• The Triangle

    Poor Ackarm seems to have been born on the wrong side of fate. Pawned at a tender age due to his parent’s inability to repay a money-lender, Ackarm finds himself in the wicked hands of destiny.
    In that evil society, a pawn is the property of his owner. Thus, Ackarm has to endure all sorts of bad treatment meted out to him until a kind man bails him out of his predicament. But like falling from the frying pan into the fire, Ackarm once again finds himself in a wicked web of the Triangle. Something must intervene, or the poor boy’s blood will be shed. In this haunting tale of evil, the ills of the modern day Sakawa networks are revealed.

    The Triangle

  • The Fisher Boy

    Kwaku, always vague about his unusual past, opens up about his beginnings as an orphan and fishing slave that overcomes those difficult circumstances.
    In his life, he encountered the most evil in people but also the good. His indomitable spirit and faith in the Supreme Being allowed him to achieve the impossible. You will experience despair, anger, joy, and inspiration through Kwaku’s story.

    The Fisher Boy

  • Mornings by the Rails

    A young girl desperately waits for her father to come back from work. No one knows where her father is, but there are rumours that he may never return. When a strange disease plagues their village, this young girl loses her mother and all her siblings to the pangs of death. The hope that her father may come back for her keeps her going until she realises that she herself has the fatal disease. She eagerly waits for him by the side of the rails, still hoping to see him one last time. Mornings by the Rails is only one story out of this interesting and thought-provoking collection of short stories. These stories inspire intriguing lessons that will open your mind to a world of awareness coupled with some vital principles for everyday life.

  • Excess Baggage

    Her mother’s desire to escape the poverty trap means Ablokyiyoe must travel with a human trafficker to La Cote d’Ivoire. At first Ablokyiyoe resists, but a fiasco marriage finally forces her to yield. Ablokyiyoe finds herself in La Cote d’lvoire where she is compelled to engage in an illicit trade.
    The plot of her jealous mistress leads Ablokyiyoe into the house of a murderer. After her miraculous escape, Ablokyiyoe decides to come back to Ghana, her beloved country for good.
    When events don’t go as planned, Ablokyiyoe has to find a way out. Will she be forced to go back to her tormented lifestyle in La Cote d’Ivoire?

    Excess Baggage

  • God Bless Our Homeland Ghana: Understanding, Appreciating and Living by the Principles of Our National Anthem

    The school prefect stood straight before his mates and gave a simple command. At once, like the eruption of thunder, the students began to sing: God Bless Our Homeland Ghana … and they sang it religiously.

    This ritual is repeated throughout the country routinely-in schools, at conferences, on soccer pitches, at durbars, on radio and television, and even as caller-tunes. But what does the national anthem really mean? What role does it play on our national psyche?

    The author shows how relevant the national anthem is to us. He believes that it evokes patriotism and fellow-feeling, but it also tests our words and actions.

    In his down-to-earth manner of writing, the author invites you to journey with him along the poetic phrases and lines of all three stanzas of the Ghana National Anthem. Enjoy this literary-style exposition and commentary, the hidden meanings and implications of the anthem, and their links to certain sacred songs of the land such as the national pledge.

  • A Bird on the Rose

    “A child must attempt to break a snail, not a tortoise,” the elders have advised. But when Kofi Abbam and Rose Mana meet in inter-schools athletics’ competition, they are eager to defy tradition.

    At a very tender age, and still in school with no means of subsistence, they decide to break a tortoise instead of a snail by engaging in an illicit affair. They drop out of school and get married, and as their children start arriving, their woes keep piling. Lack of subsistence causes these star-crossed lovers to engage in constant fights.

    When Mana can endure it no more, she leaves the marriage with her children and refuses to come back home. Abbam who can’t endure the separation for a long time decides that both of them deserve to live no more.

  • Joy Comes in the Morning

    Coping with the loss of a loved one can be devastating. In this authentic account, the author describes the various stages in dealing with the loss of a loved one. In addition, she addresses countless trials that are bound to take place during the period of loss, the highs and lows of grieving and how to start the process of healing.

    Her encounter with people from all walks of life going through the same ordeal encompassed with her personal experience ignited the flame within her to share her story and her journey.

    You don’t have to languish in uncertainty. You can shake off the dust and move on to accomplish your life’s purpose and set goals. You will be energized to move on, and chart a new future through the darkness and uncertainties until you finally wake up to the truest, purest joy that comes in the morning which only God can give.

  • Living with Purpose – HillTop Perspectives

    This book provides strategies for letting go of unfavourable self-perceptions in order to live a life with purpose. It will force you to ask yourself serious questions that go to the core of your being.

    It brings to the fore the essence of purposeful living and draws attention to all stages of life for any person who desires to have a fulfilling life.

    Living with Purpose is a breath of fresh air blowing from the author’s perch on the hill. He encourages the reader that living a meaningful life is possible, but only when you know your purpose in life.

  • Timeless Wisdom from the HillTop

    In this fascinating book, the author shares with the reader nuggets for daily living which will enrich the reader and leave him or her wiser. You may not be able to conquer the world but you may apply these nuggets to conquer challenges one day at a time.
    Nothing in this book is shallow.

    Every story shared is real and the Author’s style of writing brings the experiences close to his readers. The book teaches us to take advantage of all situations be they good or bad. This is a radically personal, honestly engaging and spiritually illuminating book.

  • Conversations from the HillTop

    Conversations from the HillTop sets out to educate, guide, advise and encourage both the young and the not so young, about getting wisdom and understanding, using real life experiences and lessons. All things are possible if we set our minds to it.

    The Author gives very useful points aimed at imbibing discipline, perseverance, a sense of destiny and the fear of God into positively impacting others and our communities. This book is a blueprint for success in all facets of life.
    The simplicity of language used makes reading very interesting while giving the reader that sense of belonging.

  • Counsels from the HillTop

    The statement, “What they don’t teach at Harvard Business School,” has been so used to describe and enhance most life learning experiences that it has almost become a cliché, but this book does, indeed, delve into areas that the most prestigious of universities would not open to you.
    From daily vitamins in minute doses, with biblical coatings in all walks of life like finances, walking, reading, singing, the Author seeks to reproduce more Solomons of our time and the future.
    This book deals with aspects of life that affect every single soul, regardless of social condition, gender, race, colour, nationality or religion.

  • In Times Like These (Hardcover)

    In times of trouble and crisis, in looking for answers, we clutch at things that will give us some form of hope.

    In 2020, COVID-19 struck and with it came the psychological, social and financial strains.

    This inspirational book is filled with powerful, encouraging messages that address topics such as: repentance, trust, prayer, worship, giving, thanksgiving, pain, sorrow, anxiety, peace, joy as well as fear arising from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

    The messages will help you to remain hopeful and cling to God in the challenging times.

  • Golden Footprints: Memoirs of an African Development Worker

    This book is a biography within a biography; it is about the author’s life lived in the northern part of Ghana in the peculiarities of the undocumented socio-cultural uniqueness of the region. It mirrors the hard road the author and many first-generation literates of his generation have travelled in building their lives in significant ways to impact society. A major part of the book is dedicated to a narrative of the experiences of the author while working for the NGO community across the African continent. It documents the challenges these organisations faced in various countries where they facilitated development and outlines how the interventions of NGOs have benefited rural populations. It is fodder for intellectual consumption, literature for academic discourse and more information for development students and practitioners. The book documents indigenous knowledge that has hitherto been left to oral tradition and ignored in the Ghanaian education system. Finally, the book demonstrates the divine hand of the Almighty God in the life of the author as one reads through breath-taking moments of divine interventions that otherwise could have ended his life and career. All these are narrated to provide the suspense normally found in fiction books.

  • Bookset: Work People Do (13 books)

    Work People Do is a series of story books for children. They all tell interesting ways people do their work.

    This bookset contains 13 books, with the following titles:

    • The Farmer
    • The Police
    • The Nurse
    • The Journalist
    • The Dressmaker
    • The Trader
    • The Roaster
    • The Caterer
    • The Book Publisher
    • The Carpenter
    • The Mason
    • The Teacher
    • The Pastor

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