• The Phone Call (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    God is perhaps just a phone call away! Before the invention of the telephone, talking to people in faraway places was difficult. Now, we can talk to our friends and family from wherever we are. What would you do if you received a phone call from God? That’s the situation the child in this story finds her/himself in one day. The idea of God being just a phone call away is what makes this story so exciting.

    Kofi Anyidoho uses the magic of the telephone to give us a story about a child’s curious but lively chatter with God. And the beautiful illustrations by Sela Adjei help to make the story delightful and unforgettable. This book is perhaps most suitable for 7-9 year-olds, but older children and even teenagers and adults will also enjoy reading it because the story reminds us of unanswered questions of our childhood some of which remain with us for the rest of our life. Anyidoho himself once reminded us that “There is a Child in Every Adult and an Adult in Every Child”. With The Phone Call, Kofi Anyidoho, the well-known poet and author of Akpokplo (a play for children written in Ewe and in English), has made a significant contribution to literature for children in Ghana and Africa.

  • Abla Poku – La Reine Baoulé (Hardcover, French)

    Age Range: 7 – 10 years

    Ce livre illustré d’enfants illustre l’histoire d’Abena Poku. Il était une fois, un royaume puissant dans la partie centrale de l’ancien Ghana connu sous le nom de Royaume d’Asante. Il avait un roi puissant connu sous le nom Otumfuo Osei Tutu I, l’Asantehene. Osei Tutu J’ai eu une nièce appelée Abena Poku. Après quelques troubles Abena Poku et son peuple s’installèrent dans la région entre les rivières Comoe et Bandama dans la partie orientale de la Côte d’Ivoire et fondèrent un royaume avec Abena Poku comme première reine. Son royaume est devenu le royaume de Baoulé. Abena Poku a ainsi fondé une dynastie qui a survécu à ce jour.

  • Kwajo and the Brassman’s Secret – A Tale of Old Ashanti Wisdom and Gold

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Kwajo’s father makes traditional small figures. One day, he makes him a little brass drummer who comes alive and transforms Kwajo into a land of proverbs and riddles. It is a land where the figures represent money, and the people are citizens in a powerful kingdom. Kwajo is tempted by riches but must first decode a series of riddles and symbols. He falls at the last test, but nonetheless learns an important lesson.

    The Brassman’s Secret won The Noma Award for Publishing in Africa 1982. It has become one of the most important children’s books in Africa, and has been translated into several foreign languages. This is a new edition appearing for the first time with full colour-illustrations.

  • Faceless

    Street life in the slums of Accra is realistically portrayed in this socially-commited, subtle novel about four educated women who are inspired by the plight of a 14-year old girl, Fofo. As the main characters convert their library center into a practical street initiative, the novel invokes the squalor, health risks, and vicious cycles of poverty and violence that drive children to the streets and women to prostitution; and, from which, ultimately, no one in the society is free.


  • It Happened in Ghana: A Historical Romance 1824-1971

    It Happened in Ghana carries a positive message. Conceived as a literary work, it demonstrates that racial prejudice based on skin colour is not a pervasive and unalterable human condition.

    The principal characters who are both Black and White are embroiled in various encounters, notably wars, slave trade, colonialism and post colonial reconstruction. Regardless of their skin colour and cultural differences, they make friends or fall in love secretly during these encounters. When they are forced to part company by the cessation of hostilities or whatever brought them together, they serve in various capacities in new locations outside their original places of domicile. They are accepted or integrated into existing social structures because of the warmth oftheir personalities and the manner in which they are able to adjust themselves to the pressures and challenges of new environments.

    Changes in the circumstances of the principal characters or their descendants enable them not only to restore broken relationships but also to identify themselves with the cause of freedom and justice or to reconnect in various ways with the development aspirations of Ghana where it all started.

  • They Came From Ghana: The Two Worlds of Kwame and Kwabena Boaten

    In this historical novel of 19th century Gold Coast, two young Ashanti boys are introduced to the unfamiliar but fascinating world of the white man. Kwame and Kwabena Boaten are eager to learn the ways of their mentors, Tedlie and Bowdich, to become doctor and administrator respectively so they can come back and help their own people. Despite the curtailment of their government sponsorship in London, they get benefactors to help them continue their education. They however have to contend with racism and bullying from Hardwick as well as inordinate hatred from Dupuis, Under-Secretary and later His majesty’s Envoy to the Guinea Coast (whose machinations dog them all their lives). How do they survive? Kwabena reminds Kwame, ‘If they attack us – we can bear rough handling. [But] they cannot break our spirit; we are Ashanti remember; and afterwards we shall carefully plan our revenge.’ Do they succeed in the face of all the odds?

    Noel Smith effortlessly weaves a brilliant tale of sheer determination, ambition, intrigue, love and altruism, through the treacherous terrain of the slave trade, missionary activities and disease ridden expeditions, and historical insight.

  • Journey

    ‘Journey is an absorbing exploration of reality in contemporary Ghana, juxtaposing tradition and modernity, wise old age and frivolous youth, north and south, male and female…as a first novel, it is also valuable as it uses a northern Ghanaian setting.’ – Kari Dako, Author, translator and lecturer, Department of English, University of Ghana.


  • My Nightmare

    2018 CODE Burt Award for African Young Adult Literature Finalist
    “As the taxi drove past shacks, shops and buildings; past familiar homes and friends’ stores; past the salon where I was learning to become a hairdresser; past the spot where I sold waakye with Ima; more tears rolled down my cheeks. Zongo was a slum and was notorious for its filth, criminality, and deprivation; yet, this was where i was born. This was home for me. This was where most of my friends were. Whereas people in other parts of Accra saw filth and degeneration in Zongo, I saw love, hope, and beauty. I knew all the good people in Zongo and they were more than the ‘bad’ people I knew. I knew the honest hardworking people in Zongo, many of whom moved from the North to the South in order to build good lives for their children. People like Baba and Ima who left their birth place to come to the South so that their own children would have a good future. Where others saw Zongo as a den of thieves, I saw it as a safe haven. Nobody in this world could man handle me as long as I remained within the safety of its womb.”

    My Nightmare

  • The Herd Boy

    Malusi is a herd boy who tends to his grandfather’s sheep and goats among the mountains of the Transkei. High above, eagles fly while on the ground below, beetles crawl, termites scurry and dust flies as Malusi plays games of stick-fighting with his friend. But there’s danger too…

    Can Malusi save his lambs from the hungry baboon who’s stalking the flock?

    And who is the old man in the shiny car who stops to chat, and encourages the herd boy in his dream of being President?

    This beautiful picture book is about a boy who dares to dream of a big future. It is a story of empowerment, self-belief and leadership, and is inspired by the life of former president Nelson Mandela.

    The Herd Boy


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