• Mewɔ Bi Ka – Anwensɛm (Akuapem Twi)

    This book contains 74titles of interesting poems covering almost every aspect of life.

  • A Good Mourning

    When a poem is beautifully crafted, images bop up and resonate, lines dance on the page, metaphors grip the reader and one is taken on a voyage of discovery. That was my experience while reading Ogaga Ifowodo’s latest collection of poems, entitled A Good Mourning.

    A Good Mourning

  • Dance Here

    Such touching tribute from one who remembers Jos in all her naivety and mourns her lost innocence even from many miles away from her. – Chijioke Amu-Nnadi, Winner of the Glenna Luschei Prize (2014) for Through the window of a Sandcastle; his most recent poetry collection is A Field of Echoes.

    Dance Here

  • Love, NASAB

    Love, NASAB is a collection of poems that touches on the subject of love, happiness, heartbreak, pain, rejection, mental health, self-love and death. The book, developed under five major themes – Love & Happiness, Heartbreaks & In-between, Daddy Issues, Sun Kissed, and Death & Goodbyes – takes its readers on a reflective journey through the different feelings and emotions we are confronted with in our everyday lives.

    Love, NASAB

  • SHARDS and other poems

    Shards is a metaphor for everything life has to offer. This collection of poems is a potpourri of emotions, hopes, aspirations, heartaches, and dreams. In these pages, everyone finds a sliver of themselves. Each poem represents relics from the personae, like a carefully customized and time-stamped memento. It is an act of worship and praise for the courage that everyday heroes, like mothers, show. It is a testament to the fortitude of sons and daughters determined to forge new destinies, and blaze different trails. It is a poetic testament to the human struggle, its thousand defeats and its definitive triumphs

  • The Wise Still Hear the Birds: Poems from an African Soul

    Africa has many stories to tell. Tales of love, pain, play and authentic fiery living. They hit you as you travel across the continent and encounter the utter beauty, often strained poverty and yet tenacious joy of perhaps the most expressive race in humanity. These poems were written while savoring the integrity and paradoxes of strength, weakness, pain, beauty, faith, hope and love experienced as an African treading through my home space and other spaces.

    They will touch you as they bring engagement with issues that a contemporary African must constantly acknowledge. Issues such as the profiling of Africa in international news, living as a migrant, politics of corruption, and quite simply, the dance and simplicity of this place. Ever the romantic, the games and excitements of the most complex emotion have always been significant in my outlook. So I say ‘love is a strange color – all colors merge into it!’

    The collection is an exploratory journey of words capturing life and loving in this joyous black skin.

    Let’s enjoy!

  • The Child and the Rainbow: Poems Celebrating Heavens Journey

    Who can express fully the rainbow of experiences that come with living in the cocoon of salvation within the hustle and bustle of this place called ‘the world’? Many books are constantly being written about the Christian experience, so that God’s people may know Him and the power of Jesus’ resurrection. This collection of poetry celebrates the heavenly journey with bite sized testimonies in the form of poetry. It scans personal experiences, evaluation of the truth of the Gospel in contemporary holds barred expression of gratitude for knowing Christ and a hollering about what salvation (SOZO) means. It is my prayer that it will refresh, rekindle and restore faith, hope and love!

  • The Anguish and Vigilance of Things

    In these poems, Richard Ali presents his life as a patient on a surgeon’s table and there are no, have been no themes, to his life, as these poems reveal. There have been only a series of glances, his eye resting on this or that, his poems becoming points of emphasis, seeking to undress and pare away adjective and lie alike. My son is not naked in these poems. But these poems are a testimony to what is laid naked. He is naked beneath these poems.

  • I Wish You Courage In The Night Season

    I Wish You Courage In The Night Season is a memoire-like poetry collection. This debut book pores over the pain and confusion caused by identity crisis, fear of fear, and insecurities in a relatable, practical way. The compilation manages to capture the very essence of our human existence.

    It also attempts to provide some insight into some of life’s quintessential paradoxes:

    What is the meaning of life? Why death? Why racism? Why domestic violence? Why does seemingly unconditional love become conditional, and many more.

    It also includes, self development tools that are guaranteed to help readers in overcoming their own storms.

  • Little Drops of Water

    Age: 2-9 years

    A comprehensive colorful picture book that introduces our tiny tots to all things bright and beautiful – NATURE. This picture book graphically illustrates objects of Nature while simple rhythmic phrases describe the Earth, the Sea, the Sun, the Moon and more.

  • Sweet, Sour or Whatever

    I made a safe home for my very personal thoughts in a little book and I filled it whenever I had an urge. It was all pure from the deepest depths of my heart and the only external influences on my writing were the occurrences that prompted me to write. I never thought too deeply about them. They just flowed from the streams of my creativity, through my imagination to the tip of my pen.

  • The Matriarch’s Verse

    I am a mongrel; a mixed breed of Ga, Ewe, Akuapem, English, Middle-Eastern and American cultures; I am a Third Culture Kid.

    Apiorkor’s socio-cultural experiences are interesting and might appear to be unique. But the truth is that there are several other Ghanaians who are secret sharers of her life. Such people lack access to platforms that would allow them to tell their collective story, so that their societies and communities can re-think all of the things that affect them.

    Happily, Apiorkor is an artist over matter and over emotions. She possesses a mastery over words and over the essences of life. Many Ghanaian men, women and children are like her.

    And her voice represents their voices.

    In this sensational collection, The Matriarch seeks to celebrate, shock, tickle, challenge and highlight our Ghanaian-ness in the 21st Century. The author peppers our imagination with the following:

    What does it mean to be Ghanaian?

    How have we progressed?

    Why do we stand for the things we stand for?

    Who really is the modern Ghanaian woman?

    Where is the global place for the urban Ghanaian space?

  • For Broken Men Who Cross Often

    Efe Paul Azino’s spoken word performances have received critical acclaim from listeners over the years. This book is therefore an expected result of a heightened expectation from many of his fans. For Broken Men Who Cross Often, is a refreshing and brilliant bond of the written and the oral, as it invents aesthetic devices to connect the two mediums which have constantly generated wide debate: spoken word and poetry-on-the-page. The author, in his writing, resonates through his themes of advocacy, love, loss, identity and history, the need for a revisit of the inner self. In Efe Paul Azino, we will always listen to tradition in present-day voice.

  • Thunder Protocol

    Thunder Protocol is a mid-career oeuvre of lively and impressive poems that examine issues ranging from the personal to the global. The diversity of themes in this poetry collection is both refreshing and startling, with language that is sometimes witty and inventive, and other times reflective and simple. This collection, which seems like an uncovering of the poet, may be considered a bearer of a collective understanding on the workings of the world.

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