• The Unconventional Mother: How I Nurtured My Daughter with Disability into a Global Leader


    If you think you have seen it all, this is the book that makes you stop. No, you haven’t. The extent that a super hero of a mother goes to keep her daughter alive and functional would fire you up and revise your notes about this thing called life.

    Struck at birth by an unexpected combination of strange conditions, the life of a young girl was hanging in the balance from day one. The reader cannot help but be thrilled by how a mother – in the name of God – went to battle with and against science, eventually gifting to us a world-class professional.

    Sometimes a medical journal, sometimes a family drama, sometimes a life-and-death page-turner, the episodes in this book involve diverse experts, hospitals across several countries, unusual insights on health as well as a redeeming grace of the highest order. This roller coaster lifesaving journey fortifies your resolve in your own particular struggle. When you finish The Unconventional Mother, the phrase ‘it is possible’ will taste different in your mouth.

  • Motherhood 101: A memoir of my experience as a newlywed juggling pregnancy/motherhood, marriage, work and a social life

    If babies could talk, they would say their mother was God.

    One of the miracles of the human story is positively the nurturing capabilities of mothers. Beyond carrying that pregnancy for nine months and eventually bringing it forth, mothers go through a whole complex regimen every day to sustain the fledgling human life while taking care of themselves and their home. No wonder some allude mystical powers to the process of childbirth.

    But whether supernatural or superwoman, motherhood is an amazing passage that has kept mankind populating Planet Earth. And when one woman steps out to catalogue her own moments of indescribable joy and heart-wrenching pain, the result is this wonderful gift of a book.

    Amma Agyeman-Prempeh’s work is based on a selfless narrative of the most intimate encounters of motherhood set in a cosmopolitan environment. In the midst of all the juggling, the triumphant twins of love and courage rise and rise.

  • Daughter in Exile: A Novel

    The acclaimed author of The Teller of Secrets returns with a gut-wrenching, yet heartwarming, story about a young Ghanaian woman’s struggle to make a life in the US, and the challenges she must overcome.

    Lola is twenty-one, and her life in Senegal couldn’t be better. An aspiring writer and university graduate, she has a great job, a nice apartment, a vibrant social life, and a future filled with possibility. But fate disrupts her world when she falls for Armand, an American Marine stationed at the U.S. Embassy. Her mother, a high court judge in Ghana, disapproves of her choice, but nothing will stop Lola from boarding a plane for Armand and America.

    That fateful flight is only the beginning of an extraordinary journey; she has traded her carefree existence in Senegal for the perilous position of an undocumented immigrant in 1990s America.

    Lola encounters adversity that would crush a less-determined woman. Her fate hangs on whether or not she’ll grow in courage to forge a different life from one she’d imagined, whether she’ll succeed in putting herself and family together again. Daughter in Exile is a hope-filled story about mother love, resilience, and unyielding strength.

  • Maame

    In Aakonu, a small village on the coast of Ghana, life is a constant tussle between the reality of the mundane and the superstitions presided over by the local priestess. In this setup, girls in their puberty can only look forward to marriage—often to men old enough to be their fathers and already with other wives. Ahu, a young widow of eighteen, has no choice but to marry an older relative. What she does will change girls in her lineage forever. Through these beautifully told, lyrical stories about herself, her daughter Bomo, the beautiful but tragic Ebela, and the childless Aso, and others, Ahu introduces us to her community, and the beliefs and customs that keep its families together but in the end also stifles its girls futures.


  • And The Eagle Flew to Heaven (When a Mother Loses Her Child)

    This book is about the experience of a mother who lost her child and her path to finding healing. It also provides guidelines as to how grieving parents can start the journey of recovering from the pain of losing a child.

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