• Language Guide (Kasem)

    Kasem is a tonal language and is generally spoken in musical tone. Therefore a tonal difference in Kasem may alter the meaning of a word.

    The third edition of this Language Guide has been revised and compiled to help a learner find out his or her way with minimum difficulty in the Kasem speaking area.

  • Ɛbɛlalekonle (Nzema)

    Ɛbɛlalekonle teaches good morals to all,especially the youth.The main character,Ɛbɛlalekonle, was adopted by a philanthropist after he had lost both parents.

    Despite the fatherly love and care he had from the philanthropist,he followed bad friends and got involved in a fatal lorry accident in a foreign county.Thanks to the media,his Foster father was able to trace him at his hospital bed.Having been discharged from the hospital he returned home with the foster parents.By God’s grace,he learnt a great lesson,went into farming as a profession and later became a very rich and respected person in society.

  • Bɛmaa Yɛdo Nwɔra: Book 2 (Nzema)

    This book  is a collection of four(4) illustrated folktales in Nzema

  • Bɛmaa Yɛdo Nwɔra: Book 3 (Nzema)

    This book  is a collection of four(4) illustrated folktales in Nzema

  • Bɛmaa Yɛdo Nwɔra: Book 1 (Nzema)

    This book  is a collection of four(4) illustrated folktales in Nzema

  • A Li Nɔ Nɛ Ba Puɔ Nɔ (Dangme)

    A Li Nɔ Nɛ Ba Puɔ Nɔ is a Dangme expression meaning no one knows his benefactor.

    The story is about a couple who went to settle in a neighbouring village to work. But, as if by design, they neither found life easier there.

    Not long after they had settled, the wife died of a very serious disease which was a taboo to the fetish of their host clan. How the widower was faced with the problems of pacifying the clan, and caring for their only child, forms the core of the novel.

    The eventual reward of his toils and sweat in educating this child did not, however, fail to materialise.

  • Total IMAGE, Total Makeover

    This book is about discovering and accomplishing your reason for being, your raison d’etre. Have you ever stopped for a moment to consciously think about these critical questions relating to your very existence:

    • Who you truly are
    • Where you have come from
    • Where you are going, and
    • How to get to your destination?

    In other words, have you considered the reason for your being, your life purpose beyond the routine of working so hard just to satisfy the basic needs of life? Surely, there’s more to life than just being alive. What are your life-long aspirations and what steps are you taking to achieve your aspirations and attain fulfilment and self-actualisation?

    Total IMAGE — Total Makeover is a must-have Life Skills and Personal Development Toolkit as you embark on this soul-searching pilgrimage from self-discovery to self-actualisation. This book equips you with tested biblical and scientifically-validated principles, skills and tools for self-introspection, to make the right choices and decisions and be that winner God created you to be.

  • The Reminder

    The Reminder is a compilation of common inspirational themes written in very different perspectives. It focuses on the practicality of these themes by drawing them from daily occurrences that we are likely to ignore. A book written in three parts: first part includes inspirations drawn out of the book of Esther, second part sheds light on the inspirations we’re likely to miss out on in our daily walk and finally, the third part is a collection of real success stories and testimonies of various people. Each chapter begins with a poem most of which were written by the author.

    A charity driven book. This means proceeds go to support charitable works of some charitable foundations.

    The Reminder

  • Koby’s Diaries: First Chronicles

    Koby’s Diaries: First Chronicles is a compilation of four short stories─ all with one main character, Koby Ansah, recounting various episodes of his life. The intriguing and suspenseful diary of this young man evokes some chilling memories that swing the reader from a world of excitement in one breath to a world of fear in another breath!

  • Seeing New Facets of the Diamond: Christianity as a Universal Faith – Essays in Honor of Kwame Bediako

    In the five years since Kwame Bediako passed away there has been a growing desire among colleagues and friends to put together a book that would honour his memory.

    The title has been chosen to reflect the range of interests and concerns that motivated Bediako’s scholarly work, including his founding and nurturing of ACI, originally named Akrofi-Christaller Memorial Centre for Mission Research and Applied Theology (ACMC), located at Akropong-Akuapem in Ghana. His vision was for the renewal of Christianity as a universal faith, not just in Africa, but also in the non-Western world generally, and with a long-term view to a renewal of the faith in the West. The image of facets of the diamond was his way of describing his vision of the unity-in-diversity that is the biblical mandate for the world church.

    Thus, Bediako’s interpretation of the African Christian story, to which he devoted so much of his time and energy – ‘the surprise story of the modern missionary movement’ – was always in relation to the wider Christian story, whether of earlier periods or of other contemporary settings around the world.

    This collection of essays has sought to achieve a good representation of mentors, colleagues and disciples from around the world. The contributions come from a variety of countries, theological disciplines and perspectives, and represent either a direct outworking of his vision and initiatives or a connection with them. Taken together, they demonstrate Bediako’s conviction that the theological creativity emerging in Africa is also for the benefit of the mission of the world church. All the essays key into the general theme from contributors’ own particular perspectives and areas of specialisation and capture something of the vision that inspired Kwame Bediako, which he shared, and the legacy he has bequeathed.

    In addition, they make a contribution to a deeper understanding of world Christianity in our time and provide pointers to the ongoing scholarly task in the service of the church in mission. For it is vital that we continue to see new facets of the diamond that is the universality of the Gospel, as lived and proclaimed through the world church.

  • The Dense Mistiness of the Ordinary

    In his first collection of poetry, Mo Issa reflects on the pains and joys he experienced while on his own journey of self-discovery to find his authentic voice.

    Throughout these thirty-three diverse poems, Mo delves into the emotions surrounding his sense of feeling confused and conflicted within the corporate world, his travels, his internal battle on choosing between materialism and fulfillment, his ideas and his philosophies about how to live more fully.

    The Dense Mistiness of the Ordinary shares a varied collection of poetry that highlights one man’s journey through life as he listens to his heart and intuition to find himself and his purpose.

    Mo Issa is an entrepreneur, certified business and life success coach, and born-again writer who recognizes that he is a spiritual being having an earthly human experience. He lives with his wife, son and daughter in Ghana. The Dense Mistiness of the Ordinary is his first book of poetry.

  • Ayeyi – Praises: A Celebration of Life

    This book looks at various professions in the world from the oldest profession — prostitution — to others such as journalists, lawyers, politicians, and many others, their strengths and weaknesses and their contribution to society.

  • Daily Fix Workbook

    Just what you need to run your day like a legend, maximising opportunities and eliminating distractions. Exude productivity par excellence.

  • Power of One

    How do you navigate the terrain of goal setting and execution? In Power of One, you will be challenged to be decisive about the ONE thing you want the world to know, to remember you for and its ripple effect.

    Power of One

  • Red

    Red is a collection of love notes that will inspire ambition, provoke greatness and ignite romance.



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