• Communism & Marxism

    Communism & Marxism (1)

  • Radicalism

    Radicalism (3)

  • Democracy

    Democracy (481)

  • The Silver Stool Stabilised

    The Silver Stool, Asante Mampong, occupies an important position within the hierarchy of Asanteman. The occupant is the second-in-command after Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene. This book is a commemorative project exploring the history of Asante Mampong, a roll call of the previous occupants of the Silver Stool. The current occupant, Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, Mamponghene has experienced a stable reign for over 25 years; the distinguished profile of Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, and persons who have contributed to the stable and successful reign for the Silver Stool are also profiled. Finally, the book explores the impact of stability for the Traditional Area and Asanteman.

  • Revolution and Democracy in Ghana: The Politics of Jerry Rawlings

    Flight-Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings, who passed away on 12 November 2020, aged 73 years, dramatically appeared on Ghana’s political scene 40 years earlier. In May 1979, Rawlings was briefly jailed following an unsuccessful coup attempt. Rawlings and his comrades were revolted by Ghana’s corruption and economic decline at the hands of its ruling generals. A few weeks later, on 4 June 1979, Rawlings was released from prison by a group of disgruntled soldiers and took power following a successful coup d’état. Following a brief, but turbulent, few months in power, Rawlings’ Armed Forces Revolutionary Council handed over to an elected government in September 1979. Twenty-seven months later, on 31 December 1981, he was back in power, again by coup d’état. This time it was not a brief stay in the hot seat: Rawlings, leader of the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC), comprising three civilians and three armed forces personnel, remained in power for more than a decade. Seeking to justify the coup, Rawlings claimed that the PNDC was a necessary response to Ghana’s political and economic crisis. In January 1993, democracy returned to Ghana. Jerry Rawlings was popularly elected president twice, eventually standing down in January 2001, as the 1992 constitution demanded. Beginning his political career as a military figure with revolutionary aspirations, Rawlings ended it as a twice democratically-elected civilian president.

    These are the brief facts about the political career of Flight-Lieutenant, later President, Jerry Rawlings. More than three years after his passing, Rawlings remains a pivotal, absolutely central, figure in Ghana. His enduring influence in Ghana may be second only to that of Ghana’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah. On the other hand, there is no more controversial figure in Ghana’s political and economic history than Rawlings. More than two decades after he left political office, nothing divides Ghanaians more than their opinions regarding him. This book seeks to explain how and why Rawlings and the PNDC progressed from an undemocratic military-based regime to laying the foundations for Ghana’s three decades of multi-party democracy. Was Rawlings a patriot who believed passionately in Ghana and did all he could to make the country succeed? Or was he a wrecker who wanted to bring the post-colonial edifice tumbling down in a misguided attempt at revolution? The aim of this book is to enable the reader to draw their own conclusions on these questions.



  • A Legacy of Service to Humanity- Brig. Gen. Joseph Nunoo-Mensah

    In the book “A Legacy of Service to Humanity” author Korletey Jorbua Obuadey reveals to the reader the humanitarian activities of Brigadier General Joseph Nunoo-Mensah. The book inspires all especially the youth of Africa to service to our fellow country men and women and to our nation.

  • History of Ashanti by Otumfuo, Nana Osei Agyeman Prempeh II (Hardcover)

    History of Ashanti is unusual, perhaps unique, in that it provides a long historical account of the great West African forest kingdom of Asante by a ruler of that society. Thus, it is African history written by an African king and his assistants. This is, without a doubt, a very important document for historians of Africa. It has too a much wider resonance at the present time: here the Asante ‘voice’ is speaking directly to all those across the globe who claim ancestral links to the African continent, and who are still engaged in the struggle to define, to strengthen and to assert their identities in a world that long discounted the value, or even the existence, of their historical experience.

  • ‘The History of Ashanti Kings and the Whole Country Itself’ and Other Writings

    The History of Ashanti Kings and the Whole Country Itself is a key text for understanding the history of the great West African kingdom of Asante (now in Ghana). It is also an early–and perhaps the earliest–example of history writing in English by an African ruler and his amanuenses. It was begun in 1907 in the Seychelles on the instructions of the Asantehene Agyeman Prempeh I, who had been in British captivity with his family since 1896, during which time he had acquired proficiency in English.

    The chief source of information was his mother the Asantehemaa Yaa Kyaa, who possessed an encyclopaedic knowledge of the oral history of her own lineage, which was also the royal dynasty of Asante. The result is an indispensably detailed document that charts the history of the Asante monarchy from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. Context is provided by the inclusion of other writings by or about Agyeman Prempeh, together with four introductory essays by the world’s leading scholars of Asante history.

    This fascinating volume evokes the rich historical experience of a renowned kingdom, and is of compelling interest to all concerned with the production of indigenous historical knowledge in Africa.

  • The Fall of The Asante Empire: The Hundred -Year War for Africa’s Gold Coast

    In 1817, the first British envoy to meet the king of the Asante of West Africa was dazzled by his reception. A group of 5,000 Asante soldiers, many wearing immense caps topped with three foot eagle feathers and gold ram’s horns, engulfed him with a “zeal bordering on phrensy,” shooting muskets into the air. The envoy was escorted, as no fewer than 100 bands played, to the Asante king’s palace and greeted by a tremendous throng of 30,000 noblemen and soldiers, bedecked with so much gold that his party had to avert their eyes to avoid the blinding glare. Some Asante elders wore gold ornaments so massive they had to be supported by attendants. But a criminal being lead to his execution – hands tied, ears severed, knives thrust through his cheeks and shoulder blades – was also paraded before them as a warning of what would befall malefactors. This first encounter set the stage for one of the longest and fiercest wars in all the European conquest of Africa. At its height, the Asante empire, on the Gold Coast of Africa in present-day Ghana, comprised three million people and had its own highly sophisticated social, political, and military institutions. Armed with European firearms, the tenacious and disciplined Asante army inflicted heavy casualties on advancing British troops, in some cases defeating them. They won the respect and admiration of British commanders, and displayed a unique willingness to adapt their traditional military tactics to counter superior British technology. Even well after a British fort had been established in Kumase, the Asante capital, the indigenous culture stubbornly resisted Europeanization, as long as the “golden stool,” the sacred repository of royal power, remained in Asante hands. It was only after an entire century of fighting that resistance ultimately ceased.

  • Modern Principles of Company Law in Ghana

    This book is a reference book that comprehensively covers the relevant top of company law in Ghana. With the passage of the new Companies Act, 2009 (Act 992), there is a need to have a book that comprehensively explains the principles of company law. This book covers many distinct parts of company law.

    The first part deals with an introduction to Company Law and companies Even though the book is on company law, the second chapter talks about other entities through which business can be undertaken or through which objects can be pursued. These entities include Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Building Societies, Cooperative Societies, Incorporated Trust, Statutory Corporation and Non-Governmental Organisation under the proposed Non-Governmental Organisation Bill, 2018 and 2022. Chapter 3 also comes under the first part, which is an introduction to a company, requirements for the formation of a company and the types of companies that can be incorporated and registered in Ghana. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the constitution of a company, which under the repealed Act 179 is the regulations of a company, and the role of the promoter respectively.

    The second part deals with company law concepts, most of which were developed under common law and are now given statutory backing. It covers principles on pre-incorporation contract, ultra vires and capacity of a company, corporate veil and the presumption of regularity.

    The third part covers governance issues, including membership, general meetings, directors, Company Secretary and auditors.

    This is followed by the fourth part, which deals with raising capital for companies, including principles relating to shares and debentures, restructuring or reorganisation, and rules relating to public companies.

    The last part deals with remedies available for corporate maladministration and liquidations. A new introduction in Ghana, the concept of administration of financial distress companies under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015) and its amendment are also dealt with. The last chapter provides an overview of the requirements for a company to keep books of accounts and prepare financial statements.

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