• Giant Laminated Flashcards: Edibles (30 cards)

    This box contains flashcards of fruits, vegetables, legumes, tubers and other forms of edibles. The product is aimed at helping the child identify objects around them, in this case things that can be eaten.

    The choice of products has been done in such a way as to make the learning experience pleasurable for the youngster. Moreover, the selection of the edibles incorporates the use of most of the letters of the alphabets as first sounds to help the child practise the phonic sounds.

    The use of flashcards is most effective and even enjoyable when there is parental guidance.

  • Key Words with Peter and Jane: Enjoying Reading (Book 9c) – Hardcover

    Age Range: 5 – 8  years

    Key Words with Peter and Jane uses the most frequently met words in the English language as a starting point for learning to read successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme is scientifically researched and world renowned.

    Book 11c provides the link with writing for the words used in Readers 11a and 11b. Once this book is completed, the child can move on to book 12a.

    The Key Words with Peter and Jane books work because each of the key words is introduced gradually and repeated frequently. This builds confidence in children when they recognise these key words on sight (also known as the ‘look and say’ method of learning).

    Examples of key words are: the, one, two, he.

    There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c.

    • Series a: Gradually introduces new words.
    • Series b: Provides further practise of words featured in the ‘a’ series.
    • Series c: Links reading with writing and phonics.

    All the words that have been introduced in each ‘a’ and ‘b’ book are also reinforced in the ‘c’ books.


  • Key Words with Peter and Jane: Books Are Exciting (Book 11c) – Hardcover

    Age Range: 5 – 8  years

    Key Words with Peter and Jane uses the most frequently met words in the English language as a starting point for learning to read successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme is scientifically researched and world renowned.

    Book 11c provides the link with writing for the words used in Readers 11a and 11b. Once this book is completed, the child can move on to book 12a.

    The Key Words with Peter and Jane books work because each of the key words is introduced gradually and repeated frequently. This builds confidence in children when they recognise these key words on sight (also known as the ‘look and say’ method of learning).

    Examples of key words are: the, one, two, he.

    There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c.

    • Series a: Gradually introduces new words.
    • Series b: Provides further practise of words featured in the ‘a’ series.
    • Series c: Links reading with writing and phonics.

    All the words that have been introduced in each ‘a’ and ‘b’ book are also reinforced in the ‘c’ books.


  • The Daring Duo 1: 179 Jabulani Street

    Age Range: 8+ years

    It all started with a pink jacket, a key and a scribbled note…

    When Jama and Ufulu bump into each other near a suspicious-looking house in Yeoville, they don’t realize that this will be the beginning of a friendship full of adventures.

    A new team is born…and they are ready to find out what is really going on at the mysterious 179 Jabulani Street!

    Join the Daring Duo…in their thrilling first adventure!

  • A Monster at Midnight

    Age Range: 8+ years

    Phila is not happy that has to spend her holidays in her grandma’s village. It’s too far from her best friends and she is trapped with her annoying brother and sister.

    When she hears the story of Bro. E, a strange tale the young children of the village tell to scare and taunt, she has no idea about the thrilling adventure ahead.

    A monster is coming at midnight, RUN, PHILA, RUN!


  • Dash is Fab! Phonics Step 6 – Hardcover (Read It Yourself with Ladybird, Modern Phonics Stories, Level 0)

    Age Range: 4 – 6  years

    Book 6 contains two stories that build on the phonics learnt in previous books, and focus on the sound and letter combinations: ch, sh, th (soft), th (hard), ng.

    Read It Yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird’s best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills.

    Each Read It Yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading.

    Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes comprehension puzzles, helpful notes for parents, carers and teachers, and book band information for use in schools.

    Dash is Fab! is a Level 0 Read it yourself book, designed for children who are developing their synthetic phonics skills. Books 1 to 12 introduce letters and sounds in a systematic order.

  • Heidi – Hardcover (Read It Yourself with Ladybird, Level 4)

    Age Range: 5 – 8  years

    Based on the classic story by Johanna Spyri. Heidi loves living in the mountains with her grandfather and her friend Peter, and is homesick when she moves to Frankfurt. Will she make it back to her beloved mountains?

    Read It Yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird’s best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills.

    Each Read It Yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading.

    Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes comprehension puzzles, helpful notes for parents, carers and teachers, and book band information for use in schools.

    Heidi is a Level 4 Read it yourself title, ideal for children who are ready to read longer stories with a wider vocabulary and are keen to read independently.


  • Rhymes for a Dance – Poems for Children

    Winner of 1st Prize, Ghana Association of Writers (GAW), Poetry Book for Children

    These short poems are suitable for introducing young children to poetry.

  • Lost in the Forest

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years

    A girl goes snail-hunting with friends and soon finds out that she is all alone in the forest. A search is mounted for her and she is found dumb in an old man’s hut.

    Who is this old man and how did she end up in his hut? Why did no one know of his dealings with the youth in the village?

    In solving these mysteries, each member of society gleans one lesson or the other for community living.

  • One High School Adventure

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years

    Ama is a brilliant student who passes her exams with excellent grades. However, she cannot go to her first choice school for SHS due to financial constraints and so settles for another.

    In school, she falls in love. The demands of keeping a relationship take a toll on her grades. How does she get back on her feet to overcome this challenge and come out with flying colours?

    A book full of everyday challenges of growing up. Lessons: self-evaluation and perseverance are key.

  • Make Hay While the Sun Shines

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    In Make Hay while the Sun Shines, Ofoi learns his lesson the hard way. He always sneaks out to play when he has work to do.

    He has had his way for so long but the last straw that breaks the camel’s back is when he leaves his homework undone and goes to play “chaskele.” By the time he comes home in the evening, the lights are off. That is when he gets a good whack from his mother; one that puts him to sleep.

    The stories in this series Idioms in Expression aim at giving children a better understanding of idiomatic expressions. Since these idioms form the main theme for the story, it becomes easy for the reader to understand the contexts within which such expressions should be used.

    Coupled with this learning experience are the exciting story lines which do not only portray the familiar African culture, but also provide a wide vocabulary for readers’ use.

  • Better Late than Never

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    In Better Late than Never, Daakyehene is to attend an interview but wakes up a bit too late on the day set for the interview.

    For this reason, he decides that he will not attend. His mother urges him on to give it a try nonetheless.

    What happens at the interview? Was it worth the try? Is it really better late than never?

    The stories in this series Idioms in Expression aim at giving children a better understanding of idiomatic expressions. Since these idioms form the main theme for the story, it becomes easy for the reader to understand the contexts within which such expressions should be used.

    Coupled with this learning experience are the exciting story lines which do not only portray the familiar African culture, but also provide a wide vocabulary for readers’ use.

  • Those Who Live in Glasshouses Should Not Throw Stones

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    Zinabu and six other dancers put up a splendid performance at the durbar grounds. Their dancing is so impressive that they are asked to perform again the next day. Amina is keen on being the lead dancer this time round, and so accuses Zinabu of missing her steps during the previous performance. She succeeds in convincing Madam Aisha, the drama and dance teacher that she can put up a better performance.

    It turns out that the next day, she messes up and the crowds are not impressed.

    Why would she criticize Zinabu, when she herself cannot dance?

    Indeed, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

    The stories in this series Idioms in Expression aim at giving children a better understanding of idiomatic expressions. Since these idioms form the main theme for the story, it becomes easy for the reader to understand the contexts within which such expressions should be used.

    Coupled with this learning experience are the exciting story lines which do not only portray the familiar African culture, but also provide a wide vocabulary for readers’ use.

  • A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

    Age Range: 10 – 13 years

    Fiifi and his two friends, Kakra and Panyin are neighbours. In an Art and Craft class, Fiifi cannot mold his clay pot. He asks Panyin to help him complete his art work over the weekend, but Panyin gives a thousand and one reasons why he cannot help.

    With Kakra’s guide, Fiifi is able to mold a beautiful pot. This pot turns out to be the best among the lot. Fiifi is pleased with himself and thankful to Kakra who helped him. Mr. Kumah awards him the highest marks.

    Where is Panyin? He cannot share in Fiifi’s joy because he did not help when he was needed most. He sits under the tree all by himself, and away from the fun and cheers.

    Fiifi now knows who can indeed be called a friend.

    The stories in this series Idioms in Expression aim at giving children a better understanding of idiomatic expressions. Since these idioms form the main theme for the story, it becomes easy for the reader to understand the contexts within which such expressions should be used.

    Coupled with this learning experience are the exciting story lines which do not only portray the familiar African culture, but also provide a wide vocabulary for readers’ use.

  • A Dream I Had

    Age Range: 6 – 10 years

    Samira wakes up one morning to find an empty house. Where is everyone? She wonders.

    Where have they all gone? How would she get to school early enough to write her exams?

    There comes her transport: a beautiful horse and its rider.

    Find out how she gets to school and all that ensues thereafter.


    A Dream I Had


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