• The Narrow Path (African Writers Series, AWS27)

    The Narrow Path is a story set in southern Ghana. Kofi, the hero of this novel, follows the well-worn path of many young Africans caught between the traditional life and the new world after the end of colonial administration.

    It is a story about discipline, mischief and the continuous struggle of the youth between adventure and discipline from his parents. The struggle defines the young protagonist and the interesting narration makes this novel a fine piece of literature.

  • The Daring Duo 1: 179 Jabulani Street

    Age Range: 8+ years

    It all started with a pink jacket, a key and a scribbled note…

    When Jama and Ufulu bump into each other near a suspicious-looking house in Yeoville, they don’t realize that this will be the beginning of a friendship full of adventures.

    A new team is born…and they are ready to find out what is really going on at the mysterious 179 Jabulani Street!

    Join the Daring Duo…in their thrilling first adventure!

  • A Monster at Midnight

    Age Range: 8+ years

    Phila is not happy that has to spend her holidays in her grandma’s village. It’s too far from her best friends and she is trapped with her annoying brother and sister.

    When she hears the story of Bro. E, a strange tale the young children of the village tell to scare and taunt, she has no idea about the thrilling adventure ahead.

    A monster is coming at midnight, RUN, PHILA, RUN!


  • Serwa Akoto’s Diary

    Take a peek into the secret diary of the smart, sassy but somewhat unpredictable Serwa Akoto, as she seeks to blend her Ghanaian heritage and her Canadian lifestyle…without giving up either one. Can this self-proclaimed ‘Goddess of Fine’ truly have it all?
  • Junior African Writers Series Bookset Levels 1 – 2 (20 titles)

    Develop literacy skills in your 8-17 year olds with exciting and engaging books for all reading levels.
    The sentence structure and vocabulary has been carefully constructed to suit your students experience and age so that as they grow, so do their literacy abilities.
    Titles in this set include (likely to change due to availability of titles):
    Taxi to Johannesburg — Matlakala Bopape and Peta Constable (Level 1)
    The Big Fight — Michael Cullup (Level 1)
    The Frightened Thief — Amu Djoleto (Level 1)
    The Midnight Caller — Anthony Umelo (Level 2)
    The Hyena Valley — The Hyena Valley (Level 2)
    The Secret of Nkwe Hill — Marcus Khama ter Haar (Level 2)
    The Smile Thief — Fatou Keita (Level 2)
    The Magic Pool — Gaele Mogwe (Level 2)
    Happy the Street Child — F.M. Mlekwa (Level 2)
    Kodua’s Ark — Yaw Ababio Boateng (Level 3)
    The Ashanti Golden Stool — Ayebia Ribeiro-Ayeh (Level 3)
    The Haunted Taxi Driver — Kofi Sekyi (Level 3)
    Valley of Skulls — Anokye Wiredu (Level 3)
    The Secret Valley — Mike Sadler (Level 4)
    Paulo’s Strange Adventure — Barbara Kimenye (Level 4)
    The Ivory Poachers — Linda Pfotenhauer (Level 5)

  • The Deliverer

    The Deliverer received a Burt Award for African Literature 2010

    “Drop the stone, young man!” he screamed.

    Osei dropped the stone gently on the ground when he realised that the man had no arms and his garments were torn to shreds. He was a frightful sight to behold. With his chest still heaving up and down with rage he turned to find his friends standing around looking ashamed. “When you are born to kill an elephant, you don’t go bruising your knees chasing rats!” the strange man said.

    The style used in The Deliverer is an interesting way of capturing history in fiction. Set in the Ashanti Kingdom, read about how a handicapped boy grows up to become a hero and the deliverer of his people. High in suspense and a page turner.

    The Deliverer

  • Every Man Is A Race (African Writers Series)

    ‘A man’s story is always badly told. That’s because a person never stops being born. Nobody leads one sole life, we are all multiplied into different and ever-changeable men.’ So it is with all the stories in this collection, which never make a definitive judgement on the individual life, but only suggest its possibilities.Set in Mozambique, the stories reflect the legacy of Portuguese colonialism and the tragedy of the subsequent civil war.Mia Couto’s first collection, Voices Made Night, was described as ‘lyrical’, ‘magical’ and ‘compassionate’ by the reviewers, who were unanimous in identifying a significant new talent from the continent. This volume confirms that judgement.

  • The Lady Who Refused To Bow (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    After many failed relationships, whether or not Sandra would marry is a hanging question.

    Joe, the only man who formally introduced himself to her parents, leaves Sandra for her junior colleague. But after she turns down a marriage offer from the president of a multinational company her life changes forever.


  • The Last Wish (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    Amzi has it all – great looks, excellent business acumen and a strong determination to fulfill his destiny.

    His meteoric rise to fame stuns everyone as he receives universal acclaim for his business innovations, his adoring fans are unconscious of the highly ingenious woman in his life.

    Amzi has a debilitating secret fear which drives him to sacrifice everything in his bid to retain his position at the top.

  • The Silver Spoon (Peggy Oppong Novel)


    Sekyiwaa is a product of a broken home characterised by hardships, heartaches and deprivation. When she receives an all-expenses covered scholarship to study medicine overseas, she sees this not only as the realisation of her life’s ambition but also as the gateway to a bright future. She is determined that nothing will come between her and the fulfilment of this dream.

    Sekyiwaa’s rich fiance, Jeremiah, is determined to marry before the completion of her eleven years of education and pursues this objective relentlessly using all resources available to him — his irresistible charm, time, energy and money — in his efforts to break her resolve.

  • Julia’s Dance (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    In the small town where she grew up everyone expects Julia, the beautiful intelligent and well-brought up young girl, to marry her childhood sweetheart, Michael.

    All is going on well till Jude Barimah, Julia’s ex lover, and the only person who is aware of the wild, rebellious spirit lying behind her ladylike exterior, appears on the scene asking for reconciliation.

    He convinces her to marry him against her parents’ opposition. Soon after their open antagonism against him, Julia’s mother dies under mysterious circumstances while her father narrowly escapes death.

    When Julia later discovers that behind the glamour, glitter and wealth of Jude Barimah lay blood-curdling secrets, he is determined to silence her forever.

  • Adventures of Cleopas (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    When Cleopas Onini was born, he had two front teeth and drank a big cup of porridge. At his naming ceremony, his uncle who had lived on top of a tree for 30 years climbed down to witness the occasion. As the family argued about the appropriate name for the baby, eight-day-old Cleopas sat up in his bed and clapped his tiny hands to show his preference for the name his uncle Ofutu announced. Everybody, including the catechist, took to their heels as they witnessed the strange scene. At three months, he could sit up, crawl and talk.

  • London Capetown Joburg

    1994. The world is about to change. The first truly democratic election in South Africa’s history is about to unite Nelson Mandela’s rainbow nation at the ballot box. And, across the world, those in exile, those who could not return home, those who would not return home, wait. Watch and wait . . .

    London. Martin O’Malley isn’t one of those watching and waiting. He is too busy trying to figure out if Germaine Spencer really is the girl for him and why his best friend is intent on ruining every relationship he gets involved in. And then . . . And then Germaine is pregnant and suddenly the world really has changed for Martin O’Malley.

    South Africa. A land of opportunity. A place where a young black man with an MSc from the London School of Economics could have it all, would have it all. But what does Martin O’Malley, London born and bred with an Irish surname, really know about his mother’s country? His motherland. A land he has never seen.

  • Men of the South

    In Johannesburg three men’s lives revolve around one woman. Mfundo is a struggling jazz musician. All hope of ever becoming famous end when he gets into a macho fight with an international R&B artist. No one is keen to employ him any longer, and Mfundo takes the role of house-husband. But his girlfriend Sli is not willing to be the ‘man’ of the house. Mzilikazi is a gay man in a heterosexual marriage. One of the few people in his life who do not question the decision he makes is his best friend, Sli. Tinaye is a Zimbabwean struggling to gain citizenship in South Africa hence his current situation – underpaid and overqualified. The only way to gain citizenship is to marry Grace. But then he meets Sli…

    Men of the South

  • Money Galore (African Writers Series, AWS161)


    This witty, extravagant but seriously intended satire marks the arrival of Ghana’s answer to T.M. Aluko. Abraham Kofi Kafu finds teaching a hard grind and lacking in rewards. He stands for the Liberation Party, the party of businessmen, landlords, smallholders and taxi drivers. As Minister of Internal Welfare, Kafu pursues his political career with a lively devotion to women, drink, gambling and skulduggery of various kinds and an almost total aversion to work unless it is devoted to some personal end. He is supported by a large cast: a crooked  but amiable contractor, Anson Berko; a less amiable and even more crooked contractor, Nee Otu Lartey; the Permanent Secretary, Mr Vuga, an ineffably dreary civil servant who strives to manipulate Kafu as he has manipulated previous Ministers but also turns out to be as crooked and so is subject to blackmail; the slimy Reverend Dan Opia Sese, who takes over as headmaster from Benjy Baisi and seduces Kafu’s maid. But even Kafu cannot get away with it for ever.

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