• Sexual Predators & Child Grooming

    Sexual grooming of children refer to actions or behaviours used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child’s family, to lower the child’s inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. It can occur in various settings, including online, in person, and through other means of communication.

    This book attempts to shed some light on where to  draw the line between genuine concern and grooming, what grooming is  why you must know about it, how the predator gains access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse and reduce the risk of being caught and signs to look out for.

  • What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist

    This book is a real eye-opener for both Christians and non-Christians. It has lots of examples and instances from both the Bible and daily life matters. Throughout the book, Mrs. Doris Aidoo calls on all to serve God with their whole heart. It’s also a clarion call for all Christians to take life seriously. As you read through each chapter, you will be enlightened and encouraged to always reach out and help someone.
    Today, it is very common to hear all sorts of sarcastic criticisms or jokes made about the Church and by extension, Christians.
    I believe a walk through some of the topics outlined in this anointed book will prove helpful for all who read it. “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
    Whatever God determines to do, either in heaven or on this planet earth, must come to pass. He is in perfect control of everything going on in the earth and in heaven (Matthew 19:26 – 27).
    Everything was spoken into existence, giving credence to the magnificence of the power of God who holds the whole world in His hands.
    I believe the impossibilities of men are possibilities with God. In the earthly realm, God uses human beings to execute projects that are beneficial to men. Ordinarily, men cannot execute any work requiring the unction of the Spirit to fulfill, but when empowered by God, they can do exploits. Elijah was an ordinary man like us, but because of God’s anointing on him, he performed many humanly impossible things.
    The reason why “what God can not do doesn’t exist” is that there is no situation, no matter how hopeless or irredeemable it seems, that God can’t change for the better. The only things God can’t do…is to lie or break His promise, because He is a covenant-keeping God…He can’t deny Himself.
    This is the basis upon which this book is written.

  • Dare to Be Different

    Fornication typically refers to consensual sexual intercourse between individuals who are not legally married. In 2 Timothy 2:22, the Bible advises, “Flee also youthful lust, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

    This book offers valuable tips and insights on how to maintain purity and avoid fornication. It provides practical guidance for those already involved in such behavior, offering a pathway to overcome it. Tailored to real-life situations, this book is highly recommended for young individuals in Junior High School, Senior High School, and universities, as well as for those who are unmarried. The content is equally relevant and beneficial for married individuals seeking to uphold purity and values in their relationships.


  • Abraham Was Rich: Why Not You? (The Spiritual and Material Blessings of the Fathers, Volume 1)

    A good man leaves an inheritance. – Proverbs 13:22

    He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:14

    The blessings given to Abraham were not only spiritual but material as well, and they arose from Abraham’s blood covenant relationship with God.

    This book, written in 3 volumes, shows how all the patriarchs or fathers who were the bearers of the Abrahamic covenant became materially rich and passed their prosperity onto the next generation.

    Bishop Kantanka believes that Gentiles Christians, especially in Africa where poverty has become endemic, must claim their full inheritance spiritual and maternal through their covenant relationship with God in Christ as the Galatians passage says.

    “The Poverty Gap is a Technology Gap and the Technology Gap is a Dominion Mandate Gap and that is linked to a people’s exercise of the creative ability of God in man,” Bishop Kantanka declares.

    The book is the first workbook of the Rich Dad Club, a wing of the new ministry founded by the author − The Bishop Kantanka Teaching Ministry (see appendix for details). This book is a must-read for all who believe that African Christians must show the way that will lead to the blessing of our continent, both spiritually and materially.

  • Jacob Was Rich: Why Not You? (The Spiritual and Material Blessings of the Fathers, Volume 3)

    A good man leaves an inheritance. – Proverbs 13:22

    He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:14

    The blessings given to Abraham were not only spiritual but material as well, and they arose from Abraham’s blood covenant relationship with God.

    This book, written in 3 volumes, shows how all the patriarchs or fathers who were the bearers of the Abrahamic covenant became materially rich and passed their prosperity onto the next generation.

    Bishop Kantanka believes that Gentiles Christians, especially in Africa where poverty has become endemic, must claim their full inheritance spiritual and maternal through their covenant relationship with God in Christ as the Galatians passage says.

    “The Poverty Gap is a Technology Gap and the Technology Gap is a Dominion Mandate Gap and that is linked to a people’s exercise of the creative ability of God in man,” Bishop Kantanka declares.

    The book is the first workbook of the Rich Dad Club, a wing of the new ministry founded by the author − The Bishop Kantanka Teaching Ministry (see appendix for details). This book is a must-read for all who believe that African Christians must show the way that will lead to the blessing of our continent, both spiritually and materially.

  • Revealed! The Storm is Over

    If you feel entrapped in the wilderness of being abused as a child, the loss of a loved one, and have reached the end of the road in your abusive marriage, and you cannot find the words to speak your truth boldly or how to find the peace you yearn for, this book is for you.

    The book chronicles the author’s experiences to help parents discover how children go through the trauma of sexual abuse, and to overcome it. The book also talks about marital abuse and divorce, how to identify the traits, when to walk out when necessary, and the loss of a loved one and how the grief can be handled. Note that your greatest gift lies next to your deepest wound.

  • Apples in A Seed: Unleashing the Unique

    This book was birthed from the stirrings of one question concerning a newly born child – what if? Rosemond Sarpong Owens has spent more than a decade pondering this question. And, as is the story with humanity, some of us are born entitled while others hardly have claim to a name. What makes the difference is what this book is about. Using the seed as a metaphor for potential, the author underscores the art of living as well as the science of effort and reward. A history buff, she revisits the lives, struggles and triumphs of her favorite heroes, life changers who have impacted the world in their unique ways. One thing is guaranteed, when you read Apples in a Seed, it will change the way you look at your own life.

  • The Great Revelation (Vol.1)

    THE GREAT REVELATION is the complete image of the [over] 1,900 detailed Bible lessons prepared by the author: It explicitly discusses all [major] theories pertaining to the Kingdom of God (Heaven and the Church), Revelation, Daniel, Biblical Prophecies, Biblical Eschatology (Preterism, Idealism, Historicism, and Futurism), the A.D 70

    Kingism, Methods of Bible Interpretation, etc.

    The book is meant to teach, instruct, inform, secure the Christian faith, and spread the true doctrine of Christ with respect to the subjects discussed, across the globe.

    It’s the prayer of the author that this book reaches every Christian and the world at large, to cling to the human heart and mind, soul and spirit -to prepare all saints for the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ.



  • Investment And Self-Employment Ideas – for Almost Everyone in Ghana

    Investment opportunities are as many as human needs, wants and desires. Thus, the aim of this compilation is not to attempt a comprehensive coverage of investment opportunities. In fact, we are not even competent to do so as assuredly our names do not feature among the investment gurus and practitioners even in our home country, let alone in the world.

    Rather, our aim is as modest as our target audience. Since Stephen’s book “Twelve Keys to Financial Success” in 2001, we have seen several hundreds of people save and invest their way out of abject poverty in Ghana and in a few other African countries. At the same time, several others have asked for practical ways to save and invest. These are ordinary workers, farmers, students, etc. Their questions convince us of the need to put together two booklets, which far from offering a panacea, are meant to stimulate the thinking of these people to save, invest and create wealth for themselves, their families and their countries.

  • 7 Keys to Abundant Living with No Regrets

    This book contains lessons that the writer’s half-century of life has taught him to be the keys to abundant living. It is the writer’s testament to life.

  • Living by Strategy

    The message of this book is as simple as it has the power to propel readers to drastically change their lives’ outcome in almost every sphere of life. It is an invitation to be more intentional about how we live and to have fun doing so (i.e. without paranoia). The Wheel of Life the book introduces gives a snapshot of its content. This book invites readers to join in the exciting and truthful venture of mission-vision-goal living, propelled by core principles to drive one’s Professional, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Family, Intellectual, Financial and Marital Life. Doing so with a balance in one’s Personal, Relational and Work Life is at the core of the book.

    The author shares a concept of Organising Principle that simplifies living and yet leads to a life of success with significance, positivity on one hand and how to avoid being “a successful failure” on the other hand.

    Living by Strategy is a seminal contribution to the life management of personal living.

  • Managing Your Life

    Managing Your Life is sequel to Living by Strategy, by the same author. It takes on the task of reducing strategies to the day-to-day actions to achieve the mission, vision, goals and roles of a person. It is about actualizing personal strategic plan to achieve personal, social and vocational development.

    In this book, the author dedicates a chapter to each area of your life you have to manage. The chapter headings are pointers to their content in each of the fourteen chapters, which are grouped in Five Parts.

    • Part One: Leading and Managing Yourself
    • Part Two: Managing Your Private Life
    • Part Three: Managing Your Relational Life
    • Part Four: Managing Your Public Life
    • Part Five: Managing Your Spiritual Life

    If we are intentional about living, and manage our lives as best as we can, we are likely to leave a lasting legacy for our generation and posterity. It prepares them to face the inevitable.

  • Ashawo Diaries: Tales of Adwoa Attaa

    A most intriguing intercourse of tragedy and sex

    The titillating intrigues of a good bad girl…delightful reading: sometimes light, sometimes dark; always with ponderous insights! – Koku Dotse

    Ashawo Diaries makes for engaging reading, and beyond connecting with earlier literary forebears, it is important to think about how such a novel enters the Ghanaian social landscape where sex is traditionally a public taboo. Ashawo Diaries is a text that challenges sanitized perspectives of Ghana. – Kwabena Opoku-Agyemang, Lecturer, Department of English, University of Ghana, Legon

    [The author] is zealous towards unearthing the ills of society. I describe her as the “perfect role model of today’s world”. I am not surprised she took this bold step to write this story. Though bold for our traditional society, l am of the view that she held the bull by the horn. The story…will surely leave readers scratching their heads with excitement. – Dr (Mrs.) Nana Ama Pokuaa Arthur, Lecturer, KNUST

    A thrilling page-turner. Amoafowaa is fluid in narration, and succinct in description. – Rebecca Obuobisa-Darko, Personnel Officer, Ga East Municipal Education Directorate

    Cecila’s Ashawo Diaries is storytelling meddled in art, obviously, science and a game of the protagonist. Daring diary entries with erotic sprinkles, gripping and sustaining, which depicts the struggles of a native daughter in contrast to Richard Wright’s native son, the zigzag turns of life and the map of love, friendship, pleasure, identity, re-identity as compasses at each turn. Poetically written and with a feminist undertone. – Grace Ihejiamaizu, Lecturer, University of Calabar, Founder of IKapture and Opportunity Desk, Nigeria

    Ashawo Diaries raises queries on why young girls should experience sexual suppression in a cultural context like Ghana where children are valued, moral standards are held high and sexual discussions silenced. – Dr. Georgina Yaa Oduro, Director, Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD), University of Cape Coast

  • Reflections of A Hopemonger

    Reflections of A Hopemonger is a carefully crafted work that will inspire in every man and woman the desire to do better with this gift called life. With a message as compelling as the inner voice, the book directs the seeker of self-improvement towards the diamond of their endeavour. Page after page, the God factor becomes non-negotiable.

    Tracing the joys, disappointments, triumphs and challenges of her own life and sharing lessons with the reader, Aba convinces us to pay attention to the ideals that matter.

    Reflections of A Hopemonger demonstrates that from the undercurrent swellings of doubt and despair springs the fountain of hope.

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