• Sɛ Ɛbɛwie (Asante Twi)

    Sɛ Ɛbɛwie is a tragi-comic novel which describes how a boy called Ntensere set off to trace his father called Bɛyɛɛdɛn. Bɛyɛɛdɛn had long traveled to an unknown destination in his youthful days. The journeys which Ntensere made to trace his father were full of adventures. At last he found him. They both took to farming. In the course of farming, they luckily dug out a big fortune. After this, they happily returned to their own Pɛwohoyɛsu. There, they did not only live a fulfilled life, but they also gave part of their wealth to help the underprivileged and also to develop their village. Consequently, their village became one of the well established towns in that area.

  • Paradise Lost

    “Of man’s first disobedience, and the fruit

    Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tast

    Brought death into the world, and all our woe,

    With loss of Eden…”

    Satan and his fellow rebel angels contemplate on corrupting God’s beloved new creation, Mankind. He volunteers and prepares to leave. His children − Sin and Death − build a bridge between Hell and Earth. And disguising himself as a cherub, he lands on Earth.

    Adam and Eve, after a long day at work, are resting in their bower. And that’s when in the form of a serpent, Satan whisper’s into Eve’s ears. Tempted to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, Eve commits the sin.

    And hence follows the Fall of Man…

    Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, threads together two stories focused on different heroes-the half-heroic, half-evil charismatic Satan and the united Adam and Eve-skilfully balancing them. The epic poem continues to remain as celebrated. as ever.

    “An endless moral maze, introducing literature’s first Romantic, Satan’ – John Carey

    Paradise Lost

  • Prejudice

    The story of the marriage of Mercy Owusu and her husband is told by one of Ghana’s humorous writers, Asare Konadu, under a pseudonym used for his light-hearted novels.

    A bestseller, Prejudice is one of the most starkly moving parables ever written of the forces that shape or mar many marriages of today – patience, determination, thoughtfulness, quarrels, nagging, relations with in-laws, etc.

    Beginning with a tiny incident between the couple, it ends by being as deep and as captivating as love itself.


  • Ayorkor

    Ayorkor’s beauty was fortified with a good character ingrained by her parents. She had great dreams for the future and was also bent on making her parents proud come what may.

    However, her father’s misfortune at his workplace almost derailed her plans. As a JHS Three student, her Basic School final exam was now on the line as her family began to face financial difficulties. Eventually, fate made it necessary for her to relocate to live with her uncle and his wife in another town.

    At her new place, Ayorkor made a friend at school who lured her into a very tempting situation. The tough test of Ayorkor’s character and her resolve would then unfold.


  • Asuoyaa by Train

    Nyameba, a twelve-year-old boy, had barely two months to write his Common Entrance Examinations. He relocated from his parents’ home to stay with his auntie after his mother travelled out of the country. It was difficult coping with his new environment which, to him, was a bit harsh. He fell into trouble and ran away from home to escape punishment. The main Accra train station became his haven.

    There, he met Ato, a young boy of his age who lost his family through the famous Asuoyaa train disaster and now lived at the train station. He made a living as a head porter. Nyameba joined his new friend in the trade just to survive. Sisi, one of the market women he worked for, offered to travel with him on the train to Asuoyaa.

    His encounter on the journey, his stay in Asuoyaa and the tragic moment he experienced on his return to Accra, transformed his life for good.

  • Maame

    In Aakonu, a small village on the coast of Ghana, life is a constant tussle between the reality of the mundane and the superstitions presided over by the local priestess. In this setup, girls in their puberty can only look forward to marriage—often to men old enough to be their fathers and already with other wives. Ahu, a young widow of eighteen, has no choice but to marry an older relative. What she does will change girls in her lineage forever. Through these beautifully told, lyrical stories about herself, her daughter Bomo, the beautiful but tragic Ebela, and the childless Aso, and others, Ahu introduces us to her community, and the beliefs and customs that keep its families together but in the end also stifles its girls futures.


  • Adze Fi Hamu (Mfantse)

    Egya Tsinyinarannsɛ advised his two children, Onuaye and Fakyɛm to take to farming after completing their elementary education. The former obeyed their father’s advice but the latter refused to do farming and decided to go to Accra to look for a white-collar job.

    Through hard work and dedication, Onuaye became a wealthy person and was able to rescue his brother, Fakyɛm from imminent imprisonment. Fakyɛm went back to the village and started farming, and, later, he Fakyɛm also became a wealthy person through farming.

  • Kojo Writes a Story

    Age Range: 6 – 10 years

    With just days to the end of the mid-term break, all Kojo had was blank pages and no story to present to Mrs. Appiah his teacher. Their assignment was to come up with a story and present it in class. His friends were counting on him to help them write their stories. Meanwhile, Annie, his sister, made fun of him and his friends for not having a story. His father helped him with an idea. Kojo sprung a surprise in class, this was inspired by his sister’s mockery, his father’s guidance and his creative abilities.

  • Anloga Damsel

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    What do you do when you have become popular in school as an athlete and your friend, out of jealousy, betrays you? This is Dzidzor’s predicament. In this entertaining novel, the reader is taken on an adventure, explores the giddy life of students in secondary school. their loves and joys, as well as their woes and disappointments. The narrative generates fond memories of nostalgia and wistfulness. A very engaging novel indeed!

    Anloga Damsel

  • The Shimmer In the Photo Album

    The Hewale children make a mind-blowing discovery and are whipped 50 years into the past to solve a mystery that has broken their family up for decades. Porting back and forth across dimensions and timelines, solving missions large and small, can they live up to the expectations of this phenomenon?

  • The Gonjon Pin and Other Stories: The Caine Prize for African Writing 2014

    The Caine Prize for African Writing 2014 brings together the five shortlisted authors’ stories along with 12 other stories from the best new writers. Insightful, arresting and entertaining – this collection reflects the richness and range of current African writing.

    Caine Prize 2014 Shortlisted Stories:
    Phosphorescence Diane Awerbuck (South Africa)
    Chicken Efemia Chela (Ghana/Zambia)
    The Intervention Tendai Huchu (Zimbabwe)
    The Gorilla’s Apprentice Billy Kahora (Kenya)
    My Father’s Head Okwiri Oduor (Nigeria)

    The Caine Prize African Writers’ Workshop Stories 2014:
    The Lifebloom Gift Abdul Adan (Somalia/Kenya)
    The Gonjon Pin Martin Egblewogbe (Ghana)
    As A Wolf Sweating Your Mother’s Body Clifton Gachagua (Kenya)
    Pam Pam Lawrence Hoba (Zimbabwe)
    Lily in the Moonlight Abubakar Adam Ibrahim (Nigeria)
    Running Elnathan John (Nigeria)
    The Murder of Ernestine Masilo Violet Masilo (Zimbabwe)
    All the Parts of Mi Isabella Matambanadzo (Zimbabwe)
    Blood Work Barbara Mhangami-Ruwende (Zimbabwe)
    The Sonneteer Philani A Nyoni (Zimbabwe)
    Eko Hotel Chinelo Okparanta (Nigeria)
    Music from a Farther Room Bryony Rheam (Zimbabwe)
  • The Hunt

    Sackey and Nyarko had always pitched their wits against each other. When Nyarko beat Sackey at a quiz competition, Sackey sought a way of proving that he was better than his rival. The opportunity came in a quest to find the emerald stool of the Krobos. The two rivals, with their friends, set out to the first to discover this ancient stool separately. Even more, unknowing to them, Sackey and Nyarko were related.

    The Hunt

  • Against the Odds: A Novel

    Young Kwaku Obeng, falsely accused of a crime, comes to Accra to seek his fortune and find a means of clearing his name.

    Homeless and penniless, virtually alone in the world, he strives against the odds in a world that owes him no favours. Will he be able to achieve his dream of becoming a medical doctor? Will his tarnished image be restored?

    Will he ever be able to go home again?

  • Unexpected Joy at Dawn

    Unexpected Joy at Dawn received a commendation in the Best First Book Prize, Africa Region, of the Commonweath Writers Prize.

    ‘Fifteen years ago’, Mama said, starting her story, ‘I came to Lagos from Ghana. I came to Nigeria because I was considered an alien in that country. The government of Ghana passed a law asking all aliens without resident permits to regularise their stay in the country. You see, my great, great grandparents had migrated to Ghana several years before, and regarded Ghana as their home…as for the reason possibly, it was because the opposition party then had hyped to monstrous heights that aliens were ruining the country; or the government of the time…blamed their failure to do things right on us ‘alien’ scapegoats… It was difficult to start life all over again, and even more difficult to learn that we were unwanted in a country we had come to regard as our own.’

    This story of migration, identities and lives undermined by cynical and xenophobic politics pushed to its logical and terrible conclusion pertains to the Ghanaian orders of ‘alien compliance’ issued in 1970-1971, which was designed to force all non-ethnic Ghanaians, so called illegal immigrants, to return to their – so stipulated – ‘home’. the novel thus touches on concerns of deeper relevance to the politics of race and migration in the twenty first century.

  • Serwa Akoto’s Diary

    Take a peek into the secret diary of the smart, sassy but somewhat unpredictable Serwa Akoto, as she seeks to blend her Ghanaian heritage and her Canadian lifestyle…without giving up either one. Can this self-proclaimed ‘Goddess of Fine’ truly have it all?

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