• Gratitude: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Maamle never said thank you for anything done for her. She read about the only leaper in the Bible story who came back to thank Jesus after he had healed ten of them. She then learnt the importance of being thankful.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Adaku at the Homowo Festival

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Twelve year old Adaku lives in Kumasi, in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Her father is always telling his children stories about their tribe, the Gas. He believes that a person must know his roots.

    During the school vacation, Adaku travels to the Greater Accra Region to spend the holidays with her grandparents in a large fishing village near Accra.

    She arrives just before the Homowo festival of the Ga people, and is plunged into various strange and interesting activities.

    Join Adaku as she learns about the history of her people and the Homowo festival.

  • Lost in the Forest

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years

    A girl goes snail-hunting with friends and soon finds out that she is all alone in the forest. A search is mounted for her and she is found dumb in an old man’s hut.

    Who is this old man and how did she end up in his hut? Why did no one know of his dealings with the youth in the village?

    In solving these mysteries, each member of society gleans one lesson or the other for community living.

  • Julia’s Dance (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    In the small town where she grew up everyone expects Julia, the beautiful intelligent and well-brought up young girl, to marry her childhood sweetheart, Michael.

    All is going on well till Jude Barimah, Julia’s ex lover, and the only person who is aware of the wild, rebellious spirit lying behind her ladylike exterior, appears on the scene asking for reconciliation.

    He convinces her to marry him against her parents’ opposition. Soon after their open antagonism against him, Julia’s mother dies under mysterious circumstances while her father narrowly escapes death.

    When Julia later discovers that behind the glamour, glitter and wealth of Jude Barimah lay blood-curdling secrets, he is determined to silence her forever.

  • Money Galore (African Writers Series, AWS161)


    This witty, extravagant but seriously intended satire marks the arrival of Ghana’s answer to T.M. Aluko. Abraham Kofi Kafu finds teaching a hard grind and lacking in rewards. He stands for the Liberation Party, the party of businessmen, landlords, smallholders and taxi drivers. As Minister of Internal Welfare, Kafu pursues his political career with a lively devotion to women, drink, gambling and skulduggery of various kinds and an almost total aversion to work unless it is devoted to some personal end. He is supported by a large cast: a crooked  but amiable contractor, Anson Berko; a less amiable and even more crooked contractor, Nee Otu Lartey; the Permanent Secretary, Mr Vuga, an ineffably dreary civil servant who strives to manipulate Kafu as he has manipulated previous Ministers but also turns out to be as crooked and so is subject to blackmail; the slimy Reverend Dan Opia Sese, who takes over as headmaster from Benjy Baisi and seduces Kafu’s maid. But even Kafu cannot get away with it for ever.

  • Abla Poku – The Baoulé Queen (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 10 years

    This colour illustrated children’s book tells the story of Abena Poku. Once upon a time, there was a mighty kingdom in the central part of ancient Ghana known as the Asante Kingdom. It had a powerful king known as Otumfuo Osei Tutu I, the Asantehene. Osei Tutu I had a niece called Abena Poku.

    After some unrest Abena Poku and her people settled in the area between the Comoe and Bandama rivers in the eastern part of the Ivory Coast and founded a kingdom of their own with Abena Poku as the first queen. Her kingdom became known as the Baoulé Kingdom. Abena Poku thus founded a dynasty which has survived to date.

  • Suma tee Shishiramo (Ga)

    Ga version of 5 books of the same story in English, Ga, Twi, Ewe and French. Suitable for children between 6 and 7 years (class 1 and 2). Great set for children to learn other languages, especially Ghanaian languages.

    Suma is a young girl who goes for a walk in the field and encounters a host of animals. Colourful books with beautiful pictures that teachers children adjectives.

  • Project Pinkaso (SDG Changemakers Series)

    Age Range: 4 – 7 years

    When the school principal observes that too many children are going hungry in his school, he asks Miss Yahaya, a teacher of agriculture and farmer, to oversee a school farm project alongside three resourceful school children, Ayiwa, Roro and Rafiq. The farm project is a joint-enterprise involving teachers, pupils and parents – the key stakeholders in a child’s education.

    This is a fun and endearing story that promotes a practical approach to the study of agriculture and the establishment of school farms where nutritious foods can be grown to help reduce hunger in schoolchildren. The story additionally highlights the school farm as an opportunity for creating jobs and income generation for members of the community in which the schools are located.

    With great illustrations and a quiz at the end of book.

  • Murder in the Interest of the Church

    The Revd Dr Denis M’Passou was an Anglican minister in the Republic of Malawi who worked in the field of Christian Communication for a considerable number of years. He was an editor of several magazines and the author of a number of works of both fiction and non-fiction.

    In this book, Dr M’Passou draws on his vast experience to tell a vivid story which highlights the problem of unconfessed sin. The protagonist, the Revd Chuma, finds himself in circumstances which necessitate saving his reputation and that of the church by any means, fair or foul. The reader is compelled to read on to find how far Mr Chuma’s clever intrigues could take him.

    This is a thought-provoking book which must be read by anyone who cares for the reputation of the church.

  • Bitter Enemies (Winmat Senior Readers)

    There is trouble between the food crop farmers and tobacco growers. What are the real issues at stake? Is it the drought? Is it the successful tobacco business?

  • Masterman: Our World and Our People for Basic Schools Book 4

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Our World and Our People (OWOP) for Basic Schools series are activity-based books which have been carefully written and designed in conformity with the current approved curriculum of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), of the Ghana Education Service for Basic Schools (September, 2019).

    Each book consists of five (5) major strands, namely:

    1. All About Us
    2. All Around Us
    3. Our Beliefs And Values
    4. Our Nation, Ghana
    5. My Global Community.

    Under each strand are four (4) sub-strands.

    There are enough practical activities to involve learners and to test their Relevant Previous Knowledge about the subject matter which puts them at the centre of the teaching and learning process.

    The series also provide critical thinking which helps learners to develop their cognitive and reasoning abilities to enable them analyse issues and situations, leading to the resolution of problems in their everyday activities. There are enough Class Exercises, Projects and Home Learning/Parents Help that could be useful for School Based Assessment (S.B.A).

    Each book comes with an accompanying Teacher’s Guide that guides the teacher with the current methods and strategies for teaching with the Standard Based Curriculum for Our World and Our People.

  • Louisa


    Louisa’s dream of attending the best senior high school in the country materializes when she gains admission to St. Nicolas. Her assertiveness leads her into a confrontation with Paul, the class bully which nearly gets her killed.

    The events following this incident further portray the protagonist’s will to achieve her goals no matter what.


  • A Dream I Had

    Age Range: 6 – 10 years

    Samira wakes up one morning to find an empty house. Where is everyone? She wonders.

    Where have they all gone? How would she get to school early enough to write her exams?

    There comes her transport: a beautiful horse and its rider.

    Find out how she gets to school and all that ensues thereafter.


    A Dream I Had

  • All About Ama (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 2 – 5 years

    Read All About Ama as she points to and names different parts of her body.

    Illustrated with colour photos, this short, simple concept book, though developed by Kathy Knowles for an African readership, should also have a North American market as nothing in the photos, including the background, situates the book geographically. The concept with which the book deals is that of the body’s principal parts, including the number of each. The book’s narrator, Ama, who is a very cute little girl, begins at her head and simply works her way down to her two feet, before pointing out, almost as an afterthought, “I have LOTS of hair.”

    All About Ama, with its tight, brief text, is a fine book for parents to use with their youngsters as they learn the names of body parts. Just 18 cm high by 16 cm wide, the book is also the perfect size for young hands to hold.

    An excellent home purchase for toddlers, All About Ama deserves a place in all libraries serving preschoolers.

  • Ebony Girl

    2018 CODE Burt Award for African Young Adult Literature Finalist
    Sometimes, all you need to do is to face your fears with an ashen face and unblinking eyes.
    Not able to contain the tantrums thrown at her due to her ‘unusual’ skin colour, hair texture and height, Asabea’s parents do what they think is best for her — send her to a place where she will fit in. Asabea’s fury and sorrow deepens, not at those who taunt her but with her parents.
    Too angry to fight anymore, she finds solace in her grandmother and a sea of others who challenge her to defy her fears and see the world through a different lens.

    Ebony Girl


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