• Jungle Dance

    Jungle Dance is a euphemism for a myriad of issues, roles, relationships and routes. It is a picture of what the corporate world is – challenging but rewarding also. It captures feelings of despondency, rejection and confusion interlaced with the triumphs, friendships and love that two women experience in their corporate journeys.

    “Steeped in realism, yet fictional, emotional pet detached, almost biographical but not exactly that, a mishmash yet lucid – that’s what you get when you get an astute and observant corporate person doing a foray into fiction. You get real life drama in an imaginative narrative. Come let’s dance in this jungle of words.” – Nana Awere Damoah, Writer/Engineer

    “Petra takes on an uncommon theme like the corporate world and tells a story from the lenses of her own experiences. This is a fictional work that ends up being real, motivational and romantic!” – Ama Pratt, Broadcast Journalist

    “Riveting and gripping. A complete story about life in the corporate world and its vicissitudes — told with the sense of African love for family. A quintessential modern African story.” – Yaw Ofosu Larbi, Broadcast Journalist

    Jungle Dance

  • The Matriarch’s Verse

    I am a mongrel; a mixed breed of Ga, Ewe, Akuapem, English, Middle-Eastern and American cultures; I am a Third Culture Kid.

    Apiorkor’s socio-cultural experiences are interesting and might appear to be unique. But the truth is that there are several other Ghanaians who are secret sharers of her life. Such people lack access to platforms that would allow them to tell their collective story, so that their societies and communities can re-think all of the things that affect them.

    Happily, Apiorkor is an artist over matter and over emotions. She possesses a mastery over words and over the essences of life. Many Ghanaian men, women and children are like her.

    And her voice represents their voices.

    In this sensational collection, The Matriarch seeks to celebrate, shock, tickle, challenge and highlight our Ghanaian-ness in the 21st Century. The author peppers our imagination with the following:

    What does it mean to be Ghanaian?

    How have we progressed?

    Why do we stand for the things we stand for?

    Who really is the modern Ghanaian woman?

    Where is the global place for the urban Ghanaian space?

  • Victims of Hope

    She grows up in a village in Ghana. Efia questions the things around her but she must learn to live with the rich but rigid culture.
    When she boards the flight to pursue a law degree at Harvard, little does she know what shocking punches life will throw at her in Boston. She returns home armed with a Law Degree, only to realize there is so much more to life in Africa, than her “book knowledge”.

    Efia falls for Big Joe. He is a great lover but he comes with great trouble. Is he also dating the only daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Ghana, the ruthless Alhaji Yusif?  Alas, Efia is already pregnant.

    Alhaji is not one to forgive… He does not.

    Ansah, Efia’s brother steps in with a plan. His sister does not deserve this.

    The yam that will burn, will burn boiled or roasted.

    Victims of Hope

  • A Little Flame of Hope

    A trail of unpleasant circumstances usher Ryan Hassan Asaba into the world. His resilient mother braces the tides and defies several odds to raise her disabled son. But when he needed her the most, she vanishes mysteriously. Now alone, Ryan is forced to navigate through the harsh realities of society. But an impending danger was fast approaching. Will his mother return to save him, or will the danger be potent enough to consume them both?

  • Her Diary of Sobriety

    After a five year long struggle with marijuana addiction, writer and poet Morningkhat, gracefully  found the strength to overcome. In ‘Her Diary of Sobriety’, she writes wholeheartedly about the daily 
    struggles on her journey, lessons, tips and insightful observations on living a life of sobriety. 
    The value contained in this book is priceless for any reader interested in relating with a true account  of an addict to trigger your own courage, or inspire others to create their path of freedom from this 
    fixation. This piece is sure to open up a new perspective, and spark a much-needed conversation  about society’s addiction problems. 
  • A Woman in Her Prime (African Writers Series, AWS40)

    A young woman makes that all-important rite of passage from adolescence to adulthood. However, her early adult life is marred by childlessness in a society that places a great premium on children and motherhood as the ultimate mark of womanhood.
  • Prejudice

    The story of the marriage of Mercy Owusu and her husband is told by one of Ghana’s humorous writers, Asare Konadu, under a pseudonym used for his light-hearted novels.

    A bestseller, Prejudice is one of the most starkly moving parables ever written of the forces that shape or mar many marriages of today – patience, determination, thoughtfulness, quarrels, nagging, relations with in-laws, etc.

    Beginning with a tiny incident between the couple, it ends by being as deep and as captivating as love itself.


  • The Lawyer Who Bungled His Life

    The Lawyer Who Bungled His Life is a novel revealing the lasting challenges that young people face within today’s multicultural society. With humour and imagination, Asare Konadu presents the story of a young man whose desire for a new identity entangles himself in a web of frustration and dejection.

    The events of the hero’s struggles are rendered realistically.

  • Victims of Circumstance

    This is the story of an adventure, power, love and a desire for wealth.

    The story of a young village man in pursuit of happiness in a city uncertain in character.

    Asante had a very promising life as a city dweller selling essential items in small kiosks by the way side. When he decides it is time to marry, he abandons the trade in search of a ‘better life’.

    The story unfolds and the events that follow reveal the challenges of city life and travelling.

  • Shadow of Wealth

    This is a story of corruption, cheating, and power, maladministration and nepotism in high places; the story of a Managing Director of a public corporation who, in search of a young woman to entertain him, upsets the whole administration and turns discipline in the public corporation to satisfy her.

    It was first a show of wealth-spending from public funds. It led from over strained expectations via disappointed hopes then missed its destination leading to the hard realization that the young woman for whom he sacrificed his work did not love him.

    All the experiences are new and in the midst of corruption, maladministration, and cheating, she fights to get out of them and away from the woman who seeks to ruin her future-rare narrative power and authentic detail.

  • A Husband for Esi Ellua

    Dramatic and Haunting…this is the story of the consuming bravery of a man over whose love for a woman falls the shadow of imminent disaster.

    It is set in the Second World War in shattered Gold Coast (now Ghana) where husbands torn from their wives and children found themselves in places undreamt of only a few months before. Amid the gaiety and clatter of Army life, the man and woman play out dramas with perilous intensity to the final moment of disaster.

    Filled with brilliance and fascination.

  • The Wizard of Asamang

    In The Wizard of Asamang, Asare Konadu presents a lasting picture of Ghanian society in the rural area welded together by love, humored innocence and gaiety. The strange events and places in the hero’s young mind are recorded realistically combining inventive imagination with technical sills.
  • Ordained by the Oracle (African Writers Series, AWS55)

    Boateng, a prosperous trader in Elmina, has the beginnings of disbelief in the old customs. His wife dies suddenly and he is put through forty days and forty nights of rituals. The conflicting strains of emotion on social behavior are vividly shown by this practised writer.
  • The ‘Coup’ Makers

    Engaging, moving, and very effective, this is the diary of a thirty seven year old widow whose record of the coups through thirty years of independence remains as fresh and immediate as when the author first experienced them. Usually frank, it represents a vivid and convincing picture of the day to day suffering of the people in coups and recaptures the grim atmosphere of the hard and bitter struggle.
  • The Return of the Falcon

    Drobonso stands at the crossroads. The paramountcy and the chief priest, custodian of the traditional and cultural customs of the state are entangled.

    The emerging Christian churches misconstrue the reasons for enactment and consolidation of these ancestral relics.

    In the ensuing struggle, the writer presents an exposition on the rather “Primitive” values of our tradition and the effect of modernization on our society.

    The narrator explores memories and engages the reader in dialogue.

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