• And The Eagle Flew to Heaven (When a Mother Loses Her Child)

    This book is about the experience of a mother who lost her child and her path to finding healing. It also provides guidelines as to how grieving parents can start the journey of recovering from the pain of losing a child.

  • Through Thick and Thin: Janet Neequaye – An Autobiography

    Through Thick and Thin is the story of Professor Janet Neequaye. Janet was born and educated in England and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh), among other qualifications. She started working and teaching as a doctor in Ghana in 1971 and was one time Head of the Department of Child Health at the University of Ghana Medical School. She has published over 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals on malaria, chloroquine resistance, Burkitt lymphoma, HIV epidemiology in Ghana, neonatal jaundice, neonatal tetanus and sickle cell disease.

    The 199-page book with a photo gallery and an index talks about Prof. Mrs Neequaye’s life and career as a doctor, teacher and mother in England, Saudi Arabia and Ghana, where she lived on and off over the past 50 years. Through Thick and Thin illustrates the trials and triumphs of her life, stretching from 1946 to the present, starting at her birthplace in the provincial town of Benfleet, Southern Essex in England, and still ongoing in Accra.

    Some chapters in the book have titles such as: Life Today, My Family, Medical School, Marriage and Early Working Life, and Going to Ghana, among others.

    Though now retired, Professor Janet Neequaye has continued to be actively involved in matters relating to infant health in particular. This is evidenced by her decision to donate proceeds from sales of her autobiography to the Children’s Block at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital to help improve on conditions there.

  • Contemporary Issues in Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and International Affairs

    This is a collection of essays derived from a series of symposia and online webinars hosted by the Council of Foreign Relations- Ghana.

    From the inaugural symposium chaired by Ambassador James Victor Gbeho, with addresses by The President of Ghana, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and Ghana’s Foreign Minister, Madam Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, the CFR-Ghana elicits interesting views and opinions from people best placed to be aware of the big picture of contemporary issues in international affairs, particularly from the perspective of how they impact our African Continent.

    Totally informative and engaging, sometimes entertaining and mentally provocative, which challenges us all to seriously reflect upon contemporary issues in foreign policy, diplomacy and international affairs.

    “The setting up of CFR-Ghana is long overdue and I’m glad that finally it has been done. The Executives and Founding Members are to be commended for this achievement and I wish them the very best of luck in the years to come. “

    – H.E President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo (President of the Republic of  Ghana)


  • Resilience: Reflections From a Widow’s Diary

    Available on 21st July, 2023

    The book is about a young Ghanaian lady who lost her husband and decided to pick the pieces of her life and live for herself and her children. In this book, you will find how the author has motivated herself throughout this journey and has attributed her ability to survive to the grace of God. She also shares some lessons on her journey of grief, childhood experiences that has shaped who she is, among others.

    It is a deeply moving memoir of grief, and love, that ushers the readers into the life of a widow in a way that embraces and transcends expectations. This book reveals the raw emotions of her loss and the profound impact her husband left on her life, and the woman she has become after the loss. As much about life as it is about death, the book proves that regardless of the situation, love and hope have the power to survive.

  • Mma Ayara Atampugre: A Tale of Success Against the Odds

    This book tells the story of an unlettered woman in a harsh patriarchal setting who, with resilience and grit, managed to successfully overcome daunting life challenges and succeeded against the odds.

    It looks at the life of Mma Ayara Atampugre’s early as an orphan, when she became a wife, a mother, a wisdom and her life philosophies that became the pillars of her success in life. So much to learn from how Mma Ayara navigated through life inspite of her daunting life challenges. 

  • Concentric Circles: 30 Rich Life Lessons of A Resilient African Child

    Concentric Circles: 30 Life Lessons of a Resilient African Child, is a deeply personal and moving tribute to the strength and resilience of all those who have faced hardship and adversity. It is a powerful memoir that takes readers on a journey through the remarkable life of Elizabeth ‘Zionita’ Ofori. With her heartfelt dedication to those who have walked gruesome paths yet kept their fire, love, and light burning, Zionita invites readers to join her in celebrating the incredible strength and beauty of the human spirit.

    In this inspiring memoir, Elizabeth shares 30 life lessons that she has learned through her remarkable journey.

    Whether you are facing your own struggles or simply seeking inspiration and guidance on your life’s journey, Concentric Circles is a memoir that will speak to your heart and soul. Filled with powerful insights, moving personal stories, and a deep sense of hope, this book is a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome even the greatest challenges.

    Zionita’s story is a shining example of what can be achieved with grit, grace, and an unshakeable sense of purpose.

    The lessons Zionita shares in this book are both timeless and timely, offering valuable insights for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Filled with wisdom, heart, and hope, Concentric Circles is a must-read memoir that will leave readers feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to take on the world.

  • The Mumfordians: Memories of a Sea Boy

    In one beautiful swoop, this book takes you to the nostalgic past and the aspirational future of an African nation still in the throes of defining self-determination. With the brilliance of powerful recalls, it dissects the socio-cultural as well as the political. It is one man’s journey from an idyllic African fishing village, through his self-improvement to become the executive secretary of a Pan-African body travelling several capitals of the world in the service of his employer.

    It is also a book about people − their history, their dreams and the ills they seem unable to decidedly confront. But what makes The Mumfordians a keepsake is its richness in national promise and communal nostalgia.

  • Adventurous Dentaa: A Travel Journal

    From class trips, to exchange programmes, to concerts, to fully sponsored tours, this piece of nonfiction spans about 7 years in my life where I had the opportunity to visit 3 different countries; Burkina Faso, Canada and South Africa.

    I believe there is a lesson to be learnt from every experience one goes through and that is what I share in this book; my experiences on these trips and the lessons I learnt from each.

  • You’re Marrying A Rich Girl, So What?

    It is a practical and situational outlook to one of the most neglected areas in the quest for marriage. What happens when a governor’s daughter falls in love with a poor prince? 

     This book raises and answers over 450 questions about love, relationships, attitudes, courtship, marriage, social status, parentage, educational background and property ownership. For example;

    • What is Love?
    • How to navigate a relationship that is in the realms of a fairy tale, into reality? 
    • What’s wrong if a “poor prince” marries well?
    • What do you do if you are the poor prince in love with the governor’s daughter?
    • How do governors arrive at their conclusions on who their daughters should marry?
    • How do governors arrive at who they do not approve of?
    • How should the idea of property co-ownership be treated in a lopsided relationship?

     “You’re Marrying A Rich Girl, So What?” gives deep insights into most pre-marital and initial marriage problems, which most rich ladies are likely to face when they decide to marry seemingly underprivileged gentlemen. 

     This book speaks to the differences that arise from relationships of very privileged ladies – whom we prefer to refer to as governors’ daughters, and underprivileged gentlemen – whom we choose to call “poor princes”

     It serves as a “guide” to privileged ladies to know and understand some of the fears, frustrations, and suspicions of underprivileged men, when it comes to courtship with the aim of marriage and the issues of property ownership, money, influence and the future of their children. 

     Also, it provides assistance to men with “challenging backgrounds”, who find themselves in love, dating, or enthusiastically preparing to marry ladies from very wealthy homes, or ladies with privilege backgrounds – resulting in lopsided marriages

     Most importantly, it is to help the privileged ladies know which of the potential gentlemen their fathers – the governors would agree for them to marry. 

    Read this book before you say “I do”.

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  • I am Not Yvonne Nelson

    I Am Not Yvonne Nelson is an explosive and riveting account of a young woman who sets out to discover herself, but finds out that she has been living with a false identity. The drama and the twists and turns of this moving story have all the markings of a spell-binding movie script, except that the protagonist, who is an actor, is contending with a reality that intermittently soaks her pillow with tears. Uncharacteristic of an autobiography, the author comes to her audience stark naked. The book opens the door widely into the life of the author and exposes the good, the bad and the ugly sides, not only of her life, but also of the make-believe world of celebrities.


    I am Not Yvonne Nelson

  • She Wasn’t The Gold After All

    She Wasn’t The Gold After All is based on a true love story. The author shares a story of a young man who was caught in the web of a “cunning woman” he met on Facebook.

    The young man, thinking he had found a treasure in a Good Samaritan in the most awkward way while he was not expecting it, ended up with the worst disappointment and heartbreak, leading to a divorce that changed his perspective about life, love and people.

  • Did I Bear Fruits?

    Did I Bear Fruits? can best be described as a sequel to ‘An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure, the Author’s first book.

    In this book, the author painstakingly compiles over 80 testimonies and experiences of readers of An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure.

    You are sure to identify with the varied backgrounds of the testifiers-drivers, men of God, home makers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, people who are unemployed, students, teachers, bankers, et al. Indeed, the beauty and uniqueness of each testimony will keep you turning each page.

    By the time you finish reading the book, you would have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in the dimensions of deliverance, forgiveness, reconciliation, miracles, speaking in tongues and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Each testimony is a reminder that the only way to survive as a Christian is to receive and develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Ghost. Let’s meet the testifiers and hear their stories. Enjoy the journey and may the Holy Spirit brood over you.

  • Shining Ever Brighter: From Nothing to Something

    Born into a family of seven children to two semi-literate parents, life was not perpetually smooth, but somewhat cushioned by the perks and safety net of her father’s employment ina multinational mining conglomerate. At age 14, her world was thrown into a free-falling spiral arising from the voluntary retrenchment taken by her father, throwing the family of 9 into an unforeseen instability and untold hardships over the next decade. With an unremitting desire for education and a deep faith in God instilled in them by their mother, Asantewaa and her six siblings fought to stay in school, find a suitable place to lay their head at night and food to put on the table.

    This is the story of Asantewaa’s journey from a life of poverty and need in Accra, Ghana all the way to the miracle of a scholarship to pursue a PhD in Canada. This is a story of hardship and persistence, of hunger and kindness, of disappointments and triumph, and an unending trust in God.

  • Kofi Chokosi Speaks: From Archaeology to Zoology (1985-2015)

    This book provides all connoisseurs of Social Literature with a delightful array of bite-sized vignettes of man as a social animal. Kofi Chokosi’s extensive travels as a soldier have provided us with various perspectives of the enthralling human condition, whether in the military Cantonment of Burma Camp, Ghana, the hot steamy jungles of Cambodia or the lush green meadows of Southern England…next time you buy the Daily Graphic, look out for the musing of Kofi Chokosi – soldier, scholar, teacher and writer.

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