• Love Quote, Oxygen for Life

    What do you know about love? How do you picture it? Can you describe it in a sentence? Never mind ! Love Quotes provides answers,  Refresh your memory, and update your love tank. The word and action of love is what frees us of all the pain of life. Love must be painted well as the hero who holds us from falling but rather captivate us to fall for it which is the safest place to fall.
    Falling in love is the best feelings you can ever feel when you fall but sometimes unable to explain. Love Quotes will give you the words,  the ways to Express love without missing the aroma of excitement. Try Love Quotes today and see love in a new light.
  • Introduction to Abstract Algebra with Notes to the Future Teacher

    For courses in Abstract Algebra.

    Designed for future mathematics teachers as well as mathematics students who are not planning careers in secondary education, this text offers a traditional course in abstract algebra along with optional notes that connect its mathematical content to school mathematics. Elementary number theory and rings of polynomials are treated before group theory.  Prerequisites include some experience with proof.  (A brief appendix reviews certain basics of logic, proof, set theory, and functions.) Students should also have access to a Computer Algebra System (CAS), or a calculator with CAS capabilities


    • To the Teacher sections:

    –       Draw connections from the number theory or abstract algebra under consideration to secondary mathematics

    –       Help students make appropriate connections between the advanced mathematics they are learning and the secondary mathematics they may be teaching,

    • In the Classroom sections addressing classroom concerns in each chapter – Optional for the non-teacher.

    • From the Past sections in each chapter – Provide historical context; students experience historical thinking and technique.

    • Worksheets that outlines the framework of a topic in most chapters:

    –       Asks students to provide the details and exposition.

    –       Worksheets are suitable for group work and for development as student presentations in a capstone experience.

    • Examples in the text drawn from linear algebra – Can be omitted for students without that background.


    Table of Contents


    1. Topics in Number Theory

    2. Modular Arithmetic and Systems of Numbers

    3. Polynomials

    4. A First Look at Group Theory

    5. New Structures from Old

    6. Looking Forward and Back

  • The Secrets of Romance: Ingredients of Love – Chemistry Alert

    Well, the Secrets of Romance aims to restore life and passion for marriage and relationships which are failing or floundering. It’s a book that reminds and helps you, to see that, it’s alright to be yourself; feel comfortable and safe in the arms of your sexual partner. The Secret of Romance guides readers on how to update their sexual fantasies. This book is more than just a guidebook for standard lovers and dating partners. The Secrets of Romance will arouse your thinking into intimacy. It is also a powerful and profound treasury of Wisdom.

    The Secrets of Romance is deep, unique and ultimately beneficial for all relationships. It helps better your understanding and awareness of romance and related matters. This book will surely turn you on, to seek romance and love in the right order.

  • The Scarlet Letter (FingerPrint! Classics)

    “Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart!”

    In the seventeenth-century Puritan community of Boston, Hester Prynne is trapped, first into a loveless marriage and then into adultery.

    With the scarlet letter ‘A’—signifying an adulteress—fixed on her bosom, she is brought out of the prison and made to stand on the scaffold with her infant.

    What happens when Hester, in spite of being
    publicly shamed by the crowd and repeatedly
    urged by a young priest, refuses to reveal
    the identity of her daughter’s father?

    A tale of sin, punishment and atonement, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter exposes the moral rigidity and double standards of the society. One of the first mass-produced books in America, it became an instant bestseller on its first publication in 1850. it continues to remain Hawthorne’s masterwork.

  • Esio Trot (Roald Dahl)

    Age Range: 7 – 11  years

    “A true genius . . . Roald Dahl is my hero” David Walliams

    Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World’s NUMBER ONE Storyteller!

    This is the wonderful and warm-hearted Roald Dahl classic, Esio Trot.

    Mr Hoppy really loves his neighbour Mrs Silver, and Mrs Silver really loves her tortoise, Alfie. One day Mrs Silver asks Mr Hoppy how to make Alfie grow, and suddenly Mr Hoppy knows the way to win her heart. With the help of a magical spell and some cabbage leaves, can Mr Hoppy be happy at last?

  • More About Boy (Roald Dahl)

    Age Range: 7 – 11  years

    “A true genius . . . Roald Dahl is my hero” David Walliams

    MORE ABOUT BOY contains a wealth of new photos, facts and writings about Roald Dahl and his childhood, together with the original text and illustrations from his much-loved memoir.

    As a boy, all sorts of unusual things happened to Roald Dahl.

    There was the time he and four school friends got their revenge on beastly Mrs Prachett in her sweet shop.

    There are stories of holidays in fishing boats, African adventures and the days of tasting chocolate for Cadbury’s.

    You’ll hear tales of horrible school bullies and the car accident when Roald’s nose was nearly sliced clean off . . Now you can discover even more about Roald Dahl’s childhood, including some secrets he left out. Some are painful, some are funny, but all of them are TRUE.

  • The Boy From The Hills (Rusty #8)

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Rusty is a quiet, imaginative and sensitive boy who lives with his grandparents in pre-Independence Dehra Dun. Though he is not the adventurous himself, the strangest and most extraordinary things keep happening around him.

    The house in Dehra is full of strange creatures. Rusty has to deal with everything from his grandfather’s pet python to the ever-inventive Uncle Ken. Visiting his father in wartime Java, Rusty narrowly escapes enemy bombardment, and survives a plane crash in the Arabian Sea. Back in India, he spends his time encountering a ghost in the garden and recreating his grandmother’s youthful days from an old photograph. Then, something totally unexpected happens and Rusty is forced to leave
    Dehra, his future uncertain …

    This volume of Rusty stories, the first in a series, traces Rusty’s development from early childhood to his early teens and is a riveting read for younger and older children alike.

  • Cricket for the Crocodile

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Ranji’s team finds an unexpected opponent-a nosy crocodile-when they play a cricket match against the village boys. Annoyed at the swarms of boys crowding the riverbank and the alarming cricket balls plopping around his place of rest, Nakoo the crocodile decides to take his revenge.

  • Rusty Runs Away (Rusty #3)

    Age Range: 9+ years

    In the five years of his life that this book traces, Rusty’s story is taken forward to his adolescent years. His world is turned topsy-turvy as many upheavals besiege him. After his father and grandmother pass away in quick succession, the twelve-year-old is left in the care of a guardian, Mr Harrison, in Dehra. But after a mysterious incident involving his stepfather and the gardener, he is sent away to boarding school. Restlessness compels him to run away from school, with an ambition to travel the world.
    But the plan fails, and he is soon back in Dehra, with his strict guardian. Rusty is now seventeen. He rebels and leaves home again, this time for good.

    Adventurous and thought-provoking, Rusty Runs Away is a book that children and young adults everywhere will enjoy.

  • The Hobbit: Film tie-in Edition

    The classic bestseller behind this year’s biggest movie, this film tie-in edition features the complete story of Bilbo Baggins’ adventures in Middle-earth as shown in the film trilogy, with a striking cover image from Peter Jackson’s film adaptation and drawings and maps by J.R.R. Tolkien.

    Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely travelling further than the pantry of his hobbit-hole in Bag End.

    But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard, Gandalf, and a company of thirteen dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day to whisk him away on an unexpected journey ‘there and back again’. They have a plot to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon…

    The prelude to The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit has sold many millions of copies since its publication in 1937, establishing itself as one of the most beloved and influential books of the twentieth century.

  • “IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH” The Grail Message

    The three-volume work “In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message” by Abd-ru-shin mediates the knowledge of the structure of creation, and its laws. On this basis it provides clear and comprehensible answers to the most important questions of life:

    • Where do I come from?
    • Who am I?
    • Where am I going?

    Gradually an all-encompassing picture of the entire creation unfolds before the reader of the “Grail Message”, and he recognizes the connections of cause and effect in world events in the past, present and future.

    The knowledge mediated in the “Grail Message” is also a valuable aid for self-help. For the knowledge of the connections allows us to find solutions to the big problems of our time, regardless of whether it is about issues concerning marriage and family, about psychic crises or fateful events.

  • Flags of the World (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 8+ years

    In this complete compendium of the world’s flags, each nation’s flag is paired with facts and tidbits of history. These flags provide a window into the histories, values, and cultures of countries around the world.

    Waving in the wind, a flag may not seem like a code. But hidden in the stripes, stars, suns, moons, and colors of the world’s flags are the keys to understanding different countries’ shared histories and cherished ideals.

    Flags do much more than identify countries and groups of people. In every color, pattern, and design, the citizens and governments of countries announce their allegiances and herald their history. If you know what to look for, a flag can reveal major insights into another country’s history and culture.


  • Ahwene Pa Nkasa: Standing with JDM

    Standing with JDM is quite clear in this title that it does not intend to undermine the former president’s image but to burnish it. What is not clear is whether it was written to coincide with the 2020 Election Year.
    It is in two parts, “The Homeland Briefs” and the “Diplomatic Briefs”. Independent of each other, they are held together by what the author calls the “Mahamarabilia” thread – a word he invented to describe his privileged proximity to the 4th president of the 4th Republic of Ghana.
    Part One has 42 chapters that highlight events like Dumsor, Gitmo 2, Montie 3, Cheating at Elections, Lying and Blaming it on Mahama, Destroying friends and Family and much, much more…It also has intellectual discourses on Traditional Governance and the Ballot Box, Kigali (dangers that could be awaiting Ghana in this Election Year), Ebola and Covid-19 and the history of Ghana’s “coodetas” in new lights that would surprise and reveal…
    Part Two, with 25 chapters, is devoted entirely to the author’s diplomatic service and reads sometimes like a coursebook on practical diplomacy and other times like a travelogue with intriguing insights. We come across his encounter with a sex change person (man to woman) and how his life was nearly cut short when his official car and ostrich crashed into each other on the highway from Windhoek to Gaborone. Part Two is so suffused with humour that it is difficult to tell whether he is pulling the reader’s leg or stating facts.
    Most of the chapters are illustrated with unique pictures that could stand on their own as stories. It is a beautifully designed book, well laid out reader-friendly. For the first time, a modern version of adinkra, called adinshia, has had a public airing in the book…
    Whatever your political persuasion is, your intellect will make you love this beautiful book on Mahama.

  • Working with Rawlings

    Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings burst on the Ghanaian political scene with a failed military mutiny on May 15th, 1979. On June 4th 1979, following a successful uprising staged by junior officers and other ranks of the Ghana Armed Forces, he emerged as the Chairman of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) which ruled Ghana for three months and handed over to a civilian constitutional government on 24th September 1979. On 31st December 1981, he overthrew the constitutional government and formed the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) as the Government of Ghana. He was elected a constitutional President in 1992 and assumed office as such on 7th January 1993. He served two terms as President of the Republic of Ghana, finally leaving office on 6th January 2001.

    Jerry John Rawlings is an enigma. It was a privilege working with him and being close to him. He and I went through many exciting experiences together. I have documented some of those experiences in this book. But there are many other experiences which I have not documented either because they belong to the realm of confidentiality or of privacy. What I have documented, however, is enough to give present and future leaders some ideas about governance at the highest levels; the dos and don’ts of governance; the skills required for governance and the importance of human relations as a leadership trait.

    This is not a book about Jerry John Rawlings. It is not a book about Kwamena Ahwoi. It is not a book about the PNDC. It is not a book about the NDC. It is a book about Kwamena Ahwoi working with Jerry John Rawlings; our working relationship; our ups and downs and our joint commitment to building a better Ghana than the one we found it. Somewhere along the line, we drifted apart. This book is about that as well. It is my hope that Ghana’s leaders of today and our leaders of the future will learn some lessons from my account of Working with Rawlings, leaving out the negatives and accentuating the positives.

  • It Happened in Ghana: A Historical Romance 1824-1971

    It Happened in Ghana carries a positive message. Conceived as a literary work, it demonstrates that racial prejudice based on skin colour is not a pervasive and unalterable human condition.

    The principal characters who are both Black and White are embroiled in various encounters, notably wars, slave trade, colonialism and post colonial reconstruction. Regardless of their skin colour and cultural differences, they make friends or fall in love secretly during these encounters. When they are forced to part company by the cessation of hostilities or whatever brought them together, they serve in various capacities in new locations outside their original places of domicile. They are accepted or integrated into existing social structures because of the warmth oftheir personalities and the manner in which they are able to adjust themselves to the pressures and challenges of new environments.

    Changes in the circumstances of the principal characters or their descendants enable them not only to restore broken relationships but also to identify themselves with the cause of freedom and justice or to reconnect in various ways with the development aspirations of Ghana where it all started.

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