forever enriches her life. This story takes the reader into an interesting interaction between the two generations that recounts how communication has evolved from Grandpa’s time to modern day Maame Esis time. Your child will discover and appreciate how people communicated in the past and you as an adult will be marvelled how communication has developed in such a short space of time.

  • It Happened in Ghana: A Historical Romance 1824-1971

    It Happened in Ghana carries a positive message. Conceived as a literary work, it demonstrates that racial prejudice based on skin colour is not a pervasive and unalterable human condition.

    The principal characters who are both Black and White are embroiled in various encounters, notably wars, slave trade, colonialism and post colonial reconstruction. Regardless of their skin colour and cultural differences, they make friends or fall in love secretly during these encounters. When they are forced to part company by the cessation of hostilities or whatever brought them together, they serve in various capacities in new locations outside their original places of domicile. They are accepted or integrated into existing social structures because of the warmth oftheir personalities and the manner in which they are able to adjust themselves to the pressures and challenges of new environments.

    Changes in the circumstances of the principal characters or their descendants enable them not only to restore broken relationships but also to identify themselves with the cause of freedom and justice or to reconnect in various ways with the development aspirations of Ghana where it all started.

  • Voices of Ghana: Literary Contributions to the Ghana Broadcasting System, 1955-57 (Second Edition)

    Ghana’s first radio programme of original literature, Singing Net, began in 1955 as part of the development of a national radio station in the years leading to independence in 1957. Its centralaim was to bring Ghanaian writers to the forefront of cultural programming as part of the Africanisation of radio in Ghana. It was a critical cultural expression of the radical changes that were unfolding across the colonial world. The programme successfully introduced listeners to a series of pioneering Ghanaian authors who would go on to become significant figures of Anglophone West African literature in the early postcolonial decades: Efua Sutherland, Frank Parkes, Amu Djoleto, Geormbeeyi Adali-Mortty, Albert Kayper-Mensah, Kwesi Brew, Cameron Duodu, J.H. Nketia and many others.

    The anthology, Voices of Ghana (1958) is a collection of the poetry, short stories, play scripts and critical discussions that were aired on the Gold Coast (later Ghana) Broadcasting System (1954-1958).Both Singing Net and Voices of Ghana were edited by the BBC producer, Henry Swanzy.

    The context of Ghana’s independence, the singularity of the anthology’s history, and the significance of many of the writers all contribute to the importance of this text. This second edition is a timely intervention into recent debates within postcolonial studies and world literature on the importance of broadcast culture in the dissemination of “new literatures” from the colonial world. It includes an unabridged version of the 1958 text, a new introduction and footnoted annotations,which draw on extensive research undertaken in Ghana and Britain. It will appeal to a general readership with an interest in Ghanaian literature, 1950s broadcast culture, the figure of Dr Kwame Nkrumah and the making of a national literature in the era of decolonisation, as well as engaging scholars. The new edition presents a deeply insightful and engaging history of Voices of Ghana and reintroduces the original works on the occasion of the anthology’s 60th anniversary.

    Victoria Ellen Smith is a Lecturer in the Department of History, University of Ghana, Legon

  • Where Have All the Rivers Gone?

    Suitable for upper primary pupils and children between 9 and 11 years

    Sponsored by the Ghana Environmental Protection Agency, to raise awareness of environmental issues amongst children, this story follows the adventures of Aku and Serwa who go on holiday to Zimbabwe, visiting Victoria Falls and the Kariba Dam. They learn about the crucial importance of rivers for clean drinking water, about fish conservation, and about all the proper and improper uses of rivers and natural water sources.

  • Taytu Betul: The Sunshine Queen (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 3 – 8 years

    Africa has produced its own formidable women; and one such women is Taytu Betul, Empress of Ethiopia and consort to Emperor Menelik II.

    In this story, we see how the Empress managed to save Ethiopia from becoming an Italian colony.

    Ethiopia is the only African country that was never colonised by the Europeans; how did that happen?

  • Africa in Contemporary Perspective

    An important feature of Ghanaian tertiary education is the foundational African Studies Programme which was initiated in the early 1960s. Unfortunately hardly any readers exist which bring together a body of knowledge on the themes, issues and debates which inform and animate research and teaching in African Studies particularly on the African continent.

    This becomes even more important when we consider the need for knowledge on Africa that is not Eurocentric or sensationalised, but driven from internal understandings of life and prospects in Africa. Dominant representations and perceptions of Africa usually depict a continent in crisis. Rather than buying into external representations of Africa, with its ‘lacks’ and aspirations for Western modernities, we insist that African scholars in particular should be in the forefront of promoting understanding of the pluri-lingual, overlapping, and dense reality of life and developments on the continent, to produce relevant and usable knowledge.

    Continuing and renewed interest in Africa’s resources, including the land mass, economy, minerals, visual arts and performance cultures, as well as bio-medical knowledge and products, by old and new geopolitical players, obliges African scholars to transcend disciplinary boundaries and to work with each other to advance knowledge and uses of those resources in the interests of Africa’s people.

  • Renewable Energy: Challenges (Kawi Renewable Energy #6)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 6 on Renewable Energy: Challenges discusses the energy deficit in Africa. Only 20% of Africans have access to reliable modem supplies of energy. Yet Africa is well endowed with natural resources that can be tapped to meet the energy demand. The book has suggested ways of increasing supply on the continent through well-presented project ideas, which can be implemented at regional, national and community levels.

    The authors: Armerley Anerkal Ollonnu is a research consultant while Daniel Mensah Brande is a producer/writer with the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Storage (Kawi Renewable Energy #5)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 5 places emphasis on the importance of storing energy. Energy is not always available in the form that people can readily use. Solar energy must be stored so that it can be utilised even when the sun is not shining. The book challenges readers on how to ensure that hydropower is available even during the dry seasons. Modern, as well as traditional methods of storing renewable energy are presented.

    The author of the book, Renewable Energy: Storage, Joram Augustine Pyuza Matulu, is a senior researcher at the Tanzania Education Institute.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Renewable Energy: Conversion (Kawi Renewable Energy #4)

    The Kawi popular science series on Renewable Energy is a unique collection of children’s books which educates the reader on the various forms of energy. The books present scientific explanation of how natural elements can be exploited in order to increase energy supply in Africa. The series comprises of six books and focuses on solar energy, hydropower, wind, biogas and wood fuel.

    Authors from different regions in Africa were commissioned to develop an interesting set of books, which expose the vastness and abundance of Africa’s natural resources. They provide ample African cultural and traditional examples which have sustained the continent’s energy needs and application for years. A wide range of activities, exercises drawn from African experiences have been used to make the series lively and relevant to young African readers.

    Book 4 informs children that energy cannot be destroyed. It merely changes from one form to another. The same energy form can be used in many different ways. For example, potential energy becomes Kinetic energy which can become mechanical energy. The book has several examples of children’s fun activities explaining different aspects of energy,

    The authors, Lirahalibonoe Molapo works as a researcher and writer at the Maseru Resource Centre while Nthunt’si Maphasa is a senior staff officer at the National Curriculum Development Centre in Maseru.

    Titles in the Kawi Renewable Energy series include:

    • Book 1 Renewable Energy – Sources
    • Book 2 Renewable Energy – Uses
    • Book 3 Renewable Energy – Conservation
    • Book 4 Renewable Energy – Conversion
    • Book 5 Renewable Energy – Storage
    • Book 6 Renewable Energy – Challenges for Africa

    The Kawi series is the product of a project implemented jointly by UNESCO and the African Publishers’ Network with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Canadian International Development Agency.

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