• Managing Your Life

    Managing Your Life is sequel to Living by Strategy, by the same author. It takes on the task of reducing strategies to the day-to-day actions to achieve the mission, vision, goals and roles of a person. It is about actualizing personal strategic plan to achieve personal, social and vocational development.

    In this book, the author dedicates a chapter to each area of your life you have to manage. The chapter headings are pointers to their content in each of the fourteen chapters, which are grouped in Five Parts.

    • Part One: Leading and Managing Yourself
    • Part Two: Managing Your Private Life
    • Part Three: Managing Your Relational Life
    • Part Four: Managing Your Public Life
    • Part Five: Managing Your Spiritual Life

    If we are intentional about living, and manage our lives as best as we can, we are likely to leave a lasting legacy for our generation and posterity. It prepares them to face the inevitable.

  • Living by Strategy

    The message of this book is as simple as it has the power to propel readers to drastically change their lives’ outcome in almost every sphere of life. It is an invitation to be more intentional about how we live and to have fun doing so (i.e. without paranoia). The Wheel of Life the book introduces gives a snapshot of its content. This book invites readers to join in the exciting and truthful venture of mission-vision-goal living, propelled by core principles to drive one’s Professional, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Family, Intellectual, Financial and Marital Life. Doing so with a balance in one’s Personal, Relational and Work Life is at the core of the book.

    The author shares a concept of Organising Principle that simplifies living and yet leads to a life of success with significance, positivity on one hand and how to avoid being “a successful failure” on the other hand.

    Living by Strategy is a seminal contribution to the life management of personal living.

  • 101 Ways to Find the Money to Save and Invest: Wealth Creation Ideas for the Very Poor and the Not So Poor

    Investment opportunities are as many as human needs, wants and desires. Thus the aim of this compilation is not to attempt a comprehensive coverage of investment opportunities. In fact, we are not even competent to do so as assuredly our names do not feature among the investment gurus and practitioners.

    However, we trust many will read this book and expand their knowledge base of investments as others have done to bail themselves out of abject poverty. We hope this book will be read by all classes in the society but particularly our target audience, namely those below middle class most of whom earn less than USD 2,000 per annum, for whom the teachings in this book would be a life-transforming experience.

  • A Roof Over One’s Head: A Beginner’s Guide to Real Estate Wealth Creation

    If you’ve ever been interested in Real Estate investing, it is difficult not to notice the lack of practical information around the subject, especially in our part of the world.

    Of course, there are real estate books worldwide, but most of these are not location-specific and some of the advice is simply inapplicable to relative to our reality.

    I wrote this book so that Ghanaians and Africans, for that matter, will have information that speaks to our experiences with building and acquiring property to make a profit and in our collective quest towards bridging the housing gap on our continent.

    This book teaches how to:

    • Invest in Real Estate
    • Identify Profitable Property
    • Finance your Investments
    • Add value to your property
    • Create wealth through Smart Property Management
  • Investment And Self-Employment Ideas – for Almost Everyone in Ghana

    Investment opportunities are as many as human needs, wants and desires. Thus, the aim of this compilation is not to attempt a comprehensive coverage of investment opportunities. In fact, we are not even competent to do so as assuredly our names do not feature among the investment gurus and practitioners even in our home country, let alone in the world.

    Rather, our aim is as modest as our target audience. Since Stephen’s book “Twelve Keys to Financial Success” in 2001, we have seen several hundreds of people save and invest their way out of abject poverty in Ghana and in a few other African countries. At the same time, several others have asked for practical ways to save and invest. These are ordinary workers, farmers, students, etc. Their questions convince us of the need to put together two booklets, which far from offering a panacea, are meant to stimulate the thinking of these people to save, invest and create wealth for themselves, their families and their countries.

  • Start Right: A Guide to Financial Investments in Ghana

    This book, Start Right – A guide to financial Investments in Ghana is what I would refer to as a holistic Investment manual for any business leader, entrepreneur, investment banker and all who aspire to create and sustain their wealth.

    It covers the entire landscape of Investments, taking you through a journey of appreciating, understanding and beginning your resolve to a wealthy future. It unravels the intricacies of Investments that is shrouded in perceived complexity and mystery. Its language is basic to the very understanding of new investors, while tackling all relevant branches of the investing process, appealing as well to the professional and sophisticated minds. It adequately tackles and answers vital questions, such as:

    • How can I invest
    • Where can I invest
    • Which Investment instruments are good for me
    • What returns do I expect
    • What risks am I exposed to and how can I mitigate them
    • Who can help me make my Investment choices…

    The author takes pains to illustrate to the reader on the operations of the Capital and Money Markets and the dynamics of their operations. I recommend this book to the novice and sophisticated investor, entrepreneurs, Investment bankers, students and all who desire to create sustainable wealth for themselves and generations behind them.

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