Tristan Canfor-Dumas is a young African entrepreneur and leader. His mission is to encourage and inspire the African youth to empower their lives by being brave to empower their minds. He is also the host of the EMPOWER podcast where he furthers his mission and vision by having ground-breaking, thought provoking conversations with several titans in the youth development space.

  • ELEVATE: 5 Principles to Unlock the Champion Within

    In a world where the journey to self-discovery often feels overwhelming, the echoes of failure, confusion, and lost of direction resound. This book, ELEVATE: Unlock the Champion Within, offers a transformative path designed to unearth the champion within you.

    Whether you’re a teenager stepping into the vastness of possibility or an adult revisiting the dreams you’ve shelved, this book offers both the challenge and the roadmap to help elevate your life. Through a dynamic blend of personal stories and spiritual insights, I share five foundational principles that have shaped my journey from a young student who has lived across continents and cultures to a respected student leader and social media influencer residing in Ghana, West Africa.

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