• Too Cold for Comfort (Pacesetters)

    A young man marries a beautiful girl but this is not, as you might think, the happy ending to our story. Hannah is obsessed by Christian ideals of morality and purity and this leads to conflict and unhappiness. Events take a tragic turn before Hannah is brought to her senses.

  • Secrets of Scandals

    It is not every day that one is transported into the social settings of 100 years ago. Add the intrigues of illicit affairs within inner family circles and one has in hand a historical high-society thriller that hooks the reader from page one. Set in the British colony of the Gold Coast, the novel drips with nostalgia and is richly flavoured with African customs of the Ga tradition.

    In the world of this fast-paced book, patriarchs run the family like a corporate. At the heart of affairs is how the professions and indigenous businesses tapped into colonial connections. Secrets of Scandals is an expedition into the genesis of how the nation’s movers and shakers built their national fortunes and brokered their private shame.

  • Akiki Learns Healthy Habits

    Age Range: 3 – 9 years

    Akiki learns Healthy Habits with Activities and Recipes.

    Enjoy this book as Akiki discovers and learns ‘a healthy body is a happy body’.

    This book has been designed with fun engagement activities to encourage healthy eating behaviour and easy recipes that will be exciting to add to school snacks.

  • Victims of Circumstance

    Victims of Circumstance is based on the Igbo cultural practice of Osu Caste system. In the course of the narrative, the descendants of Ezeako automatically become Osu-outcasts-following the sacrifice of their father, Ezeako, to an oracle of Ogwugwu.

    Having assumed this status, the Ezeako children who have now become a village (Umuezeako) are no longer treated as free citizens but rather as social outcasts.

    This discrimination culminates in the collapse of the relationship between Ego and Nduka.

  • Zeb Silhouette

    Zeb Olima Jefferson is a bold and inspiring character. Determined to live her life according to her own rules, she travels from a dangerous relationship in Nigeria to life as an immigrant in America and then back to Nigeria again. There she faces a challenge that threatens her very sanity. This is a moving, shocking and compelling novel.

    Zeb Silhouette

  • Notes on Amma Darko’s Faceless

    This book, Notes on Faceless, is intended as a study guide for students of Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless. Readers of Faceless go back again and again to this novel because it makes them feel and think about many issues in the book that relate to what happens around them. A good work of fiction allows us to imaginatively participate in what it means to be part of human society. Fiction “holds up a mirror” to us about life. It is therefore important to be able to understand and explain, as well as becomes more alert to how literature works. This book aims to help you do so, focusing on Faceless.

    Notes on Faceless discusses what Darko does in Faceless and how she does it: the plot of the story, its setting, characterization, theme and style. Like every other field of study, literature has a special vocabulary that is used by all good students of the subject. Therefore, while discussing the essential elements in Faceless (i.e. plot, setting, etc.), this book also introduces you to some of the important literary terms or technical vocabulary used in reading literature. The goal is to make you familiar with the right language for talking and writing about a work of literature and to teach you how to use this language in your own reading and writing.

    This book takes you further into your study of literature by guiding you to use suitable vocabulary to actually talk and write about a work of literature. After walking you through a discussion of each element, Notes on Faceless gives you practice in writing about Faceless in particular and literature in general.

  • Solace

    Solace was a happy child until her mother died. She was left in the care of her heartless step-mother and unsympathetic biological father. She grew up searching for love in all the wrong places, which landed her into a lot of trouble.

    She was easily manipulated by men because she was denied the love and affection of her father when she was a child. She ended up being the concubine of a married man. Although her business innovations turned her into a very rich woman, her wealth was not able to release her from her bondages.

    For without the Supreme One, how can one truly be free?


  • A Girl Says No! – An Anthology

    Efua, a young and charming student, never dreamt about doing the things some other girls did to get money. She relied on her father for all her financial needs, but now that her father has refused to care for her, what was she to do? Could she continue to say NO to all the temptations coming her way?


    Kwame was dangerously broke. The bills kept piling up, the debtors kept coming, and tension rose to unbearable proportions. What would he do? He believed in miracles, but he didn’t expect one so soon. But when it came, he couldn’t believe it. Where did this large sum of money his son brought home come from?


    You are in for a real adventure as you read these and other short stories in this book.

  • The Forest Village

    Bibi’s life was changed forever when her mother was sacked from their village. As tradition demanded, she was forced to go and live with her father’s family. She found consolation in a forest nearby until something terrible happened.

  • Wounded Stranger and Other Stories

    This book is a collection of short life-experience stories laden with interesting details and moral lessons. The lives and journeys of the characters will both intrigue you and teach you some important lessons in everyday life

  • Ossie’s Dream

    2014 Second Place Burt Award for African Young Adult Literature

    Ossie and his brother Nana Yaw become destitute when tragedy strikes their family. Ossie refuses to work as a farm labourer and runs away. Six-year-old Nana Yaw is taken away to live as a househelp in the city. Later, Ossie finds himself on the streets of Accra. He strives to fulfill a promise he made long ago against the odds.

    Ossie’s Dream

  • Stories Auntie Serwah Told

    Auntie Serwah loves to tell stories. In this book, Auntie Serwah highlights everyday issues children face all around the world. Don’t forget to pray after reading a story. Don’t forget to pray at bedtime.

  • Two Little Ants

    A terrible thing has happened. All the smaller animals are dead. Only two little ants, Moffa and his brother Miffa, survive. Where will they go and find food? Will they have children? What will happen to them?

    Two Little Ants

  • Queen of Sorrow

    In the great kingdom of Adeborm a beautiful princess is born to occupy the throne . . . But an old prophecy must be fulfilled—the princess dies on her sixth birthday. Will the queen ever occupy the throne?

    Queen of Sorrow

  • Studying at Home

    This book brings to you practical advice on your studies at home: doing your homework, using time wisely, and being disciplined. It is important to know that there is time for everything – time for play and time for your studies.

    You will also learn about the danger in copying your friend’s work during exams. The book also shows you how to pass your exams and pass well.

    It is a practical guide for boys and girls in primary and junior secondary schools.

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