• Between Sisters

    When sixteen-year-old Gloria fails thirteen out of fifteen subjects on her final exams, her future looks bleak indeed. Her family’s resources are meager so the entire family is thrilled when a distant relative, Christine, offers to move Gloria north to Kumasi to look after her toddler son, Sam. In exchange, after two years, Christine will pay for Gloria to go to dressmaking school.

    Life in Kumasi is more grand than anything Gloria has ever experienced. She joins a youth band at church — something that allows her to pursue her great love, singing — and Christine has even promised to teach her to read.

    But Kumasi is also full of temptations — the owner of a popular clothing shop encourages her to buy clothes on credit, and the smooth-talking Dr. Kusi offers Gloria rides in his red sports car. Eventually Gloria is betrayed by the people around her and is disillusioned by her new life. But in the end she decides who she can trust, and draws her own considerable inner resources to put the bad experiences behind her.

    Between Sisters

  • Flashcards: Bible Verses – with Illustrative Pictures (70 cards)

    This is a special product for memorising and learning Bible verses. A pack of 70 Bible verses, with colourful pictures to further illustrate the meaning of the verses.

    Suitable for Sunday school classes, ministries, churches and anyone seeking to commit Scripture to memory.

  • Bahiya, The Little Zebra

    Age Range: 8+ years

    Bahiya does not want to be striped like all the other zebras in the Serengeti. She wants to stand out and be the most special little zebra in the whole of Africa! Determined to reach this goal, Bahiya and her friend come up with a creative idea for a unique new look. The result … is not what she expected!

    Will Bahiya realise how special she is, even with her stripes?

  • Nii and Me

    Age Range: 2 – 7 years

    Kitson-Mills Primary School students in Accra, Ghana, wrote about their grandfathers. Kathy Knowles created this story from their words.

    Nii and Me

  • Yebo, Jamela!

    Age Range: 4 – 7 years

    The second book by Niki Daly about this spunky little heroine.

    Christmas is drawing near and Jamela’s mother decides to go and buy a chicken from Mrs Zibi. If they feed it well, it will be nice and fat by Christmas time. Jamela accompanies her mother on the chicken-buying expedition and suggests calling the chicken Christmas. But by the time Christmas-day comes, Jamela has made a pet of Christmas. And as the ladies at the hairdressers where Jamela and her mother and Mrs Zibi fetch up after the “wild-chicken chase” all agree: one does not eat one’s friends!

    Yebo, Jamela!

  • Kwajo and the Brassman’s Secret – A Tale of Old Ashanti Wisdom and Gold

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Kwajo’s father makes traditional small figures. One day, he makes him a little brass drummer who comes alive and transforms Kwajo into a land of proverbs and riddles. It is a land where the figures represent money, and the people are citizens in a powerful kingdom. Kwajo is tempted by riches but must first decode a series of riddles and symbols. He falls at the last test, but nonetheless learns an important lesson.

    The Brassman’s Secret won The Noma Award for Publishing in Africa 1982. It has become one of the most important children’s books in Africa, and has been translated into several foreign languages. This is a new edition appearing for the first time with full colour-illustrations.

  • Book Set: The Judacan Adventures (Books 1 – 6)

    Popular amongst upper primary pupils, The Judacan Adventures Bookset detail the adventures of Nagela in a hitherto unknown world of boarding school at St Jude’s Academy, having been bundled to a new school in a new environment. Can she survive?

    Titles in this collection (6)

    Freshers’ Welcome
    Justify Your Inclusion
    Miss Fresher
    Shadows of the Term
    Back to School
    Taking A Stand

  • OCR Investment: Creative Arts for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 1

    This book is the first among a series of six books designed to develop learners at the Basic Schools’ creative and Innovative skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, collaborative and communicative skills.

    Creative Arts at the basic school has been structured through practical learner-engaged activities to engage learners to acquire, develop and express their feelings and emotions in different ways during the learning process for effective transfer of knowledge: vertically and horizontally.

    This book exposes learners to various aspects of Visual and Performing Arts; in drawing, painting, carving, music, dance, drama, etc.

    The activities and approach in this book, combined with its carefully selected pictures and illustrations are expected to make teaching and learning of the subject at the basic level easier and enjoyable for both teachers and learners.

  • Love: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Kobee did not like the way his playmates treated TT. TT could only walk with the help of crutches and often stood outside the playground to watch the children playing. After Kobee heard about the Parable of the Good Samaritan, he befriended TT. His friends later became TT’s friends too.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • A Frog Named Korkoli

    Age Range: 7 – 10 years

    Korkoli lost his parents in a flood. He has lost his friends and is lonely, and he no longer has food to eat because the environment no longer supports the life of the tiny insects and worms that he feeds on. The frog named Korkoli talks about the filth in our environment and the need to keep our backyards, water bodies and gutters clean.

  • Treasure Hunt

    Age Range: 10 – 15 years 

    Confidence and Delali have no idea of the danger ahead when they decide to investigate the pit that has appeared in the Woli forest. Following clues, tracking down suspects, and cracking open an ancient riddle, the boys soon find themselves in the middle of a plot that threatens the life of their village. The two friends must now overcome their own fears and face the greatest challenge to befall their village—an evil treasure hunt that puts the very lives of the boys in danger.

    Treasure Hunt

  • The Legacy (Winmat Senior Readers)

    Abora’s children feel their late father’s wealth rightly belongs to them, but Diako, Abora’s nephew, thinks otherwise. Meanwhile, what has happened to Abora’s will, written in the school exercise book with the red cover? Have there been strange hands working inside Abora’s safe since his death?

  • Mimi’s Purse

    Age Range: 2 – 7 years

    Grandma Mimi loves her home spick and span, and she likes to look smart too. She wears lively dresses and her purses always match. Especially her pink purse, which she carries everywhere.

    What happens when Grandma Mimi’s favourite pink purse gets missing?

    Mimi’s Purse

  • Flashcards: 2-Letter Words (20 cards)

    This product is part of the Phonics set. It takes the child beyond the single alphabet sounds to a combination of two alphabets.

    The words selected for this product tend to be the simplest of words, most of which are used in everyday written and spoken English. It is meant to prepare the child for the pronunciation of longer words and ultimately reading of sentences.

    The use of flashcards is most effective and even enjoyable when there is parental guidance.

  • Where’s Jamela?

    Age Range: 4 – 7 years

    Mama has wonderful news – she has found a new job, and a new house nearby. But Jamela is not impressed. She likes her old house so much that is where she wants to stay. On the day of the move after everything and everyone were ready, Jamela was no where to be found. Where is Jamela?

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