• My Life in Law and Politics: Memoirs & Biography of B.J. da Rocha

    This book chronicles the life of B.J. da Rocha as a lawyer and politician. B. J., as he was popularly known, was a legal luminary and politician extraordinaire. Born on May 16th 1927, he devoted the entire course of his professional life to entrenching the rule of law, development of legal education, and in the defence of human rights till his death on the 23rd of February 2010.

    He was noted for forthrightness, integrity and principled stance on issues on the rule of law and national development.

    He played various prominent roles in Law and Politics as a lawyer, director of legal education, law lecturer and first Chairman of the New Patriotic Party.

    This account is related by B.J. himself in Part 1, followed by an Epilogue based on interviews B.J. conducted with Mr. Dei, a student of history, for his dissertation.

    This book is an exciting read for students of political history in Ghana and is an insightful commentary on Ghana’s chequered political history.

    “Here was a man, when comes such another” — Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

  • Proceedings of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (Volume XXXVI, 1997 – Land as a Resource for Development)

    Proceedings, 1997.


    Intellectual Agenda for Coping with Social Reality — J.H. Kwabena Nketia

    Security of Title to Land in Ghana — Enoch D. Kom

    Land Utilization for Development: Constraints and Suggested Solutions — B.J. da Rocha

    The Institutional Capacity for Land Utilization for Development: Constraints and Suggested Solutions — Seth Opuni Mensah

    Land Resource Management for Agricultural Development — Kasim Kasanga

    Land Resource Management for Human Settlement and Industrial Development — Paul W.K. Yankson

    Land as Capital — P.A. Koranchie and M. Owusu-Ansah

    Religion and National Identity: Assessing the Discussion from Cicero to Danquah — Kwame Bediako

    Efficient Utilization of the Vertic Soils of the Accra-Plains: Prospects, Constraints and Way Forward — Yaw Ahenkora

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