• Managing the Pressure of Success and Time

    If you are struggling with the management of your success, time and suffering from leadership challenges, read this book and then do what it says. A powerful and inspiring book that you will want to read again and again. Managing the pressure of success and time is a treasure trove on principles, methods, concepts, tips, techniques and ideas that will change your life. Whatever other self-help books you may read in your lifetime, make this one your top priority. A tremendous book packed with infinite wisdom.This book is a clear, simple road map that shows you how to focus on the vital few, rather than trivial many.

  • Maximizing Your Potential: Die Empty

    Ankrah has the rare talent of writing books that are fun to read yet truly life changing. Maximize Your Potential will move you at the deepest level and show you how to have the life you have always wished you could have.

    This book will lift your spirits and inspire you to make the changes in your life that will get you back on track, not only professionally but personally. The book provides a rare key to unlock your potential.

  • Networking Made Easy

    An easy-to-understand networking guide for startups and students.

    “Don’t let the ‘cuteness’ of this read fool you! Ama has wittingly loaded it with real-life anecdotes, pithy statements and practical tips about networking, that will revolutionize your life. Truly, ‘little hinges swing big doors.'” – Dr Yaw Perbi, Global CEO of The HuD Group, Montreal, Canada

    “Ama Duncan provides some golden nuggets to the art of networking. In an easy-to-read manner, with memorable examples and useful reflections, Ama manages to break down networking to its basic elements, making this important social skill accessible to even the most challenged networker. An enjoyable, short read.” – Dr Jemima Nunoo, Lecturer, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration

    “A delightful guide full of important information on networking and it is good for those of us who want to leverage on networking and grow in our corporate lives and personal businesses. It is a must-read and I am confident you will learn something new.” – Chairman Stephen Essien, MD, ZEGHA Energy Ltd

  • Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

    This book is not only to prepare you academically but also to build you up for the job market (lifetime) as well as spark your mind to think positively and critically.

    Critical thinking is not found in many official school standards yet it is one of the most important qualities or skills required to develop the youth of this country who will go on to be successful actors in a competitively complicated world.

    It is therefore in the right direction that the youth is prepared not only for academic feverishness but to have their minds engineered for finding solutions to the ever increasing challenges confronted by the world. We need critical thinkers and this book seeks to restructure the minds of its readers.


  • The Reminder

    The Reminder is a compilation of common inspirational themes written in very different perspectives. It focuses on the practicality of these themes by drawing them from daily occurrences that we are likely to ignore. A book written in three parts: first part includes inspirations drawn out of the book of Esther, second part sheds light on the inspirations we’re likely to miss out on in our daily walk and finally, the third part is a collection of real success stories and testimonies of various people. Each chapter begins with a poem most of which were written by the author.

    A charity driven book. This means proceeds go to support charitable works of some charitable foundations.

    The Reminder

  • Daily Fix Workbook

    Just what you need to run your day like a legend, maximising opportunities and eliminating distractions. Exude productivity par excellence.

  • Power of One

    How do you navigate the terrain of goal setting and execution? In Power of One, you will be challenged to be decisive about the ONE thing you want the world to know, to remember you for and its ripple effect.

    Power of One

  • Everyday in Love

    Every day in love — right words that breathe fire and wield electrifying romance. After you say “I do” you have to keep doing to spice up your life while evoking passion.


  • Cheat on Fear

    Here’s to reprogramming your mind. Leverage the energy fear gives you, Use it to accomplish greater feats and know that fear makes you stronger.

    Cheat on Fear

  • Pencil on Assignment

    We find ourselves in a temporary world where many are focused on leaving temporary marks rather than eternal ones. Young people today are looking for fame, riches, luxury, without looking for their primary goal on earth.

    This book gives an insight to give key issues from the view point of a pencil to address the greatest quest in life; purpose. It looks at the relationship between;

    • The pencil and its marks
    • The pencil and the eraser
    • The pencil and the lead
    • The pencil and the sharpener
    • The pencil and the hand (user)

    The book also addresses issues such as:

    • Leaving a positive mark
    • Who can be saved?
    • What next after salvation?
    • Does a Christan skate through life trouble-free?
    • How can the best in you be seen?

    Everyone is leaving a mark on this earth, but the big question is,  “How relevant is your mark in your generation and the generations yet to come?”

    Don’t strive to be better than someone; strive to be the best you.

  • Serendipity

    Have you ever received an unexpected blessing? Have wonderful things somehow fallen into place for you without your effort? Some people would mistake such instances as luck or coincidence. The truth is that we serve a God of miracles. Some of the miracles He works in our lives are in answer to our prayers, but most are sovereign acts of grace. As we trust Him,, He orders our steps in the right way. He brings the right people into our lives and reveals Himself to us.

    In this book, Serendipity, you will see how God is able to step into our lives and make all things work together for our good.


  • The Supreme Task of the Church

    As much as believers want to hearken to the Great Commission, we seem to shy away from this call. Restricted with limited resources on ways to approach, strategies to pursue, and how to win souls and make disciples of them, we let our generations down.

    This book is a great resource containing biblical, experiential, and practical knowledge that empowers every believer to fulfill the divine mandate to win souls. It answers frequently asked questions we encounter as we set out to obey God regarding this call.

  • Managing Distant Relationships: A Bite!

    Managing Distant Relationships: A Bite! is a book born out of the personal experience in distant relationships of the author. The author believes that, for the best result, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, where the manufacturer here is God. The book talks about the unpredictability of life, which in turn affects relationships, especially marriage.

    The book deals with the purpose of marriage as the Bible wants it and the new normal of today – distant relationship.

    Mark 10:9 reads, “What therefore the Lord has joined together, let no man separate”. This book is recommended for all people in relationships as it deals with the various forms of distant relationships, causes and effects, and the likely way out.

  • A Practical Handbook on Personal Development

    “…one must first look into oneself before looking out for achievements. Thus self-knowledge as a foundation to personal development is crucial to any type of personal attainment. This is what this book is about!

    It leads you step by step to discover your own potential and how you can skilfully release this potential to achieve a life that wins.” – The Late Rev. Prof. Elom Dovlo (Former Head of Department for the Study of Religions – University of Ghana, Legon) – Foreword

  • How to Make Wise Decisions

    Receiving good advice is an art that can be perfected by practice. The quality of our lives is influenced by the people from whom we receive advice. For each one of us, there are people who enrich our lives and others who deplete our lives because of the quality of advice they give to us.

    How to Make Wise Decisions presents a systematic and yet simple approach that involves six key steps to receiving good advice and making quality decisions which will help you advance in life.


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