• Abusua Pa Jigsaw Puzzle: Local Beads (216 Puzzle Pieces) – Pre-Order

    Local beads in Ghana hold immense cultural significance as they represent social status, ethnicity and heritage. They serve as visual language, conveying messages and symbolizing various meanings such as fertility, wealth, spirituality and social hierachy. Beads are integral to traditional ceremonies and rituals, bringing blessings and enhancing spiritual connections.

    They also contribute to Ghana’s economy through artisanal production and trade. Local beads have found a place in contemporary fashion while preserving Ghana’s cultural heritage and promoting cultural preservation. Overall, Ghanaian beads are an essential part of the country’s identity and play a vital role in communication, cultural expression and economic activities.

  • Abusua Pa Jigsaw Puzzle: Elmina Castle (140/216 Puzzle Pieces) – Pre-Order

    Elmina Castle, also known as St. George’s Castle, is a historic fortress located in the town of Elmina in the Central Region of Ghana. It was built by the Portuguese in 1482 and is recognized as the oldest European-built structure in sub-Saharan Africa.

    The castle was originally constructed as a trading post for the Portuguese to establish and maintain their presence in the region. It served as a major hub for the transatlantic slave trade, with thousands of enslaved Africans passing through its doors on their way to the Americas.

    Elmina Castle played a significant role in the colonial history of Ghana. It changed hands several times, with the Dutch capturing it from the Portuguese in 1637, and later the British taking control in 1872.

    Today, Elmina Castle is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a powerful symbol of the transatlantic slave trade. It attracts visitors from around the world who come to explore its dungeons, learn about its history, and reflect on the profound impact of slavery on Africa and the African diaspora. Guided tours are available to provide insights into the castle’s dark past and the harsh realities faced by those who were held captive within its walls.

  • Abusua Pa Jigsaw Puzzle: Fort William (216 Puzzle Pieces) – Pre-Order

    Fort William, originally known as Fort Anomabo, is a historic fortress located in Central Region of Ghana. During the 19th century, under the command of Brodie Cruickshank, the fortress was renamed Fort William in honour of King Charles II.

    Constructed primariily using local resources, this remarkable stronghold earned the reputation of being one of the most splendidly designed and sturdily built fortresses along the coast.

    Throughout its existence, it served diverse purposes. Initially functioning as a rest house and a post office, Fort William underwent a transformation and was repurposed as a state prison, a role it fulfilled until 2001. Today, the fort has undergone another metamorphosis and currently serves as a community library, enriching the lives of the people of Anomabu. This conversation not only preserves its historical significance but also stands a a beacon of knowledge and learning within the local community.

  • Abusua Pa Jigsaw Puzzle: Fort Amsterdam (216 Puzzle Pieces) – Pre-Order

    Fort Amsterdam is a historic fort located in the town of Abandze in the Central Region of Ghana. It was built by the Dutch in 1638 as a trading post for gold and ivory, and later served as a slave trading station.

    The fort was strategically located on a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, allowing the Dutch to have a clear view of incoming ships. It was also built with stone walls and cannons to protect against attacks from rival European powers and indigenous groups.

    During its occupation by the Dutch, Fort Amsterdam was an important center for the transatlantic slave trade, with thousands of Africans passing through its gates before being shipped off to the Americas.

    Today, the fort is a popular tourist attraction and a reminder of Ghana’s colonial past. Visitors can tour the grounds and learn about the fort’s history through exhibits and guided tours.

  • Abusua Pa Jigsaw Puzzle: Chief Dancing (140/216 Puzzle Pieces) – Pre-Order

    A Chief’s Dance in Ghana holds great cultural significance as a symbol of the chief’s authority, heritage and community unity. It preserves Ghanaian traditions and passes down ancestral knowledge. The dance has ritual and spiritual elements and honours ancestors and historical lineage.

    It showcases cultural identity and attracts tourists, promoting cultural pride and understanding. The Chief’s Dance plays a vital role in Ghanaian society, connecting the past with the present and ensuring the continuity of cultural heritage.

  • Abusua Pa Jigsaw Puzzle: The Black Star Square (216 Puzzle Pieces) – Pre-Order

    Independence Square, also known as Black Star Square, is a landmark in Accra, Ghana, with historical and cultural significance. It serves as the venue for Ghana’s Independence Day celebrations and features symbolic elements like the Independence Arch and the Independence Square Monument. The square is one of the world’s largest and can accommodate large gatherings. It has surrounding landmarks and is open to the public for recreational activities. Independence Square holds historical significance as the site where Ghana proclaimed its independence from British colonial rule in 1957. It stands as a symbol of national pride and hosts events that commemorate Ghana’s freedom.

    The soldier facing the Independence Arch in Ghana symbolizes the country’s struggle for independence and its emergence as the first sub-Saharan African nation to gain freedom from British colonial rule. The soldier represents the Ghanaian military’s dedication to protecting the nation’s sovereignty and symbolizes the courage and sacrifice of the people in their fight for self-rule. It serves as a reminder of Ghana’s commitment to preserve its independence, uphold values of freedom and democracy, and promote national unity. Overall, the soldier facing the Independence Arch represents the historical significance of Ghana’s independence, the contributions of the military, and the ongoing commitment to safeguard the nation’s sovereignty.

  • Book Set: Red Oak Heroes Series (6 Books)

    *Available from 15 August 2023

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years

    This is a bookset of all six titles in the Red Oak Heroes Series:

    • Theodosia Okoh
    • The Big Six
    • Abedi Ayew Pele
    • John Agyekum Kufour
    • Kofi Annan
    • Dr. J. B. Danquah
    Introduce your children and adolescents to these Ghanaian Heroes.
  • Banking Management and Operations

    Banking books commonly focus on the management of the bank and its financial statement. Such books are specialized reading for students of bank management or administration.

    This book, ‘Banking Management and Operations ‘, do not ‘teach’ banking; it rather elicits some of the weaknesses and challenges in banking management and practices that relate to their day-to-day transformation. It, therefore, suggests sacred considerations for added efficiency by tightening the loose screws in operations and management practices. It looks at the need for customer protection, satisfaction, and customer confidence which have become more crucial. This is critical in 21st-century business practices which sometimes assume that high fliers, profit rankers, spectacular achievers; or words, attitudes, and actions of Management and Personnel are conducted with honesty and goodness.

    Let us remember that for every credibility gap, there is a gullibility filled with miscreants hovering around them.

     The book provides simple professional tools to integrate specific functional thoughts in banking operations and management in one shell. It also forewarns practitioners, students, and consumers that banking business threats are like growing viruses in all forms, in the face of rising financial crime waves, cybercrime, money laundering and terrorist activities.

    The two critical functions, management and banking operations have been selected to run through the book. They clearly identify with each chapter and show how their interplay can make things happen in order to meet strategic objectives or reasonably protect stakeholders.

    The chapters cover a collection of banking concepts, relevant strategic management information requirements and related job functions that fit into bank specific enterprise risk management.

    Clearly, identified and appropriate ICT application platforms products and services within banking legal framework and conventions are offered. The value propositions answer the question:

    ‘How do we protect customers’ monies and provide satisfying services to them.’

  • Central Banking in Ghana and the Governors: Institutional Growth and Economic Development (Hardcover)

    A charge of chariots of fire, this is not just a book about the financial history of Ghana in spite of its formative challenges but a centenary work of West Africa – regional monetary evolution and global multilateralism. For devout bankers, intelligentsia, historians and aspirants, this is the one. Elegantly written, it establishes Agyeman-Duah as an unavoidable historian of the Bank of Ghana. — Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice-President of the Republic of Liberia

    The Bank of Ghana is technically a better institution than it was thirty years ago. Even governments are less inclined towards interventions in its work. It is different from other captured public institutions where economic decision-making is with a political lens. — Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana and Co-editor of The Economy of Ghana-Analytical Perspectives on Stability, Growth and Poverty

    The Bank of Ghana is leading central banks in the sub-region with regards to the use of technology in the finance service industry … countries in Africa are now learning from Ghana’s digital payment regulations. — Mohammed Sanusi Lamido, Former Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria and the 14th Emir of Kano

    Ghana has in recent years been one of Africa’s more successful economies – from its colonial journey through Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) to stable modern democracy. Agyeman-Duah has a sound appreciation of the difficulties of transforming a producer of commodities of raw materials into a prosperous mixed economy. Now an oil economy, the test ahead is, will Ghana at last be able to control its own economic destiny; free of obligations to donors and the storms from world commodity markets? — Frances Cairncross, Rector Emeritus, Exeter College, University of Oxford and Former Managing Editor, The Economist

  • Critical and Biographical Essays of Nana Dr. S.K.B. Asante: From an African Village to the Global Village and Back (Hardcover)

    Few Ghanaians of any generation have had a career as long, as varied, and as consequential as Nana S.K.B. Asante’s: government attorney; law teacher; international public servant; constitution framer; adviser to sovereign parties; commercial arbitrator; public intellectual; traditional monarch. Just as impressive is the fact that, in each of these substantial roles, Nana has left a trail of writings. My own first encounter with Nana’s scholarship happened during my time at Yale Law School, his alma mater. As an editor on the law review, I was curious to know whether any Ghanaian had been published by the prestigious journal. My search led me to a fascinating article on Ghanaian property and customary law written by Samuel K.B. Asante in the 1965 volume of the journal. At the time of my discovery, his was the only article by a Ghanaian published in the 100-year history of the journal. I would later discover many more of his academic writings, some of which I assigned to my class in my years as a law teacher.

    This book collects in one volume some of Nana’s mostly “non-academic” writings. The essays tell, in characteristically fine prose rich in biography and history, the story of an intellectual-technocrat keen to use his wealth of knowledge to address contemporary problems of development and to put that expertise in the service of his country–and of the developing world at large. The publication of this selection of Nana S.K.B. Asante’s writings, in the 90th year of his life, is a monumental accomplishment and a befitting capstone of a long and distinguished career.

    Executive Director of Ghana Center for Democratic Development


    The incredibly rich collection of writings by the eminent international lawyer, scholar, respected global development expert and prominent traditional ruler, Nana S.K.B Asante, takes the reader on a remarkable journey of nearly seven decades of illumination. His vivid experiences, enormous achievements and witty recollections reveal the remarkable growth of a curious mind and a disciplined intellectual dedicated ultimately to the service of humanity from his native village to the global village. In characteristic modesty, Nana claims not to be a historian, but this book is a historical gold mine filled with nuggets of analysis on the evolution of education, law, science, social policy, public service, constitutional development, nation building and chieftaincy in Ghana, enriched with valuable insights into the solid contributions of illustrious men and women. His penetrating and critical analyses of international development cooperation in the fields of investments, energy, water and natural resources in Asia and Africa must be lessons for all developing countries. This rich resource book is highly recommended.

    Former Social Policy Adviser, UN Economic Commission for Africa


    This masterpiece by Nana SKB Asante which narrates his life journey from his hometown at Asokore to Achimota, academia, diplomacy and finally back home is unique, inspiring and educative. The Book covers a broad spectrum of academic disciplines including constitutional law, commercial law, criminal law, international law, chieftaincy, leadership and governance, sociology, history and religions. It provides a vivid account of the constitutional history of Ghana from the author’s personal knowledge. The author who had the singular honour to chair the Committee of Experts which gave birth to Ghana’s 1992 Constitution also held the positions of Solicitor-General and Deputy Attorney-General under different democratic and military governments. Nana SKB Asante has used simple diction to convey his wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom, acquired from both local and international levels in different capacities to inculcate in his audience the spirit of patriotism. The book is a must read!

    Justice of The Court of Appeal

  • 90 & Grateful: An Autobiography (Hardcover)

    The author of this fine autobiography, Mrs Lucy Effah, a nonagenarian who has shown that it is never too late for any personal endeavour once you set your mind to it. Born a royal of Asante Bekwai, she grew up to become a top nurse-midwife professional in the pre and immediate post independent eras of Ghana. Her life has demonstrated a genetic leadership trait inherent in her character.  She exemplified such faith and commitment that may be compared to the dedication of globally acknowledged and timeless personalities like Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa and Mary Seacole.

    The book includes many glowing tributes – including a Foreword from the former President of Ghana, His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor attributing her trailblazing qualities in nursing education to her leadership qualities. The former President said she has always had an aura of care and compassion about her in both her public and private life. In this respect, she has made immense contributions to the process of transformation in Ghana.

  • Kwahu State Book: Asaase Aban (Hardcover)

    Information captured in the Kwahu State Book entails the history of Kwahu paramountcy including the five divisions of the Kwahu Traditional Area namely Adonten, Nifa, Benkum, Kyidom and the Gyase division; with histories of royal families, towns and villages under the divisions mentioned are well captured. Towns captured include Abene, Abetifi, Obo, Aduamoa, Pepease, Atibie, Bokuruwa, Nkwatia, Obomeng, Bepong, Asakraka, Kwahu Tafo, Pitiko, Akwasiho, Mpraeso, Twenedurase, Kotoso, Jejeti, Oframase, Awenare, Nkorkoor (Nkawkaw), Nteso, Tease, Kwahu Praso, just to mention few. The book also presents histories of the Zongo Community of Kwahu, the Okwawu Football Club, churches, schools and profiles of the prominent personalities (the Kwahu Golden members) of Kwahu.

    The Kwahu State Book has fourteen (14) sections with each segmenting several topics and sub-topics about the history and cultural practices of the Kwahu Traditional Area. Other information in the book include chronology of chiefs and genealogy (family tree) of all the royal families. All of these have been codified into a single voluminous book of over 2,800 pages. It is the first of its kind in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa.

    All of these have been codified into a single voluminous book of over 2,800 pages. It is the first of its kind in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Accra Aca Blɛoo: The History of the Accra Academy from James Town to Bubiashie (Hardcover)

    Accra Aca Bleoo – the first comprehensive history book on the Accra Academy – captures nine decades of the school’s history, including the most epic events and pivotal moments. It takes the reader through the life journeys of the founders and those who believed in their dream to educate the underprivileged youth of the Gold Coast. It also recounts the aspirations and achievements of successive administrations of the school and how they overcame the challenges of their time and influenced the character of their students.

    The book brings to light several unknown facts about the Accra Academy and examines the educational policies that have influenced its development and growth.

    It is not only informative and educative but also entertaining, as it is interspersed with interesting stories and several pictures that will undoubtedly take the minds of alumni back to the good old days and give other readers a perspective into how life in the school has evolved.

    This book is the outcome of many hours of personal interviews and research, and is intended for anyone interested in the history of education in Ghana and what has made the Accra Academy what it is today.

  • Akan Kasadwini (Akan Oral Literature)

    The book is a pioneering work of Akan oral literature written in the Akan language. It gives a theoretical view of oral literature and a detailed account of the major genres of oral literature in Akan. It deals with an introduction to literature and some aspects of stylistics. It ushers students of literature into some of the crucial issues of literature. The book deals with what literature is, and what it can afford to individuals and the society as a whole. It considers literature as an indispensable aspect of any society’s life. It also identifies the main characteristics of literature with specific reference to oral literature.

    The book treats some of the major terms in literature and supports them with examples. The book has 25 chapters and each chapter addresses, performance, composition, structure, functions and literary devices. Each chapter ends with sample questions that will help students to revise what they have learned from the chapter.

    The book is in response to the needs of students at the WASSCE, Diploma and Degree levels to the subject matter of oral literature in Akan. This book will also help Training College students both in their course work at college and also in their teaching.

  • Ghana: A Concise History from Pre-Colonial Times to the 20th Century

    This is a comprehensive survey of the history of Ghana from the earliest times to 1992. It discusses the evolution of the different ethnic groups and the social, economic and political institutions and systems they created. It also examines the development of state systems , their contact with the outside world and the economic , social and political consequences of that contact. It discusses the loss of political independence, the recovery of sovereignty and the emergence of the modern state of Ghana.

    The study ends with an examination of the attempt by various rulers after independence to make one nation out of the people of Ghana and promote their economic and social well-being. The book has grown out of lectures the author has delivered to University students over the years. The material has, however, been written in a language that can be understood by all Senior High School students and the general public.

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