• Ɛkyia A Ɛnee Wɔzɛ (Nzema)

    This book is about three friends who left their village for the city of Meannyia-Meangu-Me-Nwo, about one hundred and fifty miles away, for the purpose of working for thier living.They were in the city for sometime and, because of the nature of life there, they had to withdraw all the money they had already saved with the Post Office Savings Bank . They began to live wretched lives and had to live on loans from money-lenders.

    One of them, Sonlangyɛnemia, for fear that the money-lenders would worry him for their money, left the city for a town called Boɛyɛlɛwie. He worked there for a few years and became well-to-do. He later went to the city again and paid all his debts.

  • Kasena Bia Yira Pam (Kasena)

    The Kasena Bia Yira Pam is a Kasena customary way of naming their children, and the meaning of the names. The book starts from marriage of a girl to pregnancy and delivery and subsequently to the naming of the child.

  • Parasites: The Sly and Sneaky Enemies Inside You (Hardcover)

    Watch Out!! Parasites, invaders from the human environment, ages and ages ago, penetrated the world inside human beings. Since then, they have lived inside generations of human beings of all ages, in all parts of the world. Sly and sneaky in their dealings with human beings and totally dishonorable, parasites use underhand methods to enter the human body.
    Aware of people’s natural inhibitions to parasites, PARASITES INSIDE YOU presents scientific information on parasites and their clever life cycles in an illustrated, non-technical, easy-to-understand style in order to emphasize simple precautions to take to avoid parasitic infections.
  • Mmɔfra Agorɔ (Asante Twi)

    This book is a collection of indigenous games for children,

  • Dagaare Yelkaama: Book 1 (Dagaare)

    This book contains a collection of poems on life, love, work and original compositions from funeral dirges.It is rich in vocabulary and rare expressions.

  • Bookset: Courtesy & Manners Guidebooks for Boys and Girls (5 books)

    Age Range: 7 years and above

    Most of us were trained with Courtesy for Boys & Girls as a guidebook. Fundamental rules of courtesy for young people, rules on behaviour; much more needed today! Now, you can have four other books in this series as a bookset.

    These books are adapted from up-to-date fundamental rules of courtesy as they apply to young people of today and list for the guidance of parents and teachers rules on a gracious refinement of behaviour. They teach young readers how to be courteous in their everyday lives and how effective it can be, how to be polite and have good manners, and how to get along with others.

    A great set of books to use to engage young people on matters of manners.

  • Truth Without Reconciliation: A Human Rights History of Ghana (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)

    Although truth and reconciliation commissions are supposed to generate consensus and unity in the aftermath of political violence, Abena Ampofoa Asare identifies cacophony as the most valuable and overlooked consequence of this process in Ghana. By collecting and preserving the voices of a diverse cross-section of the national population, Ghana’s National Reconciliation Commission (2001-2004) created an unprecedented public archive of postindependence political history as told by the self-described victims of human rights abuse.
    The collected voices in the archives of this truth commission expand Ghana’s historic record by describing the state violence that seeped into the crevices of everyday life, shaping how individuals and communities survived the decades after national independence. Here, victims of violence marshal the language of international human rights to assert themselves as experts who both mourn the past and articulate the path toward future justice.
    There are, however, risks as well as rewards for dredging up this survivors’ history of Ghana. The revealed truth of Ghana’s human rights history is the variety and dissonance of suffering voices. These conflicting and conflicted records make it plain that the pursuit of political reconciliation requires, first, reckoning with a violence that is not past but is preserved in national institutions and individual lives. By exploring the challenge of human rights testimony as both history and politics, Asare charts a new course in evaluating the success and failures of truth and reconciliation commissions in Africa and around the world.

  • Hijacked: 1000 Days’ Harrowing Experience in the Hands of Somali Pirates

    Six months into a 10-month contract with Azal Shipping & Cargo, LLC, Dubai, on March 29, 2010, Jewel Ahiable and 23 other crew members aboard MV Iceberg 1 were hijacked by Somali pirates and held captive for 1000 days. The vessel ran aground. Food, water, medical supplies—all ran out. A crew member lost his life and another went missing. All attempts to get a ransom failed the captors. But their brute determination to amass fortune deafened their ears to the cry of innocent humans and the poor.

    HIJACKED! recounts the torturous ordeal and near-death experiences during the captivity until the intervention of the Puntland Maritime Police Force secured their release on December 23, 2012.

    It is the story of one of the longest held piracy victims. It is the story of piracy victims abandoned by their employer, respective countries and the world community. It is the story of the miraculous intervention of Divinity in the affairs of hopeless men.

  • Asoo Ɔ Ye Nwomenle Ɔ? (Nzema)

    Asoo Ɔ Ye Nwomenle Ɔ contains a true story of teacher Koasi, whose wife , Afibah used to tell him during conversation that if ever she died, he, teacher Koasi, would have his house haunted. She died about two years later during child-birth and the house became haunted as prophesies by her.

    The husband married another lady by name Akasi who was very often possessed by the former wife’s ghost. Any time Akasi (the present wife) was possessed, she prophesied and all her prophecies came to pass. On one occasion when Akasi became possessed by Afibah’s ghost, she told her husband that his wife, Akasi, would have a child fifteen months after she has taken seed and that he should name the child after her (the deceased); the baby’s name should be, “Koasi’s wife, Afibah,” failing which it would die two weeks after it has been born.

    Akasi had a baby fifteen months after having taken seed as prophesied but because her husband refused to name the child after the late wife, the baby died two weeks after it had been born. Afibah’s ghost possessed Akasi again and warned the husband that if he was not prepared to name the next child after she would see to it that his wife, Akasi, dies during child-birth. The husband named the child “Koasi Afiba” instead of “Koasi’s wife, Afibah,”.

  • Avo Nee Koasi Ama Ekyi (Nzema)

    This book deals with the emergence of two states within the Nzema state.

    Originally, the Nzema state was one entity but as the succession to the throne changed hands, one Paramount Chief moved the throne to another capital within the Nzema state.This brought a bitter quarrel between two opposing factions which later generated into a civil war in the whole Nzema State.

    The two opposing factions fought well over six years and after the then Governor of the Gold coast had intervened, a parley was convened and after they had settled their differences in the interest of peace and mutual co-existence, they agreed to the creation of two states, i.e. Eastern and Western Nzema, with two Paramount Chiefs.

  • Language Guide (Kasem)

    Kasem is a tonal language and is generally spoken in musical tone. Therefore a tonal difference in Kasem may alter the meaning of a word.

    The third edition of this Language Guide has been revised and compiled to help a learner find out his or her way with minimum difficulty in the Kasem speaking area.

  • There is an Elephant in my Wardrobe

    Age Range: 5 – 8 years

    Have you ever wished for someone who will listen to your worries? Adun does. When an elephant arrives at her home, Adun is happy to have a new friend with big ears. Adun’s happy feelings go away when Erin the elephant begins to eat her clothes. Friends should be kind to one another. How will Adun make the elephant leave her wardrobe when it is stronger than her?


  • Aníké Elèko

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Aníké has to hawk èko every morning but that does not stop her from going to school. She loves school and wants to be a doctor.

    However, her mother has decided her fate: once she finishes primary school, she will join her Aunt Remí in the city as a tailor.

    When a mystery guest visits Àníké’s school, she has the chance to win a scholarship that will change her fate. Will the help of her friends Oge, Ìlérí and Àríyo the cobbler be enough?

    Written by Sandra Joubead and illustrated by Àlàbá Ònájìn, ÀNÍKÉ ELÉKO tells a colourful story
    of one girl’s courage in the face of opposition to her dreams.


    Aníké Elèko


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