• The Scarlet Letter (FingerPrint! Classics)

    “Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart!”

    In the seventeenth-century Puritan community of Boston, Hester Prynne is trapped, first into a loveless marriage and then into adultery.

    With the scarlet letter ‘A’—signifying an adulteress—fixed on her bosom, she is brought out of the prison and made to stand on the scaffold with her infant.

    What happens when Hester, in spite of being
    publicly shamed by the crowd and repeatedly
    urged by a young priest, refuses to reveal
    the identity of her daughter’s father?

    A tale of sin, punishment and atonement, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter exposes the moral rigidity and double standards of the society. One of the first mass-produced books in America, it became an instant bestseller on its first publication in 1850. it continues to remain Hawthorne’s masterwork.

  • Ruffled Butterflies

    “Till death do us part…” Seemingly innocent transgressions like squeezing toothpaste or leaving pee on the toilet seat lie in wait to trip up these characters who in turn become so stifled by their partners that they can’t wait for death to part them.

    Some stories in this collection end with cliff-hangers, making room for self-reflection and numerous possible endings.

    These thirteen stories traverse various domestic issues that call for more meaningful steps than grumbling, as the Morgans, Olabisi, Kayode, Vera and John soon find out.

    Ruffled butterfly wings are used as imagery for the delicate family ties of everyday people who are sewn together in marriage. Suspenseful, dramatic, romantic and dipped in an amalgam of Nigerian and Western cultures, these relationships pass through crucibles with the couples spreading their ruffled, ripped mosaic wings to flutter and fly against all odds.

  • I Dare You

    The Author in the timeline of the book, “ I Dare You” is the fighting spirit found in you. As humans, we need to unearth the positions of our inner spirit to enable us find our true strength of spirit.

    Loaded in this script, you will decode mysteries of your inner self and intriguing life-long stories of great personalities around the world who were not born into privilege but managed to become great successes today.

    Whereas some people might be born with “silver spoons” in their mouth, the chunk will have to strike hard  in order to make it. These blockages prevalent and come what may, you surely have to discover yourself and work on it.

    I Dare You

  • Live Your Dream: A Manual to Help bring Your Dreams into Reality

    There are lots of people who have conceived powerful and amazing dreams but are wallowing in uncertainty, doubt and fear. This classic book has extracted and unveiled the core values of true wealth ; and that living a purposeful life means living your dream. It doesn’t matter how small or big your dream is; you’ve got to live it until you become it.

    Live Your Dream is a divinely inspired manual uniquely crafted to inspire the young and the old to take huge strides in their God-given dreams.

  • A Toast to Fatherhood

    This book – A Toast To Fatherhood – primarily addresses the subject of fatherhood from the perspective of sons and daughters. The book builds on the common knowledge that a son or daughter is anyone born by a woman. Here, a father is defined to mean more than just biological father.

    Through the chapters of A Toast to Fatherhood, the author seamlessly shares real life stories in addressing some thought-provoking issues related to the child-father relationship. These include:

    • What is fatherhood: Is it a divinely initiated human institution or a mere collection of individuals called fathers?
    • Why do son and daughters wait for their fathers to die before they find beautiful words in tributes to read over the dead bodies?
    • And if so, then why shouldn’t you and I propose a toast to fatherhood and to fathers while they are alive?
  • No Vengeance

    Age Range: 13+ years

    Colonel Barlow had cheated death many years back. He had been forced into exile by the man who had wanted him dead at the time of the uprising. He is back and must meet his adversary. He has returned with his son Kit, a battle tested soldier.

    Why does Sonday refuse to meet him face to face? Does he fear reprisal? And what is the cause of his nightmares? Meanwhile where is the blue diamond ring?

    No Vengeance

  • Personal Grooming Blueprint: A Grooming Guide to Transform Your Life

    If there’s any book filled with real-life stories that can persuade you to commence a personal journey urgently, it’s this one. In the fast-paced world we live in, no one is truly prepared for your ‘BUT’ or your ‘Excuses,’ so the sooner you embark on this journey, the better it will transform your personal and professional life. This book provides practical guidelines to ace your personal grooming journey, enabling you to become a person whose present life surpasses their background. Grab a copy and embark on this transformative journey!

  • The Shark (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    When Benjamin Takyi was posted to Lily Girls High School to teach physics, it did not take long for students, teachers and parents to notice his exceptional brilliance, dedication to work and the ensuing remarkable results.

    Everything was going on smoothly until trouble knocked at his door one night, beginning his long tortuous journey into self discovery.

  • Adventures of Cleopas (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    When Cleopas Onini was born, he had two front teeth and drank a big cup of porridge. At his naming ceremony, his uncle who had lived on top of a tree for 30 years climbed down to witness the occasion. As the family argued about the appropriate name for the baby, eight-day-old Cleopas sat up in his bed and clapped his tiny hands to show his preference for the name his uncle Ofutu announced. Everybody, including the catechist, took to their heels as they witnessed the strange scene. At three months, he could sit up, crawl and talk.

  • End of the Tunnel (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    She is beautiful and exceptionally brilliant. Born into a happy middle-class family, she appears to have it all. But all that changes when her parents divorce and she, together with her two siblings, are plunged into a nightmare of intense suffering. Her mother comes to the rescue but extreme poverty compels her to put pressure on Sekyiwaa to give up the one passion of her life – a dream to become a pediatrician. She vows nothing will stop her as she fights against surmounting difficulties with dogged determination. She receives a lot of love proposals and a very tempting one from Jeremiah, a handsome undergraduate with lots of money to spend. Sekyiwaa battles with strong emotions, which threaten to derail her cherished plans. Faced with pressures from within and without, will she be able to achieve her dream?

  • Julia’s Dance (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    In the small town where she grew up everyone expects Julia, the beautiful intelligent and well-brought up young girl, to marry her childhood sweetheart, Michael.

    All is going on well till Jude Barimah, Julia’s ex lover, and the only person who is aware of the wild, rebellious spirit lying behind her ladylike exterior, appears on the scene asking for reconciliation.

    He convinces her to marry him against her parents’ opposition. Soon after their open antagonism against him, Julia’s mother dies under mysterious circumstances while her father narrowly escapes death.

    When Julia later discovers that behind the glamour, glitter and wealth of Jude Barimah lay blood-curdling secrets, he is determined to silence her forever.

  • The Silver Spoon (Peggy Oppong Novel)


    Sekyiwaa is a product of a broken home characterised by hardships, heartaches and deprivation. When she receives an all-expenses covered scholarship to study medicine overseas, she sees this not only as the realisation of her life’s ambition but also as the gateway to a bright future. She is determined that nothing will come between her and the fulfilment of this dream.

    Sekyiwaa’s rich fiance, Jeremiah, is determined to marry before the completion of her eleven years of education and pursues this objective relentlessly using all resources available to him — his irresistible charm, time, energy and money — in his efforts to break her resolve.

  • The Masquerader (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    Susan shook her head several times as she stared at Esinam in utter disbelief. Of all the strange tales she was privileged to have heard as she grew up in the city of Accra, none could rival what her daughter narrated.

    Kapre is his name. He has no known relative and, somehow, all the people who helped raise him died. His physical features are unattractive and everyone agrees he and ravishingly beautiful Esinam are worlds apart but the two get married against all the odds and the predicted difficulties begin.

    Professor Demas, an internationally acclaimed man of God, arrives in the nick of time promising to unravel the mystery. This, true to his word, he does but in an unanticipated manner.

  • No Roses for Sharon (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    Jabez and Sharon start off as childhood friends. As they grow up Sharon becomes a beautiful young lady with whom Jabez falls madly in love. Just when he decides to propose love to her, a much sought-after young Doctor comes in to sweep her off her feet leaving Jabez shattered. No amount of pleading influences Sharon whose mind is made up as she sees in the young doctor her only door to fame and luxury.

    Jabez, seeing Sharon’s attraction to the doctor, decides to pursue a course in medicine solely to win her over. He goes to Canada to pursue his dream and Sharon’s marriage to the young doctor ends in disaster. She moves to the city to work as a model and enters into another ill-fated relationship. Frustrated, Sharon turns her attention back to Jabez, the man she is finally convinced will always be there for her.

    Jabez’ mother is determined her son will not marry Sharon, the gold digger, and finds a beautiful, soft-spoken undergraduate for him. Will Jabez forget entirely about his childhood sweetheart with whom he’d shared the joys and pains of life or will he succumb to his mother’s pressure and the impeccable character and great beauty of his mother’s choice?

  • The Green Sunset (Peggy Oppong Novel)


    Her father deserted her when she was a baby and her mother, who scratched and scraped to put clothes on her back, was brutally murdered when she was a teenager. By the age of 21, Larley, the much sought-after beautiful lady, had it all – power, wealth, position and fame plus the one gift everyone coveted: Her ability to accurately foretell the future. This earns her several friends and foes.

    Larley predicts an unusual spectacle of green sunset and along with it a dramatic change in several people’s fortunes. The fulfillment of this prediction sets in motion a series of events, which leaves everyone gaping.

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